Monday, October 01, 2012

More Weekend Weddings

Anne Hathaway and Adma Shulman got the headlines for getting married this past weekend, but they were not the only ones. Jared Followill of Kings Of Leon got married, Jared managed to marry a model named Martha Patterson. They are so good looking together. It is like looking at one of the photos that come with a wallet or picture frame and you realize when looking at the thing, just how far down the looks ladder you are so you feel inadequate and don't buy the frame or the wallet and just keep everything in the front pocket of your pants.

Also getting married over the weekend, was Cat Deeley. She had been trying to convince everyone she was not even engaged, you know, because she was afraid that people would probably swarm her wedding and cause a ruckus. You know what? If she was famous enough to warrant that and not just a host of a reality show then maybe people would care. Cat got married in Italy yesterday and her friends only found out a few days ago. So, they made them purchase really expensive last minute tickets. Cat treated it like she was Angelina Jolie getting married. Talk about a big head.


  1. The Followills are all ridiculously beautiful...I've lusted after his brother for years...

  2. these guys would never marry these model types if they weren't a hugely successful band

  3. I don't know who this Cat Deeley person is, nor do I care.

  4. They had one big CD I wonder how long the ladies will stick around when the money runs out. They aren't the most educated group of guys.

    I think Cat is pretty big in England, here not so much. All I know about her is she used to date Jack Houston.

  5. Cat is fairly famous in England but nothing like she was ten years ago, and even then she would not have warranted this much secrecy. She's well liked though so the tone of Enty's post is interesting.

  6. Why is Cat less famous in England now?

    I find her to be very likable. She's great with the dancers on SYTYCD.

  7. @mikey since she moved to the US she has done very little British tv and what she has done has been infrequent. SYTYCD is shown on satellite, I think, so doesn't have a massive audience. Basically she's just gone off radar compared to when she was on tv fronting a couple of shows every week.
    My disclaimer is I left 11 months ago but I don't think this has changed since then.

  8. OK, here's a duh...isn't Cat Deely the girl from Two Broke Chicks? The pic doesn't look anything like her, though, so I think I'm WAY off...

  9. @ Silly Girl- you're thinking of Kat Dennings possibly? Cat Deely is the host of SYTYCD, so not worth being that private about a wedding people don't care about. I like her fine, but unless she was marrying The Wee Cruise, nobody would probably even notice.

  10. I did hear cat and pat paid for their friends and family to fly over

  11. Also don't even go there as to what Anne Hathaway was wearing on her head. She reminded me of one of those dollies that cover the toilet roll!

  12. I think that's an overly snarky attitude to take to Cat's wedding. She and her new hubby might not be well known in the US, but they are both fairly famous in the UK. It might just be that - unlike most publicity-at-all-costs 'celebrities' these days - they just wanted a properly private wedding, with no paparazzo or media intrusion. I say kudos and congratulations to them for managing it and proving it's possible to do.

  13. I have NO idea who Cat Deeley is and don't even care enough to look her up. And since I'm a gossip lover, she can't be THAT huge of a star.

  14. yeah, i just had to look up who Cat Deeley was....not impressed

  15. @Sarah - thanks for the update - I had no idea she was basically only US these days.

  16. Haven't all the douchey guys in Kings Of Leon married models? Yeah, they're such rebels.

  17. Can I just say, I get SO annoyed reading about how "good looking" a couple is. First of all, that's in the eye of the beholder. A lot of "beautiful" people aren't really. Second, it makes it sound as if that's the recipe for a successful relationship. Generally it's just the opposite, actually, since great-looking too often equals selfish and stupid.

  18. I hate Adam Shulman.

  19. I always though Cat and Patrick would make a good couple way back when they did Fame Academy (which I LOVED). :D

    Doesn't Cat do the UK version of SYTYCD as well? Don't watch it but pretty sure I have caught a glimpse of her on BBC when channel hopping.

  20. I don't watch her show, but I know who she is. I was surprised to see that she got married (to a man)...for some reason I thought she was gay. (Not that there's anything wrong...etc.,etc.)

  21. Cat Deeley's the host of So You Think you can dance (the Ryan Seacrest if you will)

    And also that horrid "The Choice" on Fox, the one were twenty non celebs parade before 4 celebs and beg them for dates.

    ... I'm ashamed to admit I watched an episode.

  22. Please God tell me they tortured their wedding guests with "Sex on Fire". Because I know I heard that fucking song 1000 more times than I ever needed to.

  23. Bahaha! I love how Enty described that pic of Jared and Martha as "one of the photos that come with a wallet or picture frame". So true! Nonetheless, congrats to them all!
