Friday, October 05, 2012

National Enquirer Blind Item

THIS former teen poster boy, who starred in a smash-hit ’90s TV drama, is now awash in a sea of booze and drugs as he tries to cope with his fading looks and stalled career. Do you remember Mr. Washed Up?


  1. 1st time commenter - Jared Leto?

  2. Ooo, good guess, Beth!

  3. Someone from the original 90210, but I think they were mostly in their 20's when they were on that show.

  4. JTT! Say it ain't so! :(

  5. Bah. The only person I thought of gives me no reason to actually believe it's him. I suck at these things.

  6. JTT was on a comedy not drama. Jared Leto was on My So Called Life that if I remember correctly only ran or 1 season. Dont know if I would call that smash hit. Someone from Dawson's Creek? I didnt watch so dont know all of the people.

    1. Shoot, you're right, the word drama slipped my mind when I was guessing.

  7. IDK...Jared Leto is still really hot. I think he's more into his music and trying to be artsy, but I do like the guess. I can't think of any other 90s teen "dramas" other than My So Called Life & 90210. How old was BAG during that time?

    1. If I remember correctly, I think he was 15 or 16 when 90210 first came out.

  8. I love the initials BAG, by the way.

  9. Leto looks are not fading -- it's eerie sometimes. He's also a health nut so I doubt he would be awash in a sea of booze and drugs (but what a great visual, lol)

  10. @lizjaxe Your two main poster-boy stars from Dawson's Creek are James Van Der Beek and Joshua Jackson. So unless you're going to stretch out a bit further and bring in Kerr Smith, those are your best options from that show.

  11. Yeah, My So Called Life was anything but a smash hit.

  12. Long time lurker. 1st time poster.
    Think this is Jonathan Jackson from Baywatch. "Awash in a sea" being the clue.

  13. Jeremy Jackson

  14. I knew about James and Josh wasnt sure if there was another male lead. What about the kid from Baywatch? Was he ever a poster boy. "Awash" and "sea" make me think water is a clue.

  15. Dylan or Brandon...Since Kelly is hooking up with Dylan now, I will go for Brandon as the swollen faced washed up.

  16. @Barton - Hahaha I do, too. It makes me think of d-BAG, and it's so apropos.

    I found a list of 90s teen dramas from Hello Giggles: 7th Heaven, 90210, My So Called Life, Freaks and Geeks, Degrassi High, Melrose Place, Dawson's Creek, Felicity and Clarissa Explains It All.

    1. Clarissa was a drama? Thought it was comedy

  17. Doesn't Jared Leto not even drink reportedly? My So Called Life was a good show, but not a hit; hits don't get cancelled after a season. What about Jason Priestly?

  18. Jeremy Jackson from Baywatch might fit it, but I dunno. Looking at some recent photos, he still looks pretty damned good. I was never into him, but he's really fit in some pictures from this past May.

  19. Jason from 90210 still looks good to me and he has his own show. His career isn't stalled.

  20. Clarissa Explains it All was a drama? I don't buy Hello Giggles' logic on that one. I don't even *see* their logic on that one.

  21. Jeremy Jackson is a good guess. Baywatch was the biggest show on TV, globally, back in the 90s. He's looking WEIRD these days.

  22. What about someone from Party of Five? I don't know I suck at these!

  23. @Roman Holiday That's what I was thinking! I just kept thinking of Scott Wolf, despite having any reason to think about him. And I thought Matthew Fox both didn't fit and was too obvious.

  24. What is Chad Allen doing these days? "Dr. Quinn"...the BI doesn't say a TEEN TV drama. Just a TV drama.

  25. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I saw Jered Leto at a health food store with his mom about 3-4 months ago. Ironically he was wearing a 30 seonds to Mars shirt. But he seemed healthy, clear headed,etc. Very polite but a little on the shy side

  26. What about Boy Meets World? It was so goody goody i could see someone from that being a "poster-boy"

    1. that was a comedy this says someone from a drama

  27. Welcome Beth and dee123!

    Liking the Jeremy Jackson guess.

