Wednesday, October 17, 2012

OJ Simpson Selling Nicole Brown Simpson Murder Knife

According to The National Enquirer, OJ Simpson still has the knife he used to murder Nicole Brown Simpson and a collector is interested in purchasing the knife from OJ. The price? $5M and OJ wants it all in cash so no one is able to find the money. I think that if he actually has the knife and he actually sold it that people would find out he did so because so far in the past 20 years he has not been all that brilliant in anything he has done, which is why he is in jail for something stupid. I'm sure the federal government would like a crack at him if he sold the knife and tried to move all the money offshore without paying taxes on it. Who would want the knife? Are you going to display it in your house and stare at it every night? Talk about something that is probably haunted. And where has OJ been keeping it all these years?


  1. Enty...the kind of person who would want to buy this don't WANT to know what they would do with it, trust.

  2. Shouldn't it be in an evidence locker somewhere? Or maybe tested for DNA from his son?

  3. I doubt this is true. And there are whole groups of people who collect anything and everything to do with murderers and serial killers. I mean everything they can get their hands on. Hair, letters, evidence of any sort- sick shite!

  4. Maybe it's the person I know who collects Nazi memorabilia - shudder. It could slip right in the grip of his costumed mannequins - absolutely blows my mind. People are freaks.

  5. The only person I can think of that would spend that much or even want such a thing is Nicholas Cage, I hope he's not the buyer.

  6. This doesn't make sense. Agree w/frausimon - how isn't it retained as evidence? My dad and I were just talking about the case on Sunday, and he said the son did it and that there are photos of the courtroom when the verdict was read and his son has a way different facial expression from everyone else. I'll try to find.

  7. @Frufra - I know someone who collects Nazi memorabilia, too!

  8. Trying to remember - wasn't the knife theorized to have been thrown away by OJ - in other words, never found by police, and therefore never entered as evidence? I could call my mom and ask - she was glued to the trial. I just don't want to know THAT badly, though :-).

    Amber, my freak collector person is a married father of three with a high security clearance. Be afraid, be very afraid!!

  9. @Frufra - Well, I definitely do not know the same guy - he's single, and can't seem to get/keep a girlfriend. I just try not to ask too many questions, because I don't really want to know what draws someone to that.

  10. @amber I had never heard the theory that suggested it was OJ's son that committed the murder. An interesting link summarizing the theory:

  11. It isn't going to be tested if only he knows where it is, and anyone willing to purchase such a thing isn't willingly going to hand it over to LE.

    that picture speaks volumes.

  12. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that collecting Nazi stuff isn't in and of itself necessarily depends on why you're collecting and what you do with it.

    One of my degrees is in history and the rise of Nazism is pretty damn people were led to willingly commit heinous acts against their fellow man; how a nation largely got behind and sanctioned the people who were committing those acts just boggles the mind. I'm obviously not at all saying it's fascinating as in cool (collecting for that reason would be disturbing) but from an historical and sociological perspective...very interesting

  13. @cindy Here's another site for you to check out re: Jason
    Thanks for your link!

    @goes - it's weird, right? Another way to look at it may be that he just needed to let it sink in. His mom was basically beheaded, and his dad was the accused. Some people react to situations differently, and he was probably mentally prepared for the worst.

  14. Oh, and I don't at all believe that this knife is in OJ's possession. However, I wouldn't be surprised if he's swindled someone onto believing he has it and offering to pay a lot for it.

  15. @Lola - I definitely agree that the "why" is what needs to be taken into consideration. Your studies sound incredibly interesting. I was a psych major, so I love learning about things like that from a psychological standpoint.

  16. Jason wasn't Nicole's son.

  17. @Lola - I agree with you, as I also love history and the sociological perspective of historical events. The person I know is very interested in all WWII memorabilia, and I get that.

    What I find hard to make sense of are the mannequins, clothed in authentic uniforms of the period (I think he has three now), prominently displayed and spotlighted in his bedroom. That's weird. That's got to freak his three young kids out!

    He also is a big firearms collector and a doomsday survivalist and stockpiler. It's really all these factors together that lead me to the "creepy" label.

  18. it's a good scam. so how about this? OJ doesn't have that knife because he gave it to ME for safekeeping!! send that 5 mil to me.

  19. Amber - Jason is OJ's son from a prior marriage (and that's him in the picture you linked to) - Nicole was his stepmother. Justin was just a child when this happened.

  20. And I want to add that I don't collect Nazi (or any other weird) memorabilia...I'm not that weird.

    (I do however, collect piggy figurines and lalique maybe I'm a little weird-- there's a good "Your Turn" question, enty. You're welcome.)

  21. Re the Nazi stuff - I have a Nazi knife my dad took off a dead soldier in WW2. I wouldn't call keeping it creepy - more of a reminder of what my dad did during the war.

    Agree with Lola as to the fascination with Nazi Germany. My sister and her family lived there for 11 years (BIL worked for the American Army as a civilian engineer) and I used to visit them and traveled around Europe. Having been there, I started reading a lot about the history, especially WW2 history - it makes it more meaningful when you've actually been at the Brandenburg Tor, or seen bullet holes in buildings that date from the war. Just because I read a lot about the history there doesn't make me creepy - it makes me informed and perhaps a little bit more able to see if the same kind of thing could happen here. (And sadly, it could).

  22. I could even get on board with displaying your collection. But in the bedroom? O_o

  23. Oh, okay. I forgot he wasn't her son and I was trying to provide somewhat of a benefit of the doubt, but scratch that. His reaction is straight up odd.

