Sunday, October 14, 2012

Mel Gibson Tries Behavioral Therapy

Last week, Mel Gibson went to a program in Arizona which is supposed to be like outpatient rehab for violence and other issues. Called, behavioral therapy, the program takes place at a spa at a hotel. There is horse whispering, meditation, and lots of self-development courses. He also enjoyed the all you can drink booze. No, they probably don't have that do they? Maybe he heard it was a great place to meet porn stars? If he was doing this to generally help himself, I think it is great. If he was doing it to make himself look better to others, than, that is not really a reason to use a horse as an "energetic mirror to help people find problems in their own lives."


  1. How do u whisper the racism out of you?

  2. Let's not fault anyone for trying to get help. Lord know Mel needs it.

  3. His life is in the shitter, he was on top of the world A list actor and director and now he is reduced to showing up to Maria Menunos birthday parties.

    I think he is trying to figure out why he is so angry (daddy issues)maybe. Of course doing it in the lap of luxury resorts isn'ta bad way to do it.

    The dude needs help though, I give him credit for trying and not being court ordered to do it.

  4. Is self awareness starting to creep in to this guy? If he's doing it for real that's great. When you're on top the fall down is a long, long, way.

  5. Why does the scene from "Blazing Saddles" with Mongo and the horse come to mind?

  6. I would like to think that hearing his own voice spewing all those vile things made him reasses his opinions and issues. Even if he originally is doing this as some sort of damage control, if he takes it seriously enough it might still work for him. I can never fault anyone for trying to improve themselves, even if their original motives are just a way to save his ass at the box office. So either way, good for him for at least trying.

  7. I know I'm going to be really unpopular for saying this, but what the hey. I've alwayd loved Mel Gibson and still do (obviously, minus the supposed domestic abuse and namecalling and being an a-hole).

    If you listen the tapes, he's consistently saying something about the "supplements" he's givien by his holistic doctor, assistant, or something of the sort. That's been consistent for years. Considering his behavior, i can't help but think that whoever is supplying "natural" supplements to him (and I got the sense years ago he doesn't know what "it" is composed of) that it's completely run havoc on his body. Many people think one can't get too much of a naturally occuring substance that would harm their body but that's simply not true. And please no butthead comments about alcohol being natural/unnatural. I'm not saying this to be contrary. I once hqd a client whose allergist claimed this person needed injections every week because of her allergies. Over time, she felt it wasn't helping her and finally mustered up enough courage to ask the reason she had to get shots every week. Doctor flipped out on her for asking and refused to give her any more. When that happened, my client's overwhelming anxiety has actually significantly improved over the last 2 years. Not saying he can't be an ass or hurtful. But if someone he trusts is taking advantage of him, shame on them. Mountains of wealth doesn't make you the most intelligent in the world.

    I hope Mel is able to deal with the underlying issues and tries to change his life for his children and humself.

  8. Please learn the diffetence between then and than. It's really not that difficult.

    1. Who was that directed towrds? It's difficult to identify your intended target with no references. If it was me, I'd gladly explain anything I wrote including my embarrassing typos!

  9. I will never apologize for my typos and people that point them out unless it's a funny typo are worse than typos. The only time I'll correct a typo after I sent it is if I think it's unreadable.

  10. Since I didn't reply to a specific comment, it would then follow that I was addressing Enty. Also, his very obvious misuse of the word than could have also been a clue.

    1. Monica, I'm not sure if you're meaning to come across as an asshole, but in case you don't-- you sound like an asshole. Your correction of a minor detail in a post is certainly concentrating on form and not substance. Also, no worried about my butt being hurt. I use plenty of lube before I engage in that type of action.

      Though I'm positive you meant this as inflammatory, please also be aware I have duel English and psychology undergraduate degrees and advanced degrees in psychology and counseling. However, I often still make typos as I type due to 1. Typing on a phone. 2. This is not an academic pursuit, it is a website for fun. That's why I am so awesome-- I can tell the difference.

      Best of luck-- you'll need it!

      Thanks for other fun informative posts, guys! :)

  11. A typo is what happened to me when I mispelled difference. Confusing then and than is straight up ignorance.

  12. Whatch out. Grammar patroll.

    Very instersting theory about the holistic meds he has been taking. Their are certain natural compounds that can really screw with your brain chemistry.

    But I think Mel was a racist long before any doctors came into his life. That being said, the pills could have exacerbated his already not stable mental condition.

    1. I agree Mash-- I guess my thing has not been the WHY of someone does something, but the fact it is what occurs and attempting to find solutions to behave more appropriately) if we knew why people did things, I could tell them first session what to fix and they could, and effectively end therapists' and psychitrists' jobs.