  28. Hey FSP. Been so busy this week that I missed your avi change. Love it!

    Excited to see what you'll have to shock is next week :)

  29. Jared Leto is healthy and does not drink or do drugs anymore to my knowledge.

    He also (to my knowledge) has a large penis, keeps a baseball bat by his bed and can be pretty pushy when it comes to getting laid.

  30. Umm, hunter...

    This requires more info. Curious minds and all. Is he as pretty up close as they say.

    *leaning in close waiting anxiously*

  31. Ryder Strong from Boy Meets World? Although, I think his looks are still doing just fine.

  32. Like how large is large? Hamm-bone size? Liam Needon size.

    Dish please. It's Friday and I can't bring myself to start working.

  33. I feel like the "Mr Washed Up" is a clue, like Mr Belvedere, but that ended in 1990, so could hardly be considered a smash 90s hit. Hm.

  34. All of them!

    It's not Jared Leto though. MSCL was never a smash. It barely survived one year.

  35. Jeremy Jackson (Hobie)

  36. Jeremy Jackson was on Celebrity Rehab so I like this one...

  37. yes, Baywatch kid was my first thought.

  38. BTW one of my best friends hooked up with him twice and I now refer to her exclusively as Hobie.

  39. Jared Leto is one f the few who successfully crossed over into music. 30 Seconds to Mars are very successful. He isn't washed up.

  40. Jeremy says washed Up AND awashed in a sea....defininitely clues for a beach themed show. Also he's been arrested in the past for setting up a meth lab and has had plastic surgery on his nose and cheek bones making him look like a freak

  41. Definitely Jeremy Jackson. He's the first one who popped into my head while reading and the words sea and washed up made me think Baywatch.

  42. I like everyone's JJ guess. He was definitely a heartthrob back in the day, and his Celebrity Rehab stint would be in line with this BI. I'm having trouble thinking of Baywatch as a drama - my brain considers it a comedy. Hah.

  43. Whay about that teen dude on Star Treck TNG?

  44. "Whay about that teen dude on Star Treck TNG?"

    Wil Wheaton? VERY happy and successful in his own right, by all accounts. Loves gaming and hosts a very popular website/YouTube channel with his gorgeous wife and friends. Also, you must not watch "The Big Bang Theory." ;-)

    1. And he was on Eureka, one of the best shows SyFy ever cancelled. :(

  45. The clues are very sea-oriented, so the Baywatch guy sounds about right. He was on a VH1 show about re-booting teen idol's career a few years back. Pretty sure ge was in recovery at the time, so a relapse would not be out of the question.

    As others have said, Jared Leto is still pretty successful.

  46. Jeremy certainly fits the clues. Pretty sure you guys nailed it. (I couldn't resist using "nailed it" with all the comments about Leto and "Hobie" you guys kill me ;))

  47. What about Jamie Walters from 90210?

  48. Sacrilege! Thou shall not take Wil Wheaton's name in vain! Besides, although I love him, I don't think he was ever really a "poster boy"

    My first thought was Ryder Strong (seriously, what were his parents thinking with that porn star name!), but boy meets world was more a family comedy, not drama

  49. Hee hee, Wil was definitely in TEEN BEAT and those kinds of rags. I remember! He was definitely cute, but too boyish for me. Now, with the scruff and a bit of age? Super hot and slightly nerdy...LOVE that. :-)

  50. When Enty says "teen poster boy", it makes me think he must have been a regular in Tiger Beat and all those mags. Was JJ featured in those?

    My 90s teen heartthrob crushes were Andrew Keegan and JTT.

    Smash dramas besides Baywatch...Buffy, Party of Five, Dawson's Creek, 7th Heaven?

