Monday, October 15, 2012

Michaele Salahi And Neal Schon Are Engaged

One year after former Real Housewives - DC star Michaele Salahi ran away from her fellow White House crashing husband to go be on the road with Journey guitarist Neal Schon, the pair are engaged. Last night, Neal was performing with Journey at a benefit show and during the song Faithfully got Michaele up on stage and proposed. Kind of an ironic choice of song considering they both were with other people when they started dating. I give it a year before Neal finds someone else on the road. Of course, that assumes that Michaele would ever let Neal go on the road alone.


  1. What a pathetic waste of oxygen.

  2. Whoa that was quick!!!

  3. Aren't they a little bit too old to be doing that sort of stuff?

  4. Isn't she just trying guys until she finds one who is famous and/or rich enough to get her a reality show?

    I mean, isn't that why she left Salahi? Because he failed to get her a show, and his futures were dropping?

  5. Am I supposed to know who this chick is? Is she the one who crashed a State Dinner or something?

  6. Slow news day....yawn. who cares?

  7. This article alone makes me want to stop reading this website.

    Not the article.

    All of your comments.

    Yes she is old.
    Yes she was fame whoring on a show with her crazy husband.

    Her and Neal dated loooong before she even had met Turk. She married Turk and he tried to get her onto tv. Once Turk started to get abusive and crazy (taking her cell phone, reading her emails, not letting her leave their home without him).

    I have throw my fair amount of mud at celebs but she is not a celebrity. I also love love love Journey. The song Faithfully is about a relationship that broke up but they were still in their hearts faithfully devoted until the right time. Then they get back together and happy even after. :)

    I am promising now not to bash or comment without learning the facts.

    1. Wow, smashbash. You're mad enough to leave because...people here aren't showing enough respect to a professional attention-seeker? Seriously? o_O

      Uh, Michaela, is that you?

  8. Once her got crazy she fled. We heard about Turk Calling the cops saying she was abducted. He is the crazy fame whore. Not this pretty lady.

  9. Once HE started to get crazy!

    I'm done.

  10. oh great, now TMZ is going to overfilled with news stories about them for the rest of the week

  11. Awww, true love AND a favorite Journey song? Love it.

    The engagement ring ain't too bad either! Wow.

  12. It's not Journey without Steve Perry. It's just another cover band.

  13. I love Journey's music but still - if you want another partner, leave the partner you have before you hook up with someone else.

  14. lol @ shiny. My thoughts exactly. Don't let the door hit ya smashbash.

  15. Doubt it will last a year..

  16. Henriette - I support that statement 100%. No matter how many times someone says "but the guy sounds exactly like Steve Perry" I call bullshit because he's no Steve Perry and that is not Journey.

    Neal Schon is a douchebag and there's a reason Steve Perry won't return to Journey.

  17. Oh goodness. Reading comprehension has taken a dive again. Re-read Smashbox's comments. The, "I'm done" refers to the correction & add on posts to her original comment.

    1. Whatchoo talkin' bout, Chilie? In the first 3 sentences of her original post smashbash (aka Michaela?) said the comments made her want to leave, did they not?
      I'm off to get more coffee, perhaps I'm not the only one who needs some.

  18. Ohh wow you smug self absorbed dicks are so so funny for making fun of my type-O's.

    You guys are so cool and smart.

    Dickheads- I know who comments often and who is just trying to be douchbags.

  19. @discoflux If you're saying Neal is a douchebag because of this situation, I'll grant you that.

    BUT I have met Neal and he was anything but a douchebag to me. After years of being a Journey fan, I was not disappointed by how friendly and nice was to me.

    That said, Michaela may have been "controlled" by the husband, I still get famehoe vibes from her.

  20. @ chilie smashbash said our comments made her want to stop reading CDAN. She then went on to glorify Salahi (I just can't with the pretentious spelling of her first name). I believe the situation you've created by trying to make some of us look dumb is called "foisted on your own pitard".

  21. Shiny_special_one- it must feel so good up on your pedestal.

    1. WTF are you talking about, smash?

  22. Hairy dawg- you need to learn how to read you idiot. I wasn't glorify her at all. I find no need to insult her. That is all I was saying. Why is that wrong???

    1. Smash, regarding "insulting" Ms. Salami: Thus is a gossip blog. Insulting famewhores, especially talentless reality "stars," is perfectly appropriate. Get over yourself.

    2. Hahaha, I didn't notice my phone changed Salahi to Salami in more than one of my posts. I wonder how often that happens to them.

  23. Neal, nooooo! I was a huge fan back in the day. He needs to watch out for this one.

  24. And also. If you think I am Micheal (I don't even know the spelling) you have proven my point why this is crazy. I have been commenting her for many moons dipsticks who don't know me or anyone else on here. If you want to cause drama go back to celeb itchy or Jezebel, we don't need you!

    1. "We don't need you?" Bitch, don't even try it. I've been reading & commenting here since the year this blog started. So don't get proprietary with me. I'm not the one who is out of line, you are.
      You want to know why I jokingly asked if you were Michaela? Because I can't fathom someone who isn't her or a good friend of her being so offended that people are snarking on her.
      Oh, but I'm the bitch. Pfft. Ridiculous.

