Monday, October 22, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Wants Restraining Order Against Michael Lohan

In the never ending, but I sure wish they will all decide to take a three hour cruise with Gilligan and be out of our lives for a year or two, Lindsay Lohan has decided with the help of her mom that she is going to get a restraining order against her dad. I have no doubts she will probably be able to get a temporary one, but will have no luck getting a permanent one. So, that is a waste of time and legal fees but is guaranteed to keep her in the news for another month until after Liz & Dick premieres on November 25th. I saw my billboard for it. There is really nothing more frightening than seeing a billboard sized photo of Lindsay Lohan dressed up like Elizabeth Taylor. I didn't even know Lifetime had the budget for billboards either. Michael says he wants a Conservatorship for Lindsay but wants someone else to be in charge of the money so people don't think he is just after her money which he is, but wants to make it look all above board. He recommended a few people who would be good. Mr. Mesh Shirt and Mr. Leahcim Nahol. He thinks either one will be great, but needs to know in advance so he can get the appropriate costumes out of storage. Meanwhile, his kids all say they hate him and he said that he didn't care because they have never paid him or made him a dime.


Roman Holiday said...

Oh the HORROR of this family!

When is it going to stop......

Roman Holiday said...
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auntliddy said...

Re: the pic. Whats with the collette reardon lipstick?? And props to anyone who knows what i mean, lol. Im always getting weird stuff stuck in my head.

a non a miss said...

I want a restraining order against her face said...

I would absolutely LOVE for this sad young woman and her crazy family to fall off the radar.

Mother Campfire said...


Mother Campfire said...

This was toward CareBear.

annab said...

Could the USA get a restraining order against all of the Lohan's? Enough already. If the media and paps wouldn't give Lindsay and family any attention, after a few weeks they would finally slink off somewhere.

Amber said...

Allegedly her manager, entertainment lawyer, and criminal lawyer (Shawn Holley) were all on board with the intervention he tried to pull off, because they think she needs it. Michael Lohan's motives should always be in question, but she really could benefit from a conservator as long as the family has absolutely no say in who it is, and all financial transactions need to be approved by the judge.

Agent**it said...

I want a restraining order against Enty posting any more Lohan dramas.

Mama June said...

annab said:

Could the USA get a restraining order against all of the Lohan's?

YES!!!Wonder who is able to make this possible? ;)

Patty said...

Enty, if you stopped with the Lohan posts we wouldn't miss them. You can use the space for something more a video of paint drying.

katie said...

A no Lohan/no Kardashian blog would attract millions.

Think of all the clicks.

dia papaya said...


Morning Agent and Carebear. Thanks for the laughs!

CantHaveMyPurse said...

Why does she call him when she's in a fight with her mom then? If she hates him so much, why is she seen having dinner with him? She's so full of shit, it's laughable.

Shocky said...

I like the Lohan posts. Keep doing then, Enty

MadLyb said...

@rejectedcarebear - LOL! I thought the same thing, except I was going to say against that lipstick.

Too bad we can't send them to The Hague for crimes against humanity.

Sarah said...

God this family is toxic.

Sarah said...
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parissucksliterally said...

She should get a restraining order against her Plastic Surgeon.

Sherry said...

Yeah if she hates her father so much why did she call him. And he has a recording to prove she did it. Could you imagine if they did get a conservatorship with BOTH parents locked out? But then, that would never happen.No matter after next year when she joins the 27 club their gravy train will be gone. Oh, no, then there will be books and movies about her sad, tragic life after that.

Jason Blue Eyes said...

This is going to be a Long week.

ms snarky said...

I think we should all start calling him Mr. Nahol. It's pretty perfect. : )

Hazeldazel said...

LOL - this is trainwreck I love to hate, so keep em coming, Enty! And I laugh so hard every time she says she's gonna get a restraining order against daddy, cuz whenever she hits someone, who she gonna call? Pappa Lohan! Notice that? She never calls Dina. It's always Michael that come gets her when she clips a bar manager or whatever. Soooooo... girl, you realize you can't call him either when you get the restraining order, righhhhhttt? *rolls eyes*

lazyday603 said...

She looks exactly like a drag queen in that picture. I wonder if she lip syncs Diana Ross songs?

Unknown said...


mooshki said...

Conservatorship, my ass. Britney is mentally ill, Lindsay is just a narcissistic addict.


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