Thursday, October 04, 2012

Movie 43

It has been a very long time since I posted a movie trailer, but Movie 43 is so outrageous and so un PC that I had to. I have to warn you there is some NSFW language and even a pair of breasts, but I have never seen a trailer quite like this one. It is like the producers went with the whole Valentine's Day, New years Eve concept of as many stars as possible and then made them say the most inappropriate things they could think of. Oh, and unlike those movies, this movie has three or four Academy Award winners in it.


  1. I didn't laugh once.

  2. Its hard to imagine who this movie is for or who would want to see it. I thought it was a bad joke at first.

  3. This looks like a fake trailer that was made for Funny or Die.

  4. Well I am stoked to see this! Looks hilarious!

  5. The movie has been in the works for 4 years or so. It is actually 25 short films in 1 movie. It has 12 different directors and looks funny.

  6. ha ha, I'm game to watch this. I'm so bored with the usual bullshit movies that they serve, that anything with a facetious slant will make me smile.

  7. I wouldn't pay theater prices to see it, Redbox prices maybe....

  8. Shit, is this for real? I'll watch it in imax...and I'll bring my depends.

  9. I think it looks funny.
    Will totally see it.. When it comes on HBO or something =]

  10. I pity the fool who doesn't laugh at this trailer - I am sooo there! My kingdom for an original, funny movie idea!!

  11. You are black! They are white! God already did his part by giving you a foot and a half long dick. Hahaha. It's crude, offensive and unexpected.

  12. dayum! Count me in on Redbox!

  13. A little over the top. My 16 year old son and his hockey buddies will probably love it.

  14. Omg that looks hilarious

  15. usual cheap jokes... might be tolerable for a cold, rainy tuesday night in about 2 months.

  16. the only funny scene was the last one w/the basketball players. the rest was just trying too hard to be gross and wasn't funny. at all.

  17. Netflix for sure. Wouldn't be caught dead walking into this movie in public! I have a rep to protect. (Grease 2 reference, sorry.)

  18. That's the best laugh at a movie trailer I think I've ever had. My inner 13 y.o. Just came out in force. But yeah, definitely has a "watching this at home" vibe.

  19. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Kate Bosworth needs to eat. She looks like shit.

  20. The last line was the best part, lmfao

  21. Just for the fact, Valentine's day, had 4 Academy Award winners (Jamie Foxx, Kathy Bates, Shirley Maclaine, Julia Roberts).
    New Years's Eve had 3 Academy Award winners (Halle Berry, Robert De Niro, Hillary Swank), but Swank, and De Niro won more than one.
    OK, it did not help those films :o)

  22. It does look like something I'd enjoy watching *L*.

  23. @ds9: And Halle Berry is in this one too.. Why the hell doesn't this woman do some movies that require some substance and talent? NY's Eve.. Seriously?

  24. Why is that a Farrelly Brother credit at the end? I bet they're this crap and by crap I mean GOLD!

  25. I'm so there...I'm juvenile, I know.

  26. To each his/her own. We don't have to all like the same kind of movies. I think this looks funny, surprised David Duchovny isn't in it.
