Monday, October 08, 2012

Nicole Kidman Is Going To Play Grace Kelly

There is a new movie being produced called Grace of Monaco about Grace Kelly and the part belongs to Nicole Kidman if she wants it. Well, it is a better choice than Jennifer Aniston which was probably everyone's first choice. I can see Nicole playing this part, but how about Amy Adams? She would be good. Amber Heard might be ok at it too. Nicole Kidman seems kind of old for the part. They are shooting a six month portion of Grace's life when she was 33. My other issue with Nicole is there is never any chemistry between her and any of her male co-stars. None. It's like watching paint dry.


  1. Too bad January Jones can't act. She's got the look down.

  2. Nicole confirmed on the red carpet a while back that she IS playing Grace Kelly.

  3. I dont think there was a whole lotta chemistry btwn her prince rainier either. Mb thats why they chose her. Ot, whats going on with prince albert snd his csptive, reluctant bride? What must he/ they hv on her to keep her there?

  4. I truly think she did have on onscreen chemistry with Tom Cruise in Far and Away! ??

  5. To be fair, Nicole doesn't LOOK too old.

  6. since kidman has all the charisma of a corpse, she's perfect to play dead grace kelly. oh, wait, you mean she's playing ALIVE grace kelly?

  7. Yes, Amy Adams would be good for this role!

  8. Go back and watch 'To Die For' and you'll see some chemistry between her and her male co-stars.

  9. Agreed with others in re: January Jones. If she could act her way out of a paper bag then she would be the natural choice for this role.

  10. I dont even know why they making movie about this. Is it to explain her wacky kids ? Wtf happened there?

  11. This is old news. Lainey has been talking about thses same issues for months.

  12. I think either Diana Agron or Emily VanCamp have the right look. Kidman is too old unless the story is of the last year of her life.

  13. Was Lindsay Lohan unavailable?

  14. I think Charlize Theron would be perfect.

  15. Grace Kelly is so beautiful.

  16. Nicole Kidman, for all her faults, is gorgeous and a talented actress.

    Amy Adams is too girl next door to play grace kelly and January Jones can't even play January Jones well.

  17. I like NK as an actress (pre- botox). She is gifted and talented. However, she is just too old to place Grace Kelly at 33. I have no doubt NK will have the mannerisms and accent nailed to the wall, but really? There's no one else in hollywood that could do it?

    I would feel the same way if George Clooney or Brad Pitt were cast as James Dean.

  18. Nicole Kidman is not my favorite actress, never thought of her Oscar worthy but in Malice she played her character very good.

  19. Yes, Dianna Agron would have been a good choice if they could work on that nasally thing in her voice. Love Dianna, and she is beautiful.

  20. Charlize could do her justice:

    Grace even visited a series of brothels in Rome with Ava Gardner just for kicks – and went back to her hotel with a bordello waiter who only emerged from her room three days later. The chaste chill Grace exuded was in sharp contrast to the voracious sexual appetite burning within, claimed Gary Cooper, her co-star in 1952’s Western classic high Noon.

  21. I would like to see a movie about the last years of Grace Kelly's life, when she was miserable and lonely and alcoholic and realized the whole princess happy ending thing was a hoax. Not sure Kidman could pull that off. Theron certainly could.

    1. You don't think Kidman could pull that off? Seriously?!

      Two words: Tom Cruise.

  22. Charlize Theron could pull off all phases and nuances of Grace Kelly's life --

    That would be an awesome movie!

  23. I would only watch this if Charlize Theron played Grace. This seems too cheesy for Theron to do it.

  24. Why oh why on the casting? Not that NK isn't good she's just a little topo long in the tooth to be playing 33.

    Same with putting blackface on a white actor you ask me. Not to insult anyone just that there are so many talented lesser names for most the roles that often go to big "stars"who simply are not physcially right for the role.

  25. Sienna miller could be another idea but Enty,i disagree with you on Kidman's alchemy with male co-stars:it worked with Cruise ,McGregor,RDJ,Joaquin Phoenix,Jackman...

