Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lindsay Lohan And Dina Lohan Get Into Fight With Each Other- Blood - Police Called

This is what happens when two washed out drug abusing alcoholics go to a bar together. I think it is especially sad that Dina Lohan and Lindsay Lohan party together. Hmm, why would Dina Lohan party with her known alcoholic and substance abusing daughter? To make sure she only has 10 drinks instead of 20? What kind of parent encourages their alcoholic kid to drink? That is what Dina is doing. You know what else it shows besides horrible parenting? That Dina is an idiot for ruining her possibility of future paychecks. Anyway, the two of them went out to a club last night and stayed out until 4am. On the way home to Dina's house the pair got into a fight and Lindsay ended up getting a cut on her leg and a broken bracelet. Not to worry about the bracelet because she probably stole it anyway and knows where she can get a better one or she can go spend an hour at the millionaire's house and take care of it that way. Anyway, the police were called and it was classified as a domestic violence call. Lindsay said she was being held against her will. No doubt Michael will come to the rescue. You know, because he has a lot of experience in doling out domestic violence.


  1. Blonde Hair Snakes go flying! Earrings ripped out!

    Keeping it Classy, Lohans!!!

    Maybe I should feel bad for their misery, but I don't. This is better than morning cartoons!

  2. Didn't Dina tell Dr. Phil that she doesn't go clubbing with Lindsay?

    Pathetic. But you know what? They deserve each other. I think they enable each other too.

    1. @surfer, actually I'm pretty sure what Dina said is that she goes out to clubs with Lindsay to "keep the enablers away".

      Yes you're free to laugh hysterically,

  3. In this instance i wouldn't actually mind watching a fight to the death.

    1. MTV should bring back Celebrity Death Match for the special occasion :)

    2. Ha!!! Good one.

  4. Geezus criggity. Maybe mama bear thinks baby bear is worth more dead..

  5. The gifffffffffft that keeps on givvvvvviiiiinnnnggggggggggggggggggg to us allllllllllllllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. I don't think anyone deserves a mom like that. Maybe if Dina was a better mom, Lindsay wouldn't be the way she is (although I do believe in accountability as well - Lindsay needs to rise above).

  7. This is also what happens when you treat your children like a friends. Doesn't Dina have friends her own age she can party with? Nope!

    Dina. Hi. This is the behavior ruined your daughter's career. She was talented once. Walk away if you really love her. You guys rival Amy and Blake, for weird codependent inappropriate relationship feuled by drugs and alcohol. Time to start being the grown up Dina. Did you sell Ali for a few bucks bc she's been MIA for way too long.

  8. I don't think anyone deserves a mom like that. Maybe if Dina was a better mom, Lindsay wouldn't be the way she is (although I do believe in accountability as well - Lindsay needs to rise above).

    this. Completely.

  9. This is going to be so fantastic. I can't wait for the public blame-game.

  10. Now I'm waiting for some world-class spin. They both like to cast the blame away from themselves. If I was the driver, I'd start watching my back because this will all rain down on him.

  11. @dia - don't you remember? Ali is "modeling" in "Korea".

    1. Hopefully she gets her old face back while she's gone.

  12. U r right. This is what happens when 2 alkies go out til 4:30am. Dina is so deep in her addiction, and linds too. Sad and pathetic. Notice all the horrid things that happen btwen 1am and 5 am? Thats why u shld be home in bed!!!!!!!!!

  13. They are both trash.

  14. Ugh thank you SO much for posting this!
    I just heard this story on Wendy Williams.. More deets here by the way hah.

  15. Dina hasn't seen herself as Lindsay's mom for years-she thinks she's just a bff-it has done wonders for them both. *eyeroll*

    That's a whole lotta busted in that picture! EWWWWWW!

  16. Yup, auntliddy, my momma always said that nothing good happens after midnight. And now I'm old, too, because I can't imagine being out after midnight unless a medical emergency is involved!

    You just know it's a classy family situation when the cops are routinely a part of your family disagreements. Lovely.

    Don't you think that at this point they're probably turning tricks as a package deal? Horrible thought, but I'd bet $10 that it's true.

  17. Yes yes Amber! How could I have forgotten all that modeling? Maybe bc no freaking photos!!!!

    What do you thing they really did with her? I'm envisioning organ harvesting at this point.

  18. They both are disgusting trash bags.

  19. Furthermore, $10 might be enough to hire them, at this point - ha ha, I crack myself up :-).

  20. Frufra! If its not now it will be in a few weeks!

    Those ladies are looking rough. You know it's bad when Michael is the good parent.

  21. How bad is your life if you are clubbing with your mother!!! I don't even want to go to family parties where I know my son will be there drinking!! It just makes me all kinds of crazy!!!!!

  22. @frufra, my dad says the same thing!!! When I was in my 20's however, I was all about no good things happening! But, alas, there is truth to that little saying....

  23. Her mother is a disgusting piece of work- and Lilo is just a f'ing mess.
    You know it's too bad Vikram or any of her other 'benefactors' of the moment don't give two shits about her long term- because she could really use some help.

    Oh, and on Lilo's twitter account awhile back she had a pic surrounded by Loub shoes and looky loo who was lurking in the background? The good news is, at least someone paid the bill.