  25. smashbash said, "He is the crazy fame whore. NOT THIS PRETTY LADY" Retort?
    ps don't call me an idiot

  26. @smashbash - who peed in your cereal today? Your original statement was condescending and fan boyish. It sounds like you have bought 100% into the journey fan side of the story, without actually knowing anything firsthand. Fine. But that doesn't give you the right to tell others with their own differing thoughts that their opinions aren't valid.

  27. Wow. I said I have thrown my fair share of mud at celebs but she isn't one. So that makes me micheal.

    I got mad because it has been so fucking long since these people have been even a blip on the raydar. And yes I like journey, other people here also said they do and Neal wasn't a douche. So I guess they are all fan boys or girls too. Wonderful.

  28. Shiny- you are accusing me of being someone I am not. So you must be above me or feel above me. That's why you have a right to say I am someone I am not. Right?

    1. No, it was a joke. This is a light-hearted, snarky site. When did we all get so literal?

  29. And she is NOT a reality star or celeb!!
    She hasn't tried to get a new tv show.
    They got engaged after over a year.
    She is divorced.
    He was never really married.
    The problem is? She left her husband for another man.
    Her ex husband was a psycho.
    I don't know them, I will never know them.
    I just don't think it's right to only point the finger at her.
    I wasn't trying to incit a war.

  30. If M. Salami (autocorrect typo & I'm leaving it) is not a reality star (albeit one from a few years ago), why, then, is thus being covered as a story? Not just here, but anywhere? Sorry, I'm not extending sympathy to her as a private person. She seeks attention, she put herself out there numerous timeless for the press, she was on a reality show. That makes her fair game, and if I want to make fun of her, as I do with ALL reality stars because I don't respect them, I will. And again, this is a gossip blog. Snark is perfectly acceptable.

  31. Shiny- no I didn't realize you were joking

  32. I never called you a B word and I was refering to the person who said dont let the door hit you on the way out. I know you, shiny, comment a lot! It was the people In between our comments who's names I have never seen or see infrequently.

    1. Oh, ok. Sorry for the overreaction.

  33. You guys are all idiots who find the smallest thing in people's posts to pick apart.


  34. He plays on Betty Davis' first album (not the actress!), check out it's great hardcore funk, almost proto Riot Grrl!

  35. @discoflux
    I think the Neal Schon Band should just change their name and stop with the fake Steve Perrys. Schon wants to play Journey songs though, so he's always looking for a fake Steve Perry he can screw-over and not pay. Perry is still making bank over his songs being used.

    Look at Van Halen, when David Lee Roth left, they went with a different sound. They originally wanted Patty Smythe (that would have been so cool!), but instead went with Sammy Hagar. That was a smart move.

    Don't duplicate yourself, but try something new.

  36. Wow, this thing is really panning out for her.

  37. @Maggie I'd rather read about these two on TMZ than Lilo's latest family drama. That family doesnt need a reality show, they're already syndicated in the media!

    Plus, Journey is the shit. Love love love them.

  38. good gawd... so many new mouth breathers on this site. Hairy, the other goof - hang out at Perez. That seems to be more your speed.

  39. @discoflux - Obviously you never met Neal or Steve.

    I followed Journey around the country on the Raised on Radio tour and got to see a lot of what goes on off-stage. Steve Perry has the biggest ego on earth, and thinks he's God's gift to humanity. Steve is the reason Gregg Rolie left. Steve fired Steve Smith and Ross. Even though Journey started out as Neal's band, Steve took over and told everyone what to do and how to do it. And I say this as a former Steve Perry fan. Neal was drunk on stage every night just so he could get through the shows. Steve showed up at the Hollywood Boulevard Star ceremony, after he swore he wouldn't, just so he would be the focus of everyone's attention. Neal has problem with his romantic relationships, but he is certainly not a douche. And Steve has a daughter that he won't even publicly acknowledge.

  40. @iheartjacksparrow
    Yeah, Perry has an ego to the tenth degree, but why must Journey now be such a joke? Perry was right---call it something else.

    Schon keeps hiring fake Perry's so he doesn't have to pay them. I wouldn't call that sterling behavior. He screwed over Steve Augeri (sp) the first fake Perry and doing the same to the Filipino Perry now.

    I still say when the money gets big enough, the original Journey will come back together.

  41. I think Michaele is as nutty as a Christmas fruitcake. Yes, Tarek Salahi is also crazy but Michaele was certainly complicit in some of his schemes. If she's not, then she must have an IQ in the double digits not to know what was going on. If Neil Schon likes crazy, then have at it, Neil!

    @hairydawg - It's "hoist by own petard". :)

  42. embarassing. did they not get their chance to be idiots in high school?

  43. Ack, not all of my post made the board. It's "Hoist by his own petard". Shakespeare used it in Hamlet.


  45. I cannot believe how seriously some people take these comments and posts, shooting personal insults back and forth. Honestly, that is ridiculous.