      From what I read Gibson's father was a foaming at the mouth racist and anti-Semite. Obviously I abhor both those behaviors, but it does help to understand his background.

      I hope whoever he is trusting with his health isn't permanently screwing him up. I still remember when he helped Britney Spears-- who I believe was also drugged inappropriately by Lufti. I hope they both get the treatment they need.

      I also think that cognitive behavioral therapy would be much more efficient than purely behavioral therapy.

  13. Grammar patrol? Talk to the iphone.

  14. Monica...

    You obviously don't have autocorrect on any of your computers/phones/tablets/etc., Monica. If you did, you would know that if you mistype say, "thn", it may very well autocorrect to "than" when you mean "then" (generally whichever one of those words you use more often). Not catching an autocorrect or typo is not indicative of intelligence or word knowledge. I suspect, based on your posts, that you would be highly offended if we all questioned your intelligence based on "diffetence".

    You also clearly do not know that on the desktop site, there is no way to tell if a comment is in response to the main post or to another comment. So while it may "follow" to you (that you were addressing Enty), those of us on our computers have no way to tell whom you were addressing.

  15. @katsmo...


    Although I do think it's funny when grammar Nazis have their own typos/mistakes in their posts about what they are correcting (which seems to happen a vast majority of the time). It's always funny to correct those people.

  16. Anonymous2:47 PM

    The Entys does have a lot of grammatical errors in their posts.

  17. I will put up a post on all you need to know about Mel Gibson in a minute. He was always the person people now realize he is today, just the PR machine kept the cash coming so everyone had to endure his behavior as Saint Mel the Devout Catholic Father of so many children.
    As always ; M
    google me

  18. Wow, monica is a PEACH.

  19. Aw, you guys get so butthurt and you don't even know the guy!

  20. Anonymous3:14 PM

    Rats, caught my own error. I should have said the Entys DO make a lot of errors, as I suspect that it's one than one person writing for the blog.

  21. He isn't trying to get help, it is a phony PR offensive, he is so misunderstood. Poor filthy rich, filthy mouthed Mad Monster Mel.
    As always; M
    Please Help The Search for Jessica's Killer google me for details

  22. M posts the same comment on like 10 different websites...

  23. For all of Mel's bad behavior (and Lord knows we've seen enough of it in recent years...), he also has his good side as well, with which RDJ (for one) is quite familar. No matter what his motives for going to therapy might be, here's hoping that he actually get something good out of the experience that helps him listen to his better angels, and tell the devils on his shoulder to go fuck off an die, eh?

  24. Enty's inability to differentiate between then and than drives me crazy too. It's bad enough that he uses then for than, but at least that's a mistake a LOT of people make. But to use than for then, that's an crazy mixup. It's like he FINALLY figured out that it's two different words, but got the part about when to use each one exactly backwards.

    Monica wasn't correcting any of US, so no need for any of US to be defensive. And Enty may never learn, it appears, since it's been pointed out thousands of times before, but maybe just maybe these will be the comments that do it. See Enty, your bad grammar is causing a rift among the readers. So one more time: THAN is a comparison, THEN is a sequence or consequence.

    Hey, all, have a good end of the weekend.

  25. *a NOT *an, I changed the word odd to crazy and my indefinate article should have been changed too. Ooops.

    1. Sure I see your point and understand what you are saying. However, there is a difference between tect and sounding like a complete asshole. Constructive feedback is always welcome so thanks for your thoughts. I have way too serious things at work that happen, so grammar correction on a gossip site I read for fun isnt the top of my list.

      Be well!

    2. Tact. I am beginning to suspect my phone is intentionally making errors. Lol

  26. Monica, I'm far from butthurt. Self righteous prigs who think they are far smarter than the rest of us gossip mongering lowlifes provide great amusement and swordplay on a lazy Sunday.

    1. I love gossip mongering lowlifes. Proud to be one, actually.

  27. Alright, I know I'm getting old because I'm really unfamiliar with the term "butthurt". I know its something I hear my little brother say, then acts like im a total loser when I shoot him an odd look.

  28. Alright, I know I'm getting old because I'm really unfamiliar with the term "butthurt". I know its something I hear my little brother say, then acts like im a total loser when I shoot him an odd look.

    1. I actually don't know either. Thought it sounded humorous enough to refer to anal sex.

    2. Butthurt = "panties in a wad", i.e. upset over a perceived slight or insult (often unjustifiably)

      You're welcome. ;)

  29. some of you guys are a wee on the anal side, you know that? i think enty should do a very special 'your turn' just for the nitpickers...they can tear apart his uses & misuses of all things grammar. i know i get stabby on his use of 'got' when it should be 'gotten'--but if i whined about it every single time i'd sound like those posters who refuse to install adblock and can't see a life beyond IE.

