Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Louis C.K Is The Best


  1. I totally love Louis CK and I can't wait to see him for my birthday!

  2. disco- where? (what state)

  3. he is great he is supposed to host SNL this week hope that is still happening and Sandy didn't ruin that also.

  4. I'm going to see him in Austin.

  5. disco, we are hoping to go in SoFla end of November to see him. Hoping is the operative word.

  6. I'll hope really hard for you! If you don't have tickets, keep an eye on craigslist. Also, if you see someone scalping them for over the $45 price on stubhub or something. Report them to louis' website.

  7. They added a late show (via his site) . It's more a question of relatives visiting when he will be here. I'd rather visit with him:)

  8. Make the plans now, do it and tell your relatives to chill the eff out. I kid, I kid. Sort of...

  9. I didn't get tickets here in Seattle and now it's too late! Good for you, @Disco.

    Re: video, I couldn't understand a word the hecklers were saying, so it was kinda pointless.

    I love him, too, especially after his Parks & Rec cameos. That sort of did me in.

  10. Saw him the night after this happened. And the night after that! He's my absolute favorite celebrity.

  11. Why do people always to heckle comedians? It never turns out well. They have a microphone and are usually much smarter than you. You will get torn to shreds.

  12. He's brilliant.

  13. Sold out both shows in Athens. Me and good luck always was strangers.

  14. This was great, because I was expecting him to go off Bill Hicks-style on the heckler, but he was actually very nice. We all know that hecklers really bring out the ugly in comedians.

    I got a kick out of hearing my daughter giggle herself silly the other night over the Louis CK "cell phone" stint.

  15. In Bill Hicks defense, he had recently found out he had cancer...Love him, and love Louis C.K.

  16. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I recently found out about Louis. He rocks.....
