Thursday, October 11, 2012

Random Photos Part One

Three parts today. Kelly Clarkson kicks off her European tour in Dublin.

Patrick Swayze's widow Lisa Niemi goes out in public with her new boyfriend.
Just like any other travelers with kids, Maggie Gyllenhaal and Peter Saarsgard look exhausted.
Also spending time with the kids was Liev Schreiber who taught his son to hang upside down.
I'm not sure about this whole RoboCop remake.
Stacy Keibler had to make her own plans because George Clooney made his own plans and they didn't include her.
And three weeks after giving birth, Sarah Michelle Gellar has lost all her baby weight.
Vincent Kartheiser and Alexis Bledel hit the red carpet together. First time I think as a couple.
Will Smith in a 1989 mug shot.


Sylvia said...

Kelly looks like she gained some weight...

Lisa Niemi how long has it been that Patrick passed away before hooking up with a new guy???

Don't know if I will go watch the new RoboCop. Too many remakes which some should just be left alone as they are.

Don't know who Vincent or Alexis are.

Will Smith not so squeaky clean...

CamColty said...

Kelly's actually looking slimmer I think. And holy hell SMG looks good

MBK said...

Alexis was also on Mad Men for a couple of episodes this past season as one of Pete Campbell's flings : )

Audrey said...

OT - Check this out from Jezebel about the NFL and breast cancer:

OneGirlRevolution said...

Sylvia, I think 3 years maybe? said...

I always liked Kelly Clarkson.

I wonder if Maggie is as horrible a person as people say she is... does anybody know?

Love Stacey's clutch but the rest of her blends in with the background!

Alexis Bledel is so cute!

The Will Smith mug shot was very unexpected...

a non a miss said...

Kelly and her band are big GOT fans and she met the actor who plays Hodor. He posted some pictures of them on twitter. She looks so tiny compared to him!

Anonymous said...

Stacy better off without Clooney.

Roman Holiday said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
seaward said...

Omg Liev's kid is toooooooo cuuuute! But he looks a lot like my little guy, so maybe I'm biased.

SMG looks really good! I want a picture of the bb.

AKM said...

Lisa Niemi deserves to be happy now. I hesitate to speak for the departed Mr. Swayze, but I'd like to think that he would feel the same way.

I like Maggie G. and I don't get all of the hate or the Maggie-is-ugly crap. LOVED her in AWAY WE GO. I just hope she's nothing like that character, hee hee.

Amartel said...

Fresh Prince apparently got in more than one little fight before his mom got scared and said you move in with your auntie and uncle in Bel Air.

(Smell ya later!)

Amartel said...

And, of course, more Clooney wish fulfillment. Not a day goes by without it.

Still not going to make it happen for you Mr. Online Salacious Gossip Implication By Photo Guy. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

@Roman- I agree.

Jaden Smith gets his stupid smug grin from his father.

I also think over 3 years is a reasonable time to find a companion of the opposite sex. Natasha Richardson has been around the same length of time and I don't remember anyone making a big deal of Liam's girlfriend.

Cryscee said...

Saw Kelly in concert with The Fray and Carolina Liar. She was awwwwwesome!! and she does look like she has lost weight. At least since Mr. Know It All came out.

Erin B said...

Vincent Kartheiser plays slimy Pete Campbell so well. I remember reading where he said sometimes it affects him meeting women. I like him with Alexis!

Alex said...

So i hated the pete and alexis character match-up on mad men, but as far as irl goes, i love them as a couple!!!!

katsm0711 said...

Kelly looks a size or two bigger than your average pop singer. I just realized that her not being pencil thin makes me take her music more seriously. Not only that but my middle school music teacher sang opera and she explained that opera singers sound better with a heavier midsection. Maybe that's subconsciously why I take heavier pop singers more seriously? Anyone else? I just think of Aretha.

B said...

I love Kelly and was hoping not to see any negative comments about her weight. I'm glad there weren't really any. But why comment on her weight at all? She's an incredible singer/performer.

Now I have to go to The Smoking Gun to see what Will did...

Ashlea said...

AMEN Roman. I lost all my baby weight plus some. Between breast feeding being up all night, pacing the house a million times to soothe my baby and not eating it wasn't very hard.

Reese said...

Good for Lisa Niemi; I hope she's very happy. She certainly deserves to be.

Unknown said...

I gained 50 pounds when pregnant and had lost all of my weight by the third week without doing anything. Not dieting, not exercising, nothing. It just came off. Quit acting like these women are doing something nefarious just because they lose baby weight after HAVING A BABY. Sheesh.

Anna V. Xol said...

I loved her in Secretary! Never heard she was mean or anything. I hope not. :/

Unknown said...

Oh, and who ever was shameing/judging Swayze's widow, you're an asshole. He's been dead over 3 years. I think she's passed the appropriate mourning period, not that she needed your fucking permission.

