Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Random Photos Part Four

When Bill Murray crashes your kick ball game and you take a photo, it gets the top spot.
Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner in Paris.
Brooke Shields does her usual bend down, this time for Anderson Cooper.
Cameron Diaz working out.
Ciara in NYC.
Catherine Zeta Jones in NYC.
Courtney Love is going on two months sober. Here she is with Stevie Nicks.
Apolo Ohno getting ready for Dancing With The Stars.
Bristol Palin after her rehearsal.


  1. Go Courtney! Lot of holiday parties coming up though...that's gonna be rough...

  2. I'm 2 years sober this month. Good for Courtney! Hope it continues!

    1. Congratulations and best wishes!

    2. Congrats Robot! Im 5 months sober since yesterday!

    3. Congrats to you both!

    4. Congrats to you both!

    5. Thanks y'all! Rejected, that's great! I'm proud of you! :D Congrats!

  3. Hope courtney makes it too. I cant even imagine the damage she has done to her body. Love love love ciara's outfit. Czj's things are like pencil thin.

  4. Congrats Robot!

    I can't help but pull for Courtney Love. I recently watched the documentary "Hit So Hard" about her drummer from Hole, Patty Schemel. There was a lot of candid home video of Kurt and Courtney and Frances Bean. It was sweet.

    I would like to be ripped like Apolo Ohno for just like a month to see what it is like.

  5. Also - Brooke Shields looks amazing; and when did Cameron Diaz get bolt-ons?

  6. Good for Courtney! The first year is the hardest.

    I no longer recognize Bristol after the surgery and the weight loss. She looks good on one hand, on the other, is that really the goal of plastic surgery? She was cute before. Now she just kind of blends into the crowd.

  7. Lucas, I think Cameron got them for A-Rod.

  8. @Lucas Didn't she get them for ARod?

  9. Damn Apolo, I didn't know you had a body like THAT.

  10. More like Apollo OhYES! Amirite???

  11. Ah. I don't pay the least bit of attention to her so I missed it. I don't find her attractive or talented.

  12. Looking at Vista, all I can think is... Stop! Hammer-time! She's cute but the pants seem ridiculous.

    Love looks so good here--glowing and normal. No wonky eyes. She could be one of my mom's friends.

    1. Ciara, not Vista. I changed that twice. Sorry.

  13. The theme for these pictures is wearing all black and why didn't enty give a closeup of ciara's cock eyed nipples.

  14. That A-hole A-Rod got both Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson to get boob jobs. Ugh.

  15. Just what I was gonna say, Courtney looks great! Really hope she makes it.

    The Palins have become such a pathetic joke. Desperate for the fame game. Sarah with her "natural" weight loss, and Bristol keeps trying to be a reality celebrity. Why are they giving her jobs?

  16. I would love to run with headphones but the cars around here can be a little dangerous. And running with two dogs I like to hear when a car is coming, so I stop first in case they are not paying attention. With designated trails it is so much easier! But in the city I won't chance it.

  17. I have always rooted for Courtney. LOVE Hole. Just watched MAN ON THE MOON again last night, too. Stevie would be a good sponsor-type mentor for her to hang with, so good on both of them.

  18. Congrats to Carebear and Robot. You girls are incredible, and I'm proud of both of you xo

    Smash - when I run with my kids in the stroller, I leave one headphone out so I still have my tunes but I can hear if they ask me something or a car coming up behind me

    Whoa Bristol. I thought that was Kim K. Do with that what you will

    Ciara looks so stinkin cute. Granted I would look a fool in that getup, but she is working it and I love her hair tied up like that (and the color)

  19. Affleck is looking GOOOOOD these days.

    Love Cammie's arms and legs....

  20. Hang in there, Courtney--you can do it! Keep it up, and I'll FedEx you a batch of brownies on your 1-year sober anniversary, OK? (Hey, she liked 'em nearly 20 years ago when I brought her a batch... :-)

  21. Brooke Shields looks great. I saw her in person about 8 years ago. She had no makeup on and she was stunning. And she definitely looked like she was 6' tall. Why does she have to crouch down? She is taller than most people, men or women. She should be proud of her height.

  22. Brook Shields is such a kiss-ass. I still remember her fight with Gay Cruise then she backs out since she got invited for his wedding.

  23. Wait, you mean all this time when Courtney said she was sober, she really wasn't? Shocking.

  24. Courtney's sobriety, like that of many others, has been off-and-on for years. It has seemed with her erratic behavior in the last few that she has definitely not been clean and sober.

    She's working her program TODAY. I say good for her.

  25. Dear CZJ: gaunt is not a good look for old ladies.

    Just sayin'.

  26. I gotta say it. Ben Affleck is looking fine. Not sure what he's been doing, but it's working.

  27. People DO NOT NOT NOT ever run with anything blocking your hearing. I worked in a rehab hospital many years ago. One of our patients was a resident at a major university hospital. He went running wearing a walkman, we never found out if he ran into the semi or the semi ran into him. His family kept asking when would he be a doctor again. The therapists could not get across to them that if he could eventually feed and dress himself that would be a major accomplishment.

  28. Stevie Nicks looks amazing! Younger than CLove, although that is so hard.

  29. Bristol Palin, famous for a creepy mom and a teenage pregnancy. can she just go away !?!?!?!??!!?

  30. For details on the wonderment of Anderson Cooper, not cheated on by boyfriend Ben, but rival to Thomas Roberts
    google formercriminalprosecutor
    Thomas Roberts has a secret
    No ads, juicy things that are true, not available anywhere else
    As always ; M
    P.S. Root for Courtney, she is a mess, got a lot of bad blows, no pun intended

  31. CZJ is under a great deal of strain due to never ending hassles created by the former Mrs. Douglas, Diandra Luker, who is so unbearable that she makes The Goopster seem nice by comparison.
    Details in George Clooney All The Time. That 5 day stay at Silverhill was because she started drinking, not bi-polar, had to dry out.Google formercriminalprosecutor
    As Always ; M

  32. There is going to be a whole generation of kids that look nothing like their surgically altered parents.

    Wow--Courtney Love and Stevie Nicks separated at birth or what? Both their complexions look fantastic!

  33. Way to go, robot and care bear, rooting for both of you!

  34. I keep seeing that idiot "formercriminalprosecuter" (as if) blog promoted everywhere. It's just some hausfrau's delusional and inarticulate ramblings.

  35. Apolo.... arms.... wow.

    @Unknown - yeah... don't get it.

  36. Apolo Ohno was my fave when he was in it the first time, and it was so funny how whatshername (Ryan Seacrest's beard) was his partner and then an engaged-to-be-married active Mormon, was trying so hard to hit on him. I saw an interview where he said "she's not my type." She sure ditched her religion in a blink. Good call, Apolo.

    I knew he had legs like tree trunks but those arms?? Who knew? (oh, and in that

  37. I doubt y'all see this, but I wanted to pop back in and congratulate the newly sober CDANers. I am so proud of you. Trust me, the first year is the worst. If you can make it through the first year - and you can! - then you can make it! I have 16 years now, so I know. :))

  38. Bill Murray = awesome

  39. Oh how I love Stevie Nicks...

  40. CiError & CZJ, WTF are you wearing girls?