  26. Nicole Kidman is a pretty phenomenal actress and has certainly shown in the past an ability to believably morph into characters. I honestly think she has the ability to do justice to this role... age differences aside.

    I think Diana Agron has the look but is a little young to play 33yo GK.

  27. Charlize seems such an obvious choice, wonder if she turned it down.

  28. January Jones would most certainly be perfect. Right hair, right face, right age. Nicole's too old.

  29. Kidman will be fine, but Theron would have knocked it out of the park.

  30. This should be Charlize. I think they'll have NK looking 33 (she only looks about 5 yrs older than that to me) on film, no issue there.

    But Grace was a straight Scorpio freak by all accounts that I've read. Imagining NK playing someone that sexual....well, I hope it isn't laughable when it's done.

  31. Cue the twitter feed from Lindsay Lohan that SHE was supposed to play Grace Kelly!

  32. I agree Charlize could have played her perfectly and her look is so similar. Nicole will be good though. She's still beautiful and talented.
    And her and Ewan had great chemistry in Moulin Rouge.

  33. Great suggestion on Charlize! I still am in awe of her for her portayal of Eileen Wournos (sp) in Monster. Not just because she had the look down and, if you had not known you would NEVER have guessed it was Charlize but she was also just brilliant. She was that woman. Amazing. They missed the boat. I like Agron also but I dont think she has any depth and she isa one not actress, acts with her eyes only, imo. January Jones, yes! Too bad she can't act.

  34. When I first heard about this I thought Goopy must be pulling her hair out. She probably thought it would automatically go to her. I don't like either of these two, really.
    Charlize would be perfect though.

  35. Funny, I read that the Prince was so sure that GK was a virgin but according to all rumors she was a total freak, @LLR!

    And yeah Charlize is the right look and the right talent.

  36. Actually, I liked "Australia". She sucked in the first half-hour, but as her character developed, I loved her, especially her chemistry with the child.

    I don't think Grace Kelly was all that, so I think Nic can handle it.

  37. I love the Amber Heard idea. She's chillingly beautiful and she can act.

  38. I think Amy Adams would be perfect.
    I also think Charlize would be awesome, but lets face it, Charlize could play a coma patient and be amazing.

  39. Beats Cheryl Ladd, I guess.

  40. Granny Freeze would work if she was playing Grace Kelly's corpse. She always looked more like a corpse than a warm blooded alive woman anyway.

  41. Blech. Nicole Kidman is too old and WAY too noticed for this role.
    Naomi Watts would have been a much better choice for an actress older than 33. Maybe Michelle Williams for someone around that age?

    1. Er...WAY too BOTOXED, not noticed! Curse you, auto correct!

  42. Holy shit Tru Leigh! I thought you were just being funny, but that actually happened! I have to score some pot and make that my movie night in the near future.

  43. Not the perfect choice but she'll do fine plus I think she does have chemistry with some co stars, I just watched that movie about Hemingway and Gellhorn and she had plenty of it with Clive Owen.

  44. Grace Kelly was 33 in 1962, long after she married & retired from acting. What is the movie supposed to be about? I suspect her life had settled into a relatively dull routine by that time (dull compared to being a movie star).

  45. I can't believe noone addressed the elephant in the room.
    Noone asked Lilo?
    I'm shocked! Shocked I tell you!

  46. @Ingrid Superstar said...
    "Grace Kelly is so beautiful."

    And she fucked more men than Lilo.

  47. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Ah, well, another movie biopic fucked up by lousy casting. Grace Kelly was truly a classic beauty, while NK has the wonders of modern movie makeup and camera work (oh, and the ten-year marriage contract with Tom Cruise) to thank for her career.

  48. Yes...and her BFF is playing Princess Diana.

    I guess they couldn't find an actress as beautiful as Grace Kelly to play Grace Kelly. Nicole's not ugly, but she just isn't as pretty as Grace.