Mama June said...

Kelly is great, love her music!

Aw, good for Lisa Niemi. I cant imagine being a widow, especially after being with someone for 30+ years.

I'm a little mortified that Maggie is holding that handrail, but I'll giver her a pass since she's got a baby on her chest. ;)

Can't wait to catch up on Mad Men, hurry up Netflix.

Anna V. Xol said...

Really? That is very interesting. She sure has a hell of a voice. It just seems like there is more substance to her music. "Addicted" is the song of hers constantly playing here.

crila16 said...

Is Alexis the answer to the BV? I haven't heard her name in a while, and she's was one of the guesses, then Enty posts a pic. I wonder...

Anonymous said...

OMG....THE Media needs to chill with the baby weight loss scrutiny. Sooooooo, uncool.

KPeony said...

Stacey is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Are those breasts I c on Lisa n. date? Ewwwww.....

Robin the Mad Photographer said...

Was Mad Men how Vincent & Alexis first met? Either way, they're an awfully cute couple, although I can definitely see how playing a slimeball could be bad for one's romantic prospects. ;-)

Somelacey said...

Aww cute couple indeed! He looks so different IRl is that possible?! Massive Mad men geek here.

Gtzisshe said...

Lordy. people are so snarky today.

Sunny said...

Someone asked yesterday if Stacy K (gorgeous!) did something to her face. She looks different to me too, but could it be something as simple as lowlights? I gotsta know!

BFSkinnerchick said...

Whoa, The Secretary was seriously twisted...

eris hilton said...

LOL even in his mug shot will smith doesn't look hard.

Me2 said...

i have to comment on lisa niemi (spelling) patrick swayze's widow. I do not know THEIR relationship but I know my parents were married nearly 40 years, and both had agreement that if something happened to one of them that they would get remarried whenever they found someone to love and wouldn't hesitate no matter what the time frame was after the death.

Patrick & Lisa had time to talk, & plan when he got sick I would suspect he gave her his blessing. he seemed like that kind of guy.


g.strathmore said...

I have such a crush on Liev Schrieber. I really hope he's not a douche. He's so hot.

lakeuniongirl said...

Peter looks exhausted, but Maggie looks great. BTW, what's wrong with holding the handrail on an escalator?

Alexis and Vincent are adorable together.

Roman Holiday said...

@ Amartel, your Clooney comment was very eloquent:)

I absolutely love Liev Schriber, he is so hot in a brooding kind of way! Hubba, Hubba:)

Brenda L said...

If Stacey isn't good enough for the likes of Clooney, I'd like to see who he thinks is better. He might be an A+++ movie star, but I still think he should be thankful that he can land a girlfriend like that. She's gorgeous, she certainly seems friendly, she's in great shape, obviously doesn't mind whatever his quirks are. He'll marry her if he's smart.

Della said...

I always wondered why Patrick and Lisa didn't have kids. Seems like so long to be married and not have kids. Don't know why but that is always my first thought about their marriage. I wish her all the luck. She seemed so heart broken when he passed away.

Marcie S. Wogan said...

g.strathmore, he cheats on her. Great actor though. Della,I think she was not able, they did want kids. I am crazy for Kelly Clarkson, she is such a great singer, as always; M

Amanda said...

I saw Alexis bledel at some party in NYC a few ears ago and she is absolutely beautiful in person.

All about Eve said...

Wasn't Alexis dating the guy from Arrested Development? I like her better with Vincent even if I totally hate him on Mad Men!

Good for Lisa N. I hope she's found peace and love again.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen a picture of Alexis Bledel since Gilmore Girls went off the air, and I have to say, now that she's slightly older (I think she's about 30 now?), it amazes me how much she looks like Lauren Graham. It was really inspired casting on their part, I think it helped sell the show as being more believable. It's actually a little weird for me to think about her having a mother IRL who isn't Lauren Graham!

Also, she is very beautiful.

Mango said...

I think Kelly looks just fine but odds are that she will be the next celeb to jump the Weight Watchers/Nutrisystem/Jenny Craig spokesperson train.

Melinda9 said...

OT - I never understand why people make a big deal about 'slimy' Pete Campbell, but never call DDraper slimy, although if I recall correctly he's done worse things.

Shallow Gal said...

Oh good for Lisa. Patrick was her entire life...they didn't have children together and he was all she had. It is really nice to see her happy. Alexis B. and Vince K...a couple in real life? Wow well they seemed to have some real chemistry on Mad Men, interesting it led to something.

YourNameHere said...

@Dagny I always said the same thing about the casting of Jonathan Taylor Thomas as Tim Allen's son on Home Improvement. He could easily have passed as his son IRL.

g.strathmore said...

Oh, no, M! That bums me out so much. Are there any ruggedly hot guys in Hollywood who DON'T cheat?


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