Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Matthew Fox Finally Speaks About Women Beating Accusations

It has been months and months since Dominic Monaghan called Matthew Fox a woman beater. Dominic was not misquoted and in fact, made sure that everyone understood that he meant what he said and then said it again just to really drive home the point. Matthew Fox didn't say anything at the time. This came on the heels of the accusations made by a bus driver in Cleveland who said that Matthew assaulted her, but she later dropped her lawsuit. Settlement from Fox? Finally Matthew speaks. In the latest issue of Men's Fitness, Fox says that in his entire life he has never hit a woman. So, why did Dominic say he has? Why was Dominic so vehement? If it was not true, why didn't Matthew say something at the time? He just let it sit there, stweing and didn't say a word. Matthew did the interview with Men's Fitness because his new movie opens this week. It is the same movie that Fox was filming in Cleveland when all the trouble began. He also says in the interview that he will never get behind the wheel of a car after having any booze. You would think that after the drunken incident in Cleveland and the DUI, that maybe it might be a good idea to just give up booze altogether, but he says, just no to the drinking and driving.


  1. I don't remember this incident, but if Monaghan was lying, seems that Matthew Fox would have a good libel (or is it slander) case against him. Since he hasn't tried to file suit or quash Monaghan in any way, I have to assume it's true.

    And as long as he's not beating women or driving, it's his business whether or not he drinks himself to death.

  2. I follow Dom on twitter cause I'm obsessed with Lost and LoTR (nerd alert!) And people will ask him about Matthew Fox and the accusations and Dom still stands by his story.

  3. Oh Foxy. The devil in a pretty bottle. Alcohol may always be there for you but it is never a true friend.

    I hope he wakes up and gets some help for this.

  4. Very true Dia, some people just should not drink (myself included, 5 months sober yesterday tho!!) Alcohol only makes anger or control issues worse.

  5. Thanks for the update CB. Fellow nerd right here! I had a hankering to watch LotR marathon last weekend. Saving it for a bad weather weekend. I love those movies!!!

    Loved Lost too. But damn it got weird at the end. Totally loving Person of Interest with Ben (Michael Emerson). It's great!

  6. Congrats on your 5 months!!!

    For as much as I joke about drinking, I actually drink very little bc it makes me sick. I think I have allergies now (cue Smashbash...) I think my memories of drinking and wildness are probably better than the reality of it. Ha Ha!

  7. rejectedcarebear - congrats!

    @dia - we've gotten into Person of Interest also. I didn't think I'd like it but it grows on you.

  8. Congrats, rej!

    As SusanB said above, he would have a very strong case for a libel suit. Plenty of people will swear up and down that they didn't commit XYZ crime, even if they're caught in the act. I'm not so sure what he's afraid of - fans certainly don't have a problem turning a blind eye to their beloved celebrity's misdeeds.

  9. I had a very embarassing injury while drinking (sprained my ankle-had no clue how at the st pattys day parade) and it woke me up to how bad my drinking was, plus I act like a total maniac and drink to excess. Its been difficult but its the best decision I've made in awhile.

    The only reason I started watching Lost was because I loved Merry in LoTR, hence the Dom love. The show got weird and didn't answer all my questions but that's life and I guess its how the viewer chooses to interpret it.

  10. If Fox is a big drinker, he may not actually remember hitting women. Great alibi, huh? I've heard a friend say their husband, completely mild-mannered, gets a bit physical when he's wasted. He never remembers. He doesn't drink much anymore. Like those have mentioned above, some people can't handle it. I think I'm allergic too.

  11. Well done, rejectedcb!!! hang tough.

    I'm also a HUGE lost fan. Like...HUGE.

    I tend to believe Dom here.

  12. I read a long time ago, when Lost first started that Fox was a pretty wild hedonistic guy, at the time he said his wife was the only person he knew who could keep him in line. I don't know if he's still married or not.
    I came away from the story not liking him very much.

  13. Still married. They must love and understand each other. Alcohol does strange things to ur brain, he may hv hit someone and not remember, as you guys said above. I drank in high school. Git sick, threw up, had migraine next day. Tried it again. Same result. Mb tried 5 more times, then said this is not for me. Used to drink chapagne at thanksgiving, eventually gv that up b/ c i wld get all red and flushed. Dont hv desire for it, just dont drink for like past 30 yrs Have diff demons, lol. Back on topic, i dont see what dom wld hv to gain by lying. So u thriw that fact in there, and the booze and u hv very blurry picture.

  14. Care bear - I follow Dom too, and you are completely right, he insists that Fox beats women, not just that one woman

  15. I clearly remembered the Mathew did deny this at the time, so I guess ENT is parsing the story.

  16. I don't believe Fox. More entitled actors. By the way, I had a mini-crush on Dominic after Lost. I was kind of disappointed when Flash Forward got cancelled because he was on that too.

  17. rejectedcarebear, congratulations.

  18. Has anyone else seen the trailer for Fox's new movie? It looks very violent & scary. Fox is shedding his good guy image in it for sure. Also Dom was in Eminem's 'Love the way you Lie' video making me think this is a topic close to his heart.

  19. "Also Dom was in Eminem's 'Love the way you Lie' video making me think this is a topic close to his heart."

    Really? Considering how misogynistic Eminem's lyrics are, and how much violence against women they've threatened, this sounds really hypocritical to me.

  20. I definitely believe Dom. If Fox was innocent, he would have sued Dom.

  21. I thought Fox was seriously in recovery at this point. If so, "you're only as sick as your secrets," Matthew. Maybe you should come clean and make amends. You may be on your way back, in your career and personal life. Don't blow it by trying to cover your ass. People will respect you more if you own up and have sincere remorse.

  22. He was just on Ellen stating basically the same thing as the Men's Fitness article. Admitted to the DUI, says he'll never do it again and vehemently denied hitting any woman, although he did say a woman was in the vicinity when he was sucker punched.