  30. I am not going near the grammar.

    But, I agree with kats - you don't whisper out the racism/misogyny.

    Mel Gibson is an asshole. He was attractive in his youth and could act, but he's still an asshole.

  31. Monica, I am absolutely with you. Enty is BEYOND being a horrible writer, and he/she also says some really stupid things in general that make me really question his/her "true identity" as a lawyer. (Not understanding the law, not using legal terms correctly, etc.) It bugs me to no end on some days, you are not alone, and you are not being an asshole. The Enty-worship here can be a bit much, FWIW.

    And mybro, I really want to gently tease you for using "duel" instead of "dual," but I don't want to be taken wrong and I don't want to be accused of being an asshole, either. Perhaps you did it on purpose for effect, in which case I tip my hat to you. :-)

    All that said, a very happy Monday to all! I had the best weekend I've had in literally months, so I'm on a roll.

    1. AKM: when I asked about the post monica referred to, I wasn't been inappropriate or nasty. She chose that behavior. As I am all about personal responsibility, girl needs to own it. I do understand the grammar booboos driving one a little nuts (their, there, they're drive me crazy for example) especially when looking over academic papers when those people have booklets about MLA and/or APA style.

      My whole point is that reading a gossip site is for FUN. Wnen anyone decides to correct others with spelling (many times either misusing another word or typing it on a smartphone and making mistakes like me) the other person isn't perceived as helpful. It's percieved by a majority of people as smugness. I have, like many people, highly stressful situations at work constantly and when I read sites like here or Lainey or Michael K it's for nonsensical amusement. While I don't believe it's a bad thing to be accurate in grammar/spelling, if that individual enjoys pointing out grammatical errors, they should consider vocations in teaching English to give their knowledge in a place it's needed.

      Additionally, it makes it difficult for anyone to feel welcome. I sure didn't. I said something about Joe Paterno not breaking the mandating reporting law in PA (which he didn't) and received quite the chilly reception for it. It made me not want to read for months. I started again because it's fun, and if people are so hung up on "Enty" they need to read the print wwaaaayyyy at the bottom of the homepage. I take from that he's not really a wealth of Hollywood info. He simply provides us the entertainment we want.

      Hope your great weekend continues into the week!

    2. Wooooow. Okay, first of all, you are not the moderator and you don't get to tell me what to do. I was absolutely not nasty to you, and perhaps you need to own your own massive overreaction. I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT YOU. Fuck.
      Second of all, there are far too many half illiterates out there writing blogs. Don't write if you can't. Or maybe ATEMPT some proofreading and editing if you are going to do it. This is my opinion and I am entitled to it.

  32. As long as we are talking about incorrect use of the English language...
    I for one cannot stand it when people say "I seen"

    As in "I seen you at the store last week" or "I seen that movie"

    It's I DID see, or I HAVE seen.

    Sorry, pet peeve. Another is the phrase "It is what it is". Water is wet too, Captain Obvious.

    Pookie: maybe he should just do a pet peeve Your Turn, so everyone can vent:)

  33. I notice spelling and grammatical errors not only in the main posts, but also in the comments, and I include myself in that category of sinner.

    Even the most literate and successful authors make spelling mistakes, which is why they have editors. The only editors in the blogsphere seem to be those of us that point them out in the comments.

    But can we please just drop this. It's not like any of us are writing a thesis here, and continually pointing out someone's spelling mistakes strikes me as being insulting and hostile and designed to make the original poster feel like shit.

  34. I think I made it obvious that I hate typo/grammar apologies BUT u guys sucked me in :D I have to add that the funniest combination of alphabet letters is "conversate". Omg remember Daman Wayans in In living Color as the recently converted to Islam guy in jail who would go on rants trying to sound all intellectual with big words like "conversate" but it would be sexual instead? Those were the days. Sigh....

  35. i have never met mel gibson or exchanged any communication with him. therefore, i assume that all you people who think he is an asshole know him fairly well. all I know is that he got crazy drunk and said some stupid stuff that was not that bad. as for his temper, why would a nice actor like mel suddenly go off the deep end? it sounds like drugs to me or a midlife crisis like menopause for women. i know that i got pretty weird when i was having hot flashes and hormonal shifts. i threatened to kill half my family at one time or the other for not picking up their socks. it is not easy for a man to see his looks going and his sex appeal not so good anymore. maybe this will help him. i like mel and hope he gets better.
