Sunday, October 21, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Has A Boyfriend Who Talks To The Media

Josh Chunn is a trainer in LA, but he has a lot to learn if he really thinks he is going to be Lindsay Lohan's boyfriend. here are the top ten reasons why this trainer will not work out as Lindsay's boyfriend.

#1 - Lindsay says she is single. Yes, she lies, so that one might not matter.
#2 - He told the media he was her boyfriend. No one talks to the media except Dina and only then as Lindsay's male publicist.
#3 -Michael Lohan likes the guy.
#4 - He thinks Lindsay's friends are f**k ups. While this may be true, they are also her enablers so she needs them more than some trainer.
#5 - He likes fishing and wants Lindsay to go with him. Yeah, just close your eyes and picture that one for a second.
#6 - He likes to hike. See #5
#7 - He likes to go to bed early and does not drink very much at all. So, basically he will never see her.
#8 - He is not willing to give his credit card or his car to Lindsay in exchange for sex.
#9 - He says that he works hard for his money and has a schedule. Spent five hours explaining the concept of working and working hard to Lindsay. "Oh you mean like the people that clean my hotel room? Why would you want to do that?" she said.
#10 - He is insane. Why else would you want to date Lindsay Lohan?


  1. He's dating her because he likes the attention?

  2. I'd need proof beyond his word that # 8 & 9 are true.

  3. If there was any possibility on the face of the earth that he could whip that sad girl into shape, he'd become a training guru in LA.

  4. did vikram get tired of spending his money on her?

  5. I wonder if she's baby soft.

  6. In a perfect world, he would love her so much she wld feel cherushed and special. She wld stop the drugs and crazy shit, and cut of freeloading parents. They wld live happily ever after, crazy in love. *Sigh*. I can dream.

    1. In a perfect world he would like having sex with women, too, and not be using her to get his name and face published.

  7. In a perfect world we'd all have that, auntliddy. Us before her probably.

  8. He better go to the doctor pronto...nothing good comes from Lindsay.

  9. I just realized that other than Samantha Ronson, Lilo has NEVER had a public boyfriend/girlfriend. So I have to say that I am quite surprised Dina hasn't made that happen for her. I am sure that most public relationships with 2 celebrities is a money grab, so how could Dina miss doing tht?

    1. I was recently thinking that too. After Sam, Linds hasn't been linked or really seen with anyone, male or female. You think it would be easy to convince some up and comer to be her S.O., at least for publicity's sake.

  10. Lilo was in a very public relationship with Wilmer Valderama. They were together right around the time "Mean Girls" came out.

  11. I want to follow Lindsay around for a week and blog about everything I see, hear and experience. Think Lindsay would be up for that?

  12. Didn't she go hiking and fishing in that Georgia Rule movie?

    Look at dude's puppy dog eyes. I dunno, he seems pretty swoony to this old salt.

    Plus he's all stubbly, so you know, he's a MAN. Dude probably took that photo right after working on his Mustang's edge or some thing,.

  13. Right, she dated Wilmer for several years, and if you'll recall, before she was 18, so they tried to be secretive about it, and finally came out as a couple after she turned 18.

    Also, I just remembered - remember, her and Ashlee Simpson were in a feud about Wilmer! Ashlee's song, Boyfriend, was about how she didn't steal Wilmer from Lindsay.

    God, that's hilarious.

  14. LOL @ Enty's top 10 reasons...Is this guy for real?! Pretty sure Lindsay wouldn't be too happy about him talking to the press about her. If he is for real, I hope she kicks him to the curb. She doesn't need ANOTHER media attention whore in her life.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. he must want a reality show.

  17. So, you take most of your gossip from Radar and Perez Hilton and then take your own faux spin on it? Michael Lohan stated he was greeted by this guy at the staged intervention and didn't know who he was.

    It amazes me what people will f-ing believe

  18. ugh, that picture. what a stupid pose?!
