Saturday, October 27, 2012

Meet Joe Simpson's Boyfriend

For the past year, Joe Simpson has been quietly dating Bryce Chandler Hill. Well, it has been quiet on Joe's part. For his part, Radar says that Bryce has been telling everyone that he knows that he has been with Joe. Apparently the two were introduced by a close friend of Ashlee and Jessica Simpson which means they must have known a lot earlier than just a few weeks ago. Like probably when Joe changed his hairstyle and asked for the Ryan Seacrest special. Bryce is a model and I know this will probably shock you but the 21 year old does not have the same feelings for the 54 year old Joe that Joe does for Bryce. Joe is in love Bryce and Bryce sees a meal and a fame ticket. No!!!


  1. They look like a lesbian couple

  2. When I came to this page it literally redirected to download a free porn app....

    1. @strawberrygirl--happens to me 1 in 3 times now when I access this site on my iPad :(

    2. @strawberrygirl--happens to me 1 in 3 times now when I access this site on my iPad :(

  3. If you go to Tmz you can see Joe's new, hot, out look. More highlights! Tighter sweaters! Matching tennies!

    His new boy isn't really all that cute but he does have boy band hair soooo he's got that going for him.

  4. I'd feel bad forJoe if he wasn't throwing his wife over for this meanspirited little twink.

  5. There goes more of Jessica's money...

  6. Whatever makes him happy. Bryce has a androgynous look going for him. He's really good looking.

  7. Im on my iPad. I'm glad I'm not alone.

  8. Somebody actually WANTS Joe Simpson to be their meal ticket? Man, how desperate does that sound?

  9. Holy smokes, Sugar! I just went and checked out the TMZ photos - I don't even recognize him anymore!
    Oh my. . . . .

    1. Yeah Sunny, he's fully going for it. Family dinners might be awkward for awhile.

  10. Barely and his 20s, snot running down his nose, and more than 30y difference with his partner. Yuk. Yuk. Yuk.
    Almost as much as Calvin Klein (69) and Nick Gruber (22).
    I got nothing against gays but I definitely dislike cradle snatchers.

    1. when my friend first came out at 19 he dated 40 year olds, not one guy but multiple men in their 40s... ick i would never date someone that much older than me

  11. So who's the top and bottom in this couple?

    1. I am really getting tired of this question being so freely spouted. Please try to respect them as people, not a sideshow for you to guess who does which sex act. I'm not trying to make this personal but damn it if I don't find this totally insensitive.

      Does this question bother anybody else or is it just me?

    2. I agree, think its' an intrusive and distasteful joke.

    3. Seriously need a sense of humor. You couldn't tell that comment was sarcastic? Smh

  12. Cradle-snatchers isn't accurate. The young studs who are the boy toys of much older, wealthy men are very much more like the straight world's gold digging trophy wives.

  13. Ew. This is kid is so NOT good looking, but he does look like a slutty girl. Do gay guys like that?

  14. He's a pretty boy, pretty good looking ha ha ha. Ok I'm still drunk...
    I wonder how many ex boyfriends Preacher Papa Joe has. It definitely makes those Jessica boobies comments a little less creepy.

  15. I despised Joe "PIMP OUT MY DAUGHTERS" Simpson years before this, but this is a new height of hypocrisy--because he was a "preacher" he forced both of his daughters to marry to legitimize their relationships, all the while living secretly on the down-low. What a pig he is.

  16. Sugar---I love that use the word 'tennies'. That's what I grew up calling them too.

    As for Joe and Bryce---hahaha!

  17. And Joe is totally the bottom. I can't imagine him topping anyone. Well that just opened the door for a barrage of sexual images involving Papa Joe, leather thongs, and lots of bondage.

  18. just because the daughters introduced them, that does NOT mean they did so so the 2 of them could hook up.

  19. I always use my iPad and never get the porn app pop up. Try using chrome for iPad.

  20. Wow, the TMZ pics are something: He never pinged on my gaydar until now. I'd say yes, definitely. Ah well, hopefully he's happy and he'll find someone a little nicer. Maybe he's just having some coming out fun. At least he's not as creepy anymore about his daughter.