  51. The curly-haired blonde guy from 90210

  52. Yea Jared Leto is far from washed up. He's still pretty beautiful and successful. Not to mention he's now in his forties and does not look it. I think he was in his 20's in the 90's. I don't have a guess just wanted chime in about Leto =/

  53. Leto looks like he has a portrait in the attic somewhere...don't know about the US but 30 Seconds to Mars is huge in Europe.

    Wasn't Jeremy Jackson in the news for an addiction to steroids recently?

  54. Matthew Fox from POV. Washed up is tho LOST reference.

  55. "Lost" didn't start until 2004. Not '90s.

    I still kinda think it could be Chad Allen. He came out and got a lot of press and support, and then...very little work.

  56. Not Scott Wolf. he works out and is quite active. He was with Billy Bush when Billy bit it on the mt bike this summer.

  57. Oh, whoops, you said "Party of Five," with the "Lost" mention as just a clue. My bad. As you were. :-)

  58. Hi dia -- well if you insist. But it wasn't me, it was my friend. Yes he is very good looking up close, taller than expected too. She didn't get too specific about his man member but did say it was LARGE.

    Also she met up with him after a "meeting," if you know what I mean, so this is why I firmly believe he is not into drugs. Also explains why he looks so healthy and good.

    My friend actually turned him down and left his house. I was impressed. She just didn't like how pushy he was, seemed to act like hooking up with him was a real honor.

  59. The use of 'sea' and 'washed up' makes me think Baywatch so Jeremy Jackson.

  60. I so wish this is kirk cameron

  61. I'm totally on the JJ train, esp with his past.

    Curious tho, wtf is hello giggles?

  62. fyi- Jason Priestly's face is not swollen, he got into a bad race car wreck and had to have it reconstructed.

    Billy Warlock

  63. Baywatch. 100% Josh Jackson he had a steroid issue

  64. The boyfriend in Party of Five -- he is an actor who has a twin brother.

    One of the brothers is seriously messed up and the family is always worried about him.

    And I can't remember their names because I did a lot of drugs back then, ha! I was AWASH!

  65. Dylan from 90120 was my first thought.

  66. @Kelly - Jason and Jeremy London. Jason is the cute one from DAZED AND CONFUSED, and Jeremy is the one with substance abuse issues.

  67. ...and IMDb tells me that Jeremy is the one from "Party of Five." (I never saw it, so I wasn't sure.)

  68. Jeremy has been in the gossip mags within the past year for his substance abuse, for sure. Didn't he also fake his own kidnapping?

  69. One of the London brothers?

  70. yes @AKM that's him. Maybe since it's been written about it's not blind enough. It's just a squint item, not a blind item.

  71. I would like to be "awash in a sea" of Jared Leto... thank you very much. Carry on...

  72. Jason Priestly was my first thought...He's had alcohol problems in the past, his career is nowhere & I thought he looked horrible in that Old Navy ad.

    1. Lol, his career isn't nowhere, exactly. It's just up here in Canada nowadays ;)

  73. I vote Mark-Paul Gosselar from "Saved by the Bell."

  74. Brian Austin Green? He is looking washed up these days, and BH 90210 was a smash hit...

    1. Was d-BAG ever a poster boy, though?

  75. All the guys from 90210 still look fine. I like the Jeremy Jackson guess.

  76. @AKM and LA Mac
    Haha. Sorry! You know, before I wrote that I did have a thought that I had heard he does well now, and almost said that. I guess I need to trust my insticts more!

  77. Thank you @hunter!

    Thumbs up to your friend :D

  78. Jason Priestly is still cute. I saw him at a bar in Seattle about 1993 or so. He was with 'Emily' from 90210. SUPER short :(

  79. I never understood Emily's appeal.

  80. Why isn't this Luke Perry?

  81. I think this is Jeremy London, who played Griffin on Party of Five. He hasn't aged well and the last 7 or 8 years have been about drugs, restraining orders and bizarre tales of one kind or another.
