Lindsay Lohan Has A Boyfriend Who Talks To The Media
Josh Chunn is a trainer in LA, but he has a lot to learn if he really thinks he is going to be Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend. here are the top ten reasons why this trainer will not work out as Lindsay's boyfriend.
#1 - Lindsay says she is single. Yes, she lies, so that one might not matter.
#2 - He told the media he was her boyfriend. No one talks to the media except Dina and only then as Lindsay's male publicist.
#3 -Michael Lohan likes the guy.
#4 - He thinks Lindsay's friends are f**k ups. While this may be true, they are also her enablers so she needs them more than some trainer.
#5 - He likes fishing and wants Lindsay to go with him. Yeah, just close your eyes and picture that one for a second.
#6 - He likes to hike. See #5
#7 - He likes to go to bed early and does not drink very much at all. So, basically he will never see her.
#8 - He is not willing to give his credit card or his car to Lindsay in exchange for sex.
#9 - He says that he works hard for his money and has a schedule. Spent five hours explaining the concept of working and working hard to Lindsay. "Oh you mean like the people that clean my hotel room? Why would you want to do that?" she said.
#10 - He is insane. Why else would you want to date Lindsay Lohan?