Monday, October 01, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Is A Mess

If you have ever wanted to try and convince yourself that Lindsay Lohan does not drink or do drugs anymore, I want you to ask yourself why Lindsay was so worried over the weekend about video and photos that a Congressional staffer, Christian LaBella took of Lindsay in her hotel room after Lindsay invited him back to the room that she wanted to delete them and told the police that the man assaulted her when in fact, he didn't. There was no assault. So, when Dina says things like it is a good thing he didn't have a gun, it doesn't matter because Lindsay lied. If Lindsay had been assaulted and the things happen she said happen, the guy would have had the charges kept. The arrested was voided. Now, Lindsay is just in as much trouble as the guy, although he will probably lose his job. Why does Lindsay need a hotel room if she lives in New York? Have you ever seen anyone get into more trouble than Lindsay does? Maybe Jenelle Evans from Teen Mom, but, it is not like Jenelle actually has the possibility of  career. Would you ever hire Lindsay?


  1. Just have to give the guy props for the funny dog photo. That is all. Happy Monday!

  2. P.S. - methinks Linds is turning tricks.

  3. Captain Obvious is writing the headlines again. Welcome back.

    Lindsay will continue to have a glimmer of a career as long as blogs keep reporting on her stupid shit. Did I say glimmer? I meant sliver.

  4. My god, is that Lindsay in that photo? She's looking more and more wrinkled every day.

  5. @eris Hilton- but I like her pashmina. That's nice.

  6. This is such a mess. And here I am, like an idiot, working for a living. I could just be stealing and hooking and lying about it... if only I'd been a child star :(

  7. As Rick James said: Cocaine is a helluva drug...

  8. I doubt that the guy will lose his job. Republican Congressional staffers usually get their jobs through political connections ($$$) and have to do something really bad to get canned.

    Lohan is astonishingly ignorant about how NYPD and the Manhattan DA's office works for someone who grew up in the area. They are NOT going to put up with her filing false charges, making false statements to the PD, skipping out on arrestable incidents, etc.

    Man, what a stupid bint. Hey Lindsay, check out how many open beds there are in the women's jail at Rikers. It ain't LA, honey. They are not going to walk you in the front of the jail and out the back, like Baca did.

  9. Anonymous6:43 AM

    I thought that was one of the best LiHo pictures in weeks.

  10. My first thought when I heard about the "assault" over the weekend: "What did Lindsay steal from him?" And now we find out she wasn't even assaulted. I wonder how low her bottom is? She has to hit it sometime, right?

  11. it's obvious why she invited him back to the room, and it's obvious why he was taking photos of her...i want to see those photos

  12. I find it amazing that men want to sleep with her let alone are willing to pay for it. A brush with fame I guess.

    1. @goes in circles Dude is a total fame whore. He has photos of himself posing with the Kartrashians and claims on his facebook bio that heather Mcdonald from Chelsea lately is his aunt. Who name drops like that on their facebook bio!?

  13. @VIPblonde, i think she charges extra if you want to hit her bottom.

    ba-dum-chinnng, I'll be here all night, folks

  14. @ eris,
    You forgot to plug the veal ;)

  15. @eris - Monday morning lolz - awesome!

  16. I'm guessing he took pictures of her doing drugs or her doing people for drugs and she got wicked pissed.

    That pup is so cute tho!

  17. He tried to have charges filed against her but those didn't stick either. Looks like it came down to he said she said and no evidence.

    I think she thought she would be clever and try to play the sympathy card and all of america would fall back in love with her becuase little lindsay lohan got her ass kicked. Except America doesn't care and she wasn't assaulted. Look at how her PR team was so quick to put out that she was "assaulted" all horseshit. If someone snatched my phone from me you will be damn sure i'm getting it back. I hope he still has the pictures.

  18. I'm wondering if it would have been possible to show the cops the pictures to help his story, but he declined because he knows he'll get a decent payout from the tabs? Clearly Trollhan is lying about the whole incident, so there's no way to know what happened, but I'd be willing to bet that the guy did everything in his power to hold onto those photos.

  19. Doing hard time seemed to cure Robert Downey Jr. Maybe it's the only thing that will save Lohan.

  20. That doggie is far too cute to be mistaken for Lindsay...shame on you all! :D Cracking up @ the pashmina comment, though.

  21. You guys are too funny this morning!! Ari - please take one for the team and report back on the photos. I don't want to see. Have a great week all!

  22. What's up with this post? Very odd language. Not trying to be a jerk, but it is really weird.

    As for LiLo, wow. She is an addict to the 10th degree. I don't see her turning this around without serious intervention (ala RDJ as someone else mentioned).

  23. @KLM, agreed, poorly written. And I hadn't heard about the assault so it was all the more confusing.

  24. For the love of god, PLEASE never mention LL and RDJ in the same sentence!!! It literally gives me a

  25. I thought she'd be the one assaulting him!!

  26. He's a congressional staffer -- has no one ever seen all the photos members of Congress and their staff take with ... everybody, famous or not? It does rival celebrity fame-whoring, and what I loved about this weekend's news was that someone finally had as much pull with authorities as Lindsay with her D-list status still getting her special treatment in the legal system.

