Thursday, October 11, 2012

Lindsay Lohan & Dina Lohan Hug It Out

One of the things I failed to mention yesterday when talking about Lindsay Lohan and Dina Lohan's knock down drag out fight was the fact they were out partying until 4am on a Tuesday night. You are not a normal 40 something and looks like a 40 something if you are out until 4am on a Tuesday. You can tell they have nothing to do in life except shop during the day and do lines of coke off stolen merch until the night falls and they can go out and get drunk in public and cause a scene because if they got drunk at home, no one would take their photo except for strange guys they picked up who are trying to sell the photos.

The best part of the audio tape below is to hear Michael Lohan hear that Dina Lohan got $40,000 from Lindsay and that maybe he can get some of that too. You can hear the dollar signs just spinning in his head. I mean he is going to be a new dad, so he could use the money. I'm shocked Lindsay actually had $40K to give to Dina, but if she wants it back, it must mean she is running low again. Time to make a visit to her benefactor.


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