Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Oprah's Dad's Divorce Trial

Oprah's dad is back in the news again and just like always it is never very positive. He and his third wife are in the midst of getting divorced and in court this week, Oprah's step mother said that Oprah's dad beat her and cheated on her and gets $25K every three months from Oprah. You know, that is pretty nice of Oprah. It sure beats the $282 he says that he makes every month from his job. How do you make just $282 at a job? I guess he is just working 10 hours a week? Well, he is 79. Oprah's dad says his wife cheated too and that he does not remember chasing her around the house while waving a gun. Oprah's step mother also says that Oprah had her kicked out of the marital home which is valued at $1.5M.


  1. Wow!! Oprah can't EVER say that's not her dad!! She looks JUST LIKE HIM!! And that's NOT A GOOD THING:-(

  2. I'm not sure, because I'm not a fan of Oprah's, but isn't she supposed to be a primo feminist? Does she ignore her father's transgressions?

  3. I thought he didn't play much of a part in her life growing up...if she's taking care money wise that's nice of her....
    and tell wife #3 to stick it, what did she expect.

  4. She live with him as a teenager iirc. Her mom is the one that was name dropping Oprah at clothing stores and not paying the bill

  5. She credits her dad as the one who straighted her out during her teen years. He never has asked anything from her and she feels obligated to take care of her parents.

    Oprah won't take this woman coming after her generosity towards her dad. Not one bit.

  6. well, if Oprah is giving her elderly father some spending money and a house to live in and the step-mother is breaking up with him, duh! what do expect? You gots to go! You aren't staying in the house, and it's in her name, so you ain't getting halfsies.

  7. jesus, these people are in their 70's, and still acting like teenagers! For christsake, get a hold of yourselves!! Its none of the step mothers business how much he gets or from where. bow out gracefully.

  8. What auntliddy said...

    What's she want? An allowance from Oprah too??

  9. Vernon Winfrey is the only dad that Oprah ever knew, but he's not her biological father.

    I can see Mr. Winfrey only making that little per month as a barber who probably works very minimal hours at his age.