    He won't lose his job -- this is the Chicago politico crowd we're talking about (Lindsay is lucky she didn't go to the hospital, and shouldn't push it, just saying). But I'm guessing this won't be the last we'll hear from him. I'm thinking a Jake Tapper-esque type guy who uses this episode to catapault into some other entertainment-related field. Maybe he does have photos, and maybe he'll write his own book. Whatever. He's already got the connections to take off.

  27. B profane. Take me away to honesty island?
    I am tired of lies and pushing blame elsewhere. It's not my fault? I didn't do it? I didn't know. It was their fault! They forced me to do it. Enough.

    The silence of honesty, pride, conviction.

  28. Ok, she may be horrible but if he was taking pictures and videos and emailing them to friends (I had to go to TMZ for the story), then he's a first class ass. That's such a dick thing to do. It also says his Facebook page has photos of him with Kim K and her gross mother, plus another photo with Joe Francis. That says a lot about a person.

  29. She may well have been attached, but it seems that she cannot/ will not undergo medical examination to support her accusation – she may not want those findings in the public domain

  30. First of all, she got "home" at 4am, with a bunch of barflys like herself. Nonesense, drugs, idiotic shit, and suddenly she remembers the phone camera. Perhaps she accidentally sobered up briefly, lol. But she must get the photos! She has her reputation to think of!! So she grabs for it from the other drunken jackass, which culminates with a stair brawl, after which she is lucky to be alive, thank u very much! Charges of course dropped because rveryone some class of incoherent. The best part? Her "friends" say the whole incident bought on an asthma attack, and she has to stay in all day! Of course she has to stay in!! She was up all night doing drugs!! Can u say spin? This whole story smells worse than 3 day old fish left in the sun. Shes gonna up dead in a gutter somewhere, and on her tombstone will be," It wasnt my fault!"

  31. Oooohh. He got pictures of Linds doing drugs or doing people for drugs. Lindsay those wouldn't shock anyone. I mean, I'd probably be surprised if someone got pictures of her feeding the homeless or something...

  32. Never ever NEVER !

  33. Lohan is a hot mess and needs to either just go away to some place that actually wants her (no idea where the hell that might be) or just finally get arrested so she at least has to finally accept that actions have consequences.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. He got pics of her drugging, and she stole his phone. I'd beat her fucking ass for that.

    Her stupid publicist is calling this an "outrage" that the charges were dropped. FUCK YOU. Your client has gotten away with so many REAL crimes, THAT is an outrage! She should have been in jail since 2007!

    I hope the Enquirer prints the photos. He emailed them out before they were deleted from her phone. I am so sick of her saying she is sober, and playing the fucking victim.

  36. @RowdyRodimus - spill, spill!! Or can you give us any more clues?

  37. So Lindsay's a pug now?

  38. I read this story and of course like an idiot thought that she was actually victimized and felt bad for her. Then I read it again, and remembered that she is a liar and a rather nasty little shit, and the guy's only crime was being a fan boy and probably taking pictures of her using drugs. Or else he paid for her services. I don't know - but we all know for a fact that even being in the vicinity of this woman is likely to ruin your good name. And of course the police dropped the charges. I'm going to say it: Lindsay Lohan is one of the more disgusting human beings on the planet.

  39. @AuntLiddy: HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAAA!!! too perfect! That'll be an excellent Halloween decoration actually.

    @RowdyRodimus: oh c'mon, give us some more dirt!

  40. goes in circles says: "I find it amazing that men want to sleep with her let alone are willing to pay for it."

    A while back, on a movie-related site, a guy who knows people in the porn industry said that it's widely known among porn actors that Lindsay is beyond awesome in bed, and after a guy has had sex with her, every other girl is mundane. So that would explain why guys are willing to risk disease and whatever else to be with her.

  41. @Susan and @Hazel I'm not naming names because I have friends that work for the family of the girl I was talking about and don't want them to suffer any retribution if my real name comes out somehow (My friends not having another real options on where to go after them is a clue in itself lol)- However, I'll give a few more clues lol

    She and her family are worth Billions and their product is watched by millions weekly.

    Her mom is busy right now but will probably be home in their mansion after the middle of November.

    There were even a few 80's pop stars that they figured we all had crushes on and wanted to live out fantasies with lol

    Let's just say some of us didn't need to wait for Playboy years later heh heh.

  42. It sounds like @RowdyRodimus is referring to:
    whore=Stephanie McMahon
    husband=Paul Levesque (just retired from wrestling)
    mother=Linda McMahon (running for Senate)

    In other news, @Amy said that "this is the Chicago politico crowd". First, if it *were* the Chicago politicos, the guy would definitely lose his job. Chicago politics is nothing like the ridiculous misperceptions which stem from the 1960s. It's 50 effing years later.

    The douchebag actually works for a downstate (Springfield-ish) republican rep. I'm not surprised.

    I mean come on, we all saw the trailer for Dick and Liz right?

    I wonder how much a night with Lindsay costs and how it compares to the cost of a night with Pamela Anderson or Kate Moss. Im guessing Erin Moran goes for a lot less.

  44. I hope he didn't actually delete the pics and we get some shots of Lindsay's Box and starfish, while she blows a guy for coke. This dude needs to get a Silent Snap app and turn the flash off.

    I been waiting for coked up celeb slut videos hitting the web ever since cell phones started taking Hi Def video.
