Sunday, October 14, 2012

Lindsay Lohan & Barbara Walters

Somehow, Barbara Walters would like to try and make herself a little less relevant  and for people to take her even less seriously. According to TMZ, Lindsay Lohan is going to sit down for an interview with Barbara which will focus on how Lindsay Lohan and Elizabeth Taylor are so alike. This will lead up to the premiere of Liz & Dick on Lifetime which is scheduled to air during Thanksgiving weekend. I was not aware they showed something other than football during that entire weekend, so I will have to probably wait until one of the inevitable 400 repeats of the movie.

As for the interview? I don't even know where to begin. Not sure how their lives are that similar or parallel and didn't know Barbara's dementia had grown so severe where she thought they were. I know that is how she got Lindsay to agree to it, but the only similarity is that they both started as young actors and that they both have problems with drugs and booze. How else are they the same? All this is going to do is make Lindsay's head even bigger. I would not be shocked if she dresses like Liz for the interview. Let me know the next time some actress gets a role in a crap Lifetime movie and gets an interview with Barbara Walters.


  1. This movie STILL hasn't premiered? I thought the original air date was some time in August.

  2. Barbara Walters is officially a hack.

  3. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I don't think getting an interview with Barbara Walters, or as I like to think of her, Baba Wawa, is as relevant now as it would have been 20 years ago. She's getting sort of befuddled.

  4. They also share hard driving stage mothers, horrible taste in men and questionable fashion choices.

  5. Gross.....why waste time on this bimbo ?

  6. I'm sure Lifetime is paying Barbara to do the interview. All the questions will be prepared so Lindsay can have pre written answers. Of course, it won't be anything like Harvey Levin did asking her flat out questions to which Lindsay got pissy and just deflected and denied.

    It will be a nice softbal puff piece and Barbara can pretend she is still a real journalist. F'ng sellout.

  7. I have hope. Barbara took Paris Hilton to task. She doesn't have anything to lose by asking LiLo a few hard questions. Thieving drug addicts won't talk to her anymore? I'm only interested in how many inches away Lindsay's atty will be sitting.

  8. Lilo is pathetic. Barbara is a close second.

  9. If Barbara actually interviewed her, asking the tough questions it might be worth watching. If it's just to promote this upcoming piece of crap movie, meh.

  10. So Liz boosted all that jewelry?

  11. Lindsay is going to wear a caftan, scarf around her head, covered in jewels and continuously spray White Diamonds around the room because "it helps her focus"

  12. Anonymous11:40 AM

    So this is my birthday gift Universe? No thanks, I'm regifting this crap.

  13. What happened to the Baba Wawa of the olden days when she was a great journalist and reporter? How the might have fallen. The View, now this. Troubling that younger folk don't know what she used to be like.

  14. Barbara had better get on Lilo's ass about all her fucking lies. But of course, Delusional Lohan will lie to her face about everything that has gone on in her life. Nothing is EVER her fault.

    I fucking hate Lohan. HATE her.

  15. Barbara may have been softened over the years, but she still asks the questions that need to be asked. Whether Lilo will be honest answering them is the real question.

  16. Barbara is going to go for it. At least I hope she is. Years on The View have made her feel like she can be abrasive, so I'm fully expecting Lindsay's hope that she won't "go too far" to be torn to wee pieces.

    Hope hope hope hope

  17. I have never really liked Barbara as a serious news person and she has gone down hill considerably over the past decade. My favorite moment ever was when the movie 10 came out and she was doing one of her specials. The recurring question she asked all the women featured on that show was 'How do you rate yourself on a scale of 1-10?' Babs mouth opened in gaping shock when Bette Midler responded in her truest diva style--'Darling--I am a 10.' The look on Walters' face was absolutely priceless!

  18. If the interview is airing on Lifetime, then it will definitely be a fluff piece. They just want to continue suckering people like me, who love a good trainwreck, into spending four damn hours on their channel.

    But, since it's Thanksgiving weekend, I'll most likely be in a turkey and football induced coma...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. What's she going to say she hasn't said already? "Oh, I don't party anymore." "People are just out to get me.", "I'm a good actress.", "I'm serious about my career." and my favorite "In five years I hope to win an Oscar." Well she said that a year and half ago - and she's no
    closer to that now than she was then. There are only two words I want Barbara to say to Lindsay's face: EMMA STONE.

  21. How does Lindsay reconcile being "bullied" and then stating she is casting her vote for a known bully. Oh yeah, because she is a clueless, lying, megalomaniacal, narcissistic, cunning, drug-addicted fame whore.

  22. All Lindsay is going to say is "I don't drink and do drugs" "I've changed" "I'm dedicated to my craft" *snort snort* "I see myself in Liz because we are the muses of pure talent" "I'll be at the Oscars in 5 years" blah blah blah. I bet Lindsay HATES Amanda Seyfied, Rachel McAdams and Lizzie Caplan

  23. I tots want to see this horrid piece of lifetime garbage. Whoever suggested the google hangout during the premier is genius! I might actually set up an event. Who's in?

  24. It has not been confirmed. I have hope... I mean really, parallels between ELIZABETH TAYLOR and Lindsay Lohan. Repeat that a few times. You will get a good laugh

  25. The way things are headed, I really predict that Lilo will join the 27 Club in a couple of years and Dina Lohan will REALLY have something to feel sorry for herself about.

    American entertainment has confused being 'famous' for being 'infamous'. I guess that is what happens when there are no more values. Fame has become an end in itself...

  26. This makes me miss the days when Lindsay thought she was the reincarnation of Marilyn Monroe.

  27. I thought Bette's comment was "Hell, honey, I'm a 55!" (Personally, I like that one even better; no matter what she actually said, though, the point is that she totally took the piss out of the whole BS "10" business, and good for her!)

    Perhaps they've scheduled the movie for Thanksgiving weekend, thinking that most families have 2 TV and the women will watch this while the men all watch football? Whatever...I'll just wait for the rest of you all to report back on it, and spare myself that particular horror...

  28. Maybe they can discuss the joys of having saggy breasts.

  29. barbara lisping and kneepading her way thru november sweeps? one bastion of integrity interviewing another? yes, pls! ratings and whitewashing, that's what november is for.