  21. Bryce looks a bit like Jessica facially. Pouty lips & imagine Jessica with a Miley-esque haircut. Who needs "boobies" if you can bang a male version of your daughter?

  22. Cliche is right. And i hate to judge but that fake prettiness- styled hair, dyed hair hanging artfully in his eye, fake tan and capped teeth spells shallow to me. Ugh

  23. He looks like he was bred in a laboratory to be a member of Duran Duran, in a timeline where Duran Duran are so perpetually popular that a team of scientists have been contracted to manufacture possible replacements for retiring members of the band Duran Duran.

  24. So Joe is being used for fame and fortune? Ironic, considering his evolution from Christian pastor to daughter exploiting manager. I guess karma does work!

  25. What's the likelihood that Jessica and Ken Paves' friendship split was over Ken being tired of Joe hitting on him rather than Ken not liking Eric?

  26. Anonymous11:44 AM

    That makes me sad. For a guy to come out after all that time just to be used by some 21 year old douche... :(

  27. To be fair, this is probably a shot from his modelling portfolio. He may look less boy bander in real life.

  28. I thought he was supposed to be a young Asian guy and yesterday a thread was speculating it could be Michael K. Guess not.

  29. @Mother Campfire

    Hollywood's a sideshow.

    Hollywood has always been about illicit and kinky sex. Gay OR straight.

    So is it insensitive? No way.

    Carry on.

    1. Hollywood may be a sideshow but in these times of cultural progression, one would think that helping a subculture move forward instead of holding them back by a cliched stereotype would be the 'in' thing. With your justification, we might as well allow folks to say all sorts of ugly things that were once accepted. Like f-g, the n word, etc.

  30. Nevermind. I just saw more pics on dlisted.

    And, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! I don't think MichaelK would go near PapaJoe with a 10 foot pole.

  31. I gots to ask: who is michael k??????

  32. Gasp!! ;)

    Check out Dlisted.

  33. Wow, he resembles Gary Busey in this tmz pics!

    Michael K is the hilarious blogger at Dlisted.

  34. I can't believe no one is going out of their minds freaking. This is JOE SIMPSON we're discussing here.

  35. I can't read anything about this without stopping every few sentences and letting out an "OMG" Anyone else it wouldn't freak me out nearly as much. IT'S JOE SIMPSON.

  36. You have got to be kidding me.
    Younger than his children???

  37. @Ingrid Superstar Hahaha!! He does look like a Duranie...

  38. It's good that Simpson is being his true self, but rotten that he covered it up, lied to his family and went so far the other way. The fact his new boyfriend is using him feels like karma.

    Hill looks like Tea Leoni in that photo.

  39. Oh yeah, Ingrid! Your comment is quite timely; it's Simon le Bon's 54th birthday today! I hope they keep him a little longer, though! LOL

  40. He looks to be more of Ashlee's type.

  41. i was thinking there was something off with that ashlee cat, ryan? cabrera or something? her dad was waaaaay to into that relationship.
    not that ryan reciprocated, it was just weird.

  42. Pammers - and probably why Pete isn't with Ashlee any more too. Skeevy old perv. He lied to his wife and family for 34 years. This is time they will never get back. He doesn't deserve any respect. There is no excuse for this. I hope it all comes back to him in spades.

  43. Nice smize there, Skippy!

  44. Yeah, i dont get all this ,"oh hooray for joe, hes finally free to live his life"". He's a hypocrite of the first degree!! Preaching anti gay shit, involved in his daughters bosoms., ruining jess's marriage- altho i think her low iq helped- sometimes, a dick is just a dick, whether he is in or out if the closet. He always had a super creepy vibe. I dont wish him unhappiness, but i sure dont care what hsppens to him. Remember karma. And im not celebrating his coming out. Prob it will come out he was forced out. Ugh!

  45. Thats probably why Jessica and Ashlee are divorced....their daddy wanted to hookup with their husbands! Nick Lachey must be laughing his head off and saying 'I told you so!'