  24. And displaying in the bedroom is foul. How the heck is his wife on board with that? I won't even put a TV in my bedroom, because I subscribe to the theory that it can interfere with intimacy.

  25. Susan, your last comment is really interesting...just a couple of days ago I was talking to my daughter about the French revolution and how many of the same economic and social circumstances that fell into place in the years leading up to revolution are disturbingly similar to what is going on in our country today. Obviously many of the specifics differ but the larger picture has disturbing parallels.

  26. @Lola - I recently read Rise & Fall of the 3rd Reich by Shirer - really opened my eyes to a few things. Some parallels are disturbing. It's a good read - even as fast as I read, took me about a month to slog through it - it's a huge book. I also got Shirer's Berlin Diary but haven't started it yet - it's huge too. Thank God for Kindle!

  27. @Amber - his wife is a whole other story, one I won't even get into because it would be too identifying. It's all kids of cuckoo over there.

    Again, I want to go on record as a history buff who strongly believes in studying history to understand our present and our future. I'm only objecting to the compulsive collecting (have you ever been to a gun show?) of memorabilia of evil. Not a piece or two that have personal sentimental value to you - that is completely different.

    And we're no TV in the bedroom people, too. And obviously no mannequins :-).

  28. My first thought also was that the knife would be a fake. I'm sure he disposed of the real one.

    One of my favorite HS teachers collected Nazi memorabilia. Much of his wife's family had been murdered by Stalin though, and she and her family escaped the USSR to come here. I always got the feeling that he and his wife were nostalgic for the guy who fought Stalin, odd as it seems. They seemed to ignore all the Death Camp stuff, and were just furiously anti-Stalin.

    I love history, and I was a German language major, but I wouldn't collect it because of the crowd I'd have to deal with to get it...believers.

  29. I was a history major in University, but I always loved ancient history more than history of the last 300 years.

    1. My concentration was actually in medieval studies...but in graduate school I would segue into off topic classes that interested me (which were most of them, to be honest).

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. My memory on this has dimmed with time, but remember how OJ flew to Chicago that night?
    I knew someone who saw the airline reservation, and there was a bag sent back to LA on a different flight than the one OJ came back on, and there was a notation to allow someone else to pick it up...I think it was AC. I've always thought there was evidence in that bag.

  32. I vaguely remember someone saying he disposed of the knife in Chicago in the airport (this was long before 9/11) - but can't remember if there was videotape or just a witness or what.

  33. Susan, you are so right re: history--it is not at all creepy to be interested in it. And OMG, I had totally forgotten the Chicago thing.


    Interesting compilation

  35. Glad to see there are other history buffs out there! I like reading about 1890 to about 1950 - just couldn't get into the medieval or ancient history. Guess everyone has their own interest! That's one reason I like Boardwalk Empire - it seems to be very true to the period as to music, daily life, etc.

  36. Oh loving all the history nerds here! I'm a history graduate in the UK currently training to be a teacher. Our curriculum throughout secondary school and uni in Ireland was so heavily targeted towards the rise of the Nazis and life in Nazi Germany that I'm kinda numb to it all - my subject class in uni this year all agreed that the Nazis was one topic we didn't want to have to teach for awhile! In saying that though, the school I'm currently placed at does not teach it AT ALL - which is incredibly rare and I think unfortunate as well. If we are to learn from the past then the rise of the Nazis is definitely one area that should be studied, especially with the current slow rise of Far Right groups during this recession. God, sorry for the ramble but I just love history that much!

  37. There wasn't just the Chicago flight. I think this was on tape or film -- and I think it was Mr. Kardashian and OJ in a driveway with Mr. Kardashian picking up a suitcase or briefcase OJ gave him and walking off with it. Just like that. Walking right off with whatever evidence was in it.

    Aside from that, it's weird how Enty is focused in this case on TAXES as the reason OJ would want this in cash and to move the money offshore. IT'S THE BROWN CIVIL LITIGATION JUDGEMENT AGAINST HIM HE STILL WANTS TO KEEP OUT OF THEIR HANDS (hello, are we still pretending Enty's a lawyer here?).

    1. I think you're right. I remember that happening with the black duffle bag after OJ returned from Chicago. Also, I think Enty keeps mentioning the taxes because not paying them lands you in jail, and we've seen that not complying with the civil order seems to have no repurcussions.

  38. I have always professed my opinion that the son, Jason was the true murderer. Someone has the knife, let's see who gets their hands on it.

    "Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat it." A quote on my 8th grade history teacher's wall.

    No television in the bedroom household here.

  39. That knife is long gone. If OJ is selling a knife, it's something he got on Ebay. Or Wal-Mart.

  40. frausimon, I have not seen you post since the last OJ story. Do you read more often? I am the one with the Moorhead connection; we talked on the previous post.

    Don't mean to be creepy but I think some members of my family know/knew members of your family. My aunt attended a church I'll abbreviate as BEF. She was friends with a woman who taught at PCS. (I'm abbreviating for privacy, but if those references mean something to you, you may know my aunt MM.)

  41. (frausimon, The woman MM knew was ME, same M. If there is no connection, sorry.)

  42. I wish someone in prison would take care of OJ for us. I am sick and tired of seeing him sit on his ass thinking up ways to profit off his crimes.

  43. i can't believe some of these comments. his blood and shoe prints were all over that crime scene and his dna was mixed with theirs.

    and yet there are STILL people who don't believe he did it? unreal.
