Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Stole $15K Worth Of Clothes From Scary Movie Set

Besides showing up late for work and being a general pain in the butt, Lindsay Lohan also managed to steal about $15K worth of clothes from the set of Scary Movie 5. According to Radar, the clothes were just sitting there all alone on wardrobe racks and Lindsay could not resist the urge to touch them and then hug them and then stuff them in her purse and run as fast as her streaked tanned legs would carry her while also trying to light a cigarette and looking at the latest presidential polls, you know, because she is mad crazy about the electoral college. The producers just let her keep them because, you know they are not coming back. Once Lindsay has something, it is as good as gone. This also means that the next time she ever gets a movie role she will feel she is entitled to steal again because nothing ever happens to her.


  1. The last line says it all.
    If you are going to associate with someone with a history and rep like Lohan then you almost deserve to get screwed.

  2. It would be unhygienic to wear clothing she has touched anyway. Let the skank have her swag. They get a story and some publicity from it.

  3. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Hollywood, STOP GIVING HER WORK!!! I'm sick of this bitch!

  4. I'm at the point where I say good for her. Steal ALL the clothes next time so maybe dumbasses will quit hiring her skanked out decrepit ass.

  5. WHY is she still around?!?! STOP HIRING HER!! Wow, do I need to make all the decisions around here?! ;)

  6. LL is a student of Madonna's school of thought, "any publicity is GOOD publicity". So most money hungry producers feel that she will bring in the crowd because of all her shenanigans thus the reason they keep hiring her.

  7. Madonna. School. Thought. I've never seen these words linked before!

  8. Things will not end well for this one. Even Charlie Sheen and RDJ were able to admit when they were crackers. Not Lindsay.

    Downhill, downhill...

  9. she is beyond ghetto

  10. She is on the road to death! Sorry to be so harsh but I just can't see her coming back from her drug induced delusion!

  11. LOL @ Barton Fink.

    @hunter - this trick might live forever. She keeps getting chances and keeps having birthdays.

  12. While I reluctantly agree w/ Ms Cool, look how far she's fallen in just the last three years - face, hair, teeth, mystery chin bloat, theft, theft, theft, trailer destruction, theft.

    Just sayin...

  13. Here's the plan:

    Develop a fake movie production
    Put hidden cameras everywhere on set
    Hire Lohan

  14. I still feel sorry for the woman who allowed the Liz & Dick production to use Taylor's historic trailer, only to have it trashed by Linds & Co. The Hollywood fools who keep hiring this wreck have no excuse, but I can see a private person presuming - or being overtly assured - that a production team is going to take responsibility for the safe care a borrowed item, especially something like that and not expecting Lohan to still have been allowed to destroy it.

  15. .robert- thaT sounds like a plot for Argo 2

  16. Oh please...*hands someone a gun*...just put me out of my misery. Whether she is 'working' or not, I'm having trouble accepting that we will never stop hearing about her!

  17. This is not going to end well for LL.

  18. NEXT TIME, Please BAN THE BITCH from all film and television sets including cable ........Does anyone really want too see her ?

  19. How is this not a felony? I really don't think she'll ever be held accountable for anything

  20. OMGosh, SHOCKER...

  21. I hope they didn't pay her in full upfront. If they were smart, they & anyone that hires her in the future should pay her only after an audit of the set for valuables.

    But really, if you hire a career criminal, what do you expect? Once a thief, always a thief.


  22. Horrible bitch is horrible.

  23. Yet people keep hiring her and letting her get away with it.

  24. Shouldn't this effect her parole?! PLEASE?!

  25. I can only assume she has some really good blackmail on someone so that she keeps getting hired. If we could just figure out who she's blackmailing........

  26. Jeez, how large of a purse was this bitch toting?

    OT: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Boring sold their wedding photos to People??

  27. she is nuts. thats the kind of thing to expect if u hire her. dont be surprised. We dont know whats twirling around in her dina/michael infested brain.

  28. Winona Ryder has NOTHING on this bitch.

  29. One day she's going to steal from the wrong person. Get while the gettings good, Lindz.

  30. People love a train wreck. Everyone I know is dying to see the Liz & Dick movie, because it is going to suck so hard. The publicity they just got for the movie is worth a heck of a lot more than 15 grand.

  31. What- the fuck -ever.
