Lindsay Lohan Got Paid $150K To Show Up At Mr. Pink Event
Who in the f**k thinks Lindsay Lohan is worth $150K to show up at your event? Apparently the people at new energy drink Mr. Pink think so. They also paid her in cash. When a celebrity is asking for cash, then you know they will take way less than $150K because they are pretty desperate for it. Lindsay also made the deal herself so she could cut out her manager and lawyer and everyone else who would want a piece of the money. Seriously though, if you are Mr. Pink, you want to pay the world's biggest f**k up to come to your event and have her promote your drink? All you have to do is tell her there will be a bunch of people with Chanel bags and fur coats and she will come on her own and you won't have to pay a dime. Whoever the owners of Mr. Pink are, they really need to look at the way they are spending their money. Who out there is going to buy Mr. Pink because a drug addled klepto showed up to say how great it is?
The good news is that Lindsay was barred from a club last night and told she couldn't go in and she screamed bloody murder but it did no good.