Monday, October 22, 2012

Melissa Rycroft Injured At Dancing With The Stars Rehearsals - Taken To Hospital

Yesterday afternoon while doing camera blocking for tonight's group performance, Melissa Rycroft was hurt and suffered head and neck injuries and was rushed to the hospital. Apparently Melissa can afford a spokesperson and that person said that Melissa was undergoing tests and was accompanied by her husband and her dance partner and no one was sure if she was going to be able to perform Monday or if they were going to have to bring in substitute dancer Kim Kardashian. Nahh, but that would really be a ratings grab wouldn't it? Get rid of the everyone looks the same Bachelor contestant and replace them with someone else who people know. I'm still not sure why they picked her in the first place except for the ABC tie in. I do hope she pulls through and is able to compete. If she was not already married, I would suggest they give her a season of Bachelorette as compensation. If she was Emily Maynard, she would probably be willing to get divorced to have another season on the show.


  1. Head and neck injuries aint nothin to eff with..get better soon 'celebrity' who I have no idea why is famous.

  2. head & neck eh? Somebody either dropped her or didn't catch her.....

  3. Hope she's ok. I like her and her dancing.

  4. @Dee123
    Yikes, sure sounds like it.

  5. Head head was prob trying to screw itself off b/c show is so lame! Lol. I hv no idea who she is, but hope shes ok.

  6. Even thought Melissa is not a 'celebrity', per se ... she's been one of my favorite contestants on the show. She seems genuine and sincere and is a truly talented dancer. Hopefully she's ok.

  7. I REALLY hope they don't keep her on the show for ratings. These contestants push themselves way too hard. She's young. She's got a young kid. Head and neck injuries are serious. No reason to risk your health for the rest of your life for the sake of a TV show.

  8. Throwback reference to yesterday's blind. I guess we got that one right.

    I hope the bachelor producers don't bring her back. She is less interesting than drying paint, and I hate the thought that she keeps putting little Ricky through this.

  9. I hate that I care so much about the bachelor. *hangs head in shame*

  10. @Seachica, don't be ashamed I am also addicted to the bachelor franchise?

  11. She's been trying to keep up with Shawn's tricks and it's just not possible. Melissa was doing really well, but you can't base your tricks on a trained Olympic gymnast. They flubbed a lift last week and that's probably how she sustained head and neck injuries during rehearsal.

  12. That's a major bummer for her. She seems like a nice person and is trying so hard! I hope she's okay. No one should go out like that.

  13. Don't care for her - probably because of her connection with the Bachelor.

    I hope she's unable to return, I say this as someone from her hometown. She's not thought of well here, too much of a fameho.

    I LOVE me some Emmitt Smith though....

  14. I like her and hope she is okay. At least she is competitive unlike Kirstie.

  15. The sad thing is I remember that she injured her ribs in her previous season. Please...kill me...