  24. Remember in 2008, Dina received the Mother-of-the-year award in Long Island ... I dont know who is the bigger idiot - Dina or the Long Island Association.

  25. Dina is really unfortunate looking.

    And you know, a bad parent can shit on your life when you're young. When you're an adult, you have the ability to change your circumstances by changing your relationship or, if need be, walking away from your parent(s).

    Yes, circumstances led up to this point for Lindsay, but the blame for where her life is today is hers, and hers alone.

  26. @dia - I think the word was that she was actually in rehab for ED/emotional/etc.

  27. @ Silly G - I hear ya - I was all about staying out all night when I was younger, and I can officially say nothing good did ever happen after midnight!! Lots of bad decisions are made in the wee hours of the morning, when you're trying to stop the sun from rising! No amount of money could woo me back to that life.

  28. None of those bad things would have happened to Lindsay if she were in New York - oh wait, whats that? She is in New York? Nice shoes by the way. They go great with your little suit and your little tie.

  29. Those two need to pack up and move into the the trailer in the desert with Heidi Fleiss and her birds.

  30. Thanks Amber! I got Halloween on the brain and like organ harvesting better than boring therapy. But who goes to Korea for therapy? Hmmm? The whole story must be fake!

    Everytime I see the initial ED, I think of Erectile Dysfunstion. Even when it doesn't apply.

  31. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Trash is as trash does.

  32. Me, too, dia! Those commercials have rotted our brains!

  33. Ha! My first thought on the bracelet was that it was stolen as well!

  34. What Dia & Frufa, you don't like Bob!!!! He does look happy though:)

  35. Also, this made my day this morning because knowing the lohans, Lindsay is going to be calling magazines all day long, same w Dina. Shitstorm!

  36. Most of us did stupid stuff when we were in our 20s. I would party until 4 in the morning and be at work at 7 am. Now if I tried that I'd be in bed for a week.

    Where are all these people with cell phone cameras when you need them? I'd pay to see that fight!

    I cannot imagine going out partying with my mother at any time in either of our lives. Just seems.....incestuous or something.

  37. Usually Lindsay blames the other person and Dina backs her up

    Am curious to see what the party line will be this time...(other than blaming the third person/witness, which is a given)

  38. I can't believe Lilo hasn't already posted photos of her injuries to Twitter...unless there's some gossip mag deal in the works.

    Oh, if only Lifetime would make a move ABOUT Lilo. I would watch that train wreck, for sure.

    "Amanda Bynes as Lindsay Lohan in the Lifetime Original Movie: 'Her Mother's Daughter.' Featuring Tori Spelling as Dina Lohan."

    Needs a better title. But I'd watch it.

  39. No way Cornbread - that title's solid gold!

  40. @Cornbread - LOVE it. How absolutely fun would it be to write Lifetime movies? They're so best.

  41. When they wake up this afternoon, that driver is SO going to get the blame.

  42. Cornbread - you need to copyright that title!

  43. No, no - Ali's not actually in Korea. The story is just cooked up to cover the fact that she's in an extended rehab stay for the drugs (Adderall?) that her sis got her on.

  44. I thought Ali was in the photo of LL shoe "shopping" this week?

  45. I wish Lilo would break away from this trick for good. I know she's responsible for her life now, but her parents didn't give her the right tools. She's f*cked, essentially, until she gets help from a sane and stable source (intensive therapy, in other words). Dina essentially pimped her kids out so she can benefit herself with parties, drugs and getting laid by her daughter's castoffs, which are probably slim pickings these days. What a mom.

  46. when i heard this i actually felt sorry for lindsey. my thought (and it WAS fleeting) was that here is this 25 year old woman, who is really trying to work as an actress, and her own mom is literally pulling her down into the gutter. then i thoughtabut how her younger sister managed to escape, and figured lindsey could/should be able to do it as well. we heard this on the radio this morning and my 11 year old's comment was, "how many police calls does this make for her this month". she's a punch line to a joke, but there is no end in sight. i'm alternately sick of hearing of her, and wanting to know what's next.

  47. Oh Cornbread..The title is perfect. So when did Ali go to Korea and what sort of "therapy" is she supposedly doing? Yeah, I can't wait until the two of them start spinning this one..And the thought of them both doing the mom/daughter dirsty dance for money is something I cannot unsee..Aaahhhhhgggg.

  48. I think someone said it the last time this pic was posted but...
    It looks exactly like a pic in an ad for a mom and daughter prostitute team that u hire to "party" with at a corner booth in a strip club where u do lines right on the table and finally go in the back room when it's time to get down n dirty.

  49. Too bad Lindsay never had a mother.....

  50. I cannot wait for Steve Honig's press release on this. Or Lindsay's Tweet to explain.

  51. @katsm0711 - and I think that is exactly where Lindsay and Dina will end up one day in the not-to-distant future.

  52. Stop me if you've heard this one before. OK, two skanks walk into a bar............

  53. @Char - you think they're not there already? I'm pretty sure that ship sailed several years ago.

  54. Here's a fun quiz:
    Who can swim the farthest out in the ocean before drowning?
    A. Lindsay Lohan
    B. Dinah Lohan
    C. Not sure, but definitely worth trying.

  55. Revel beat me to it.

    So Lindsay calls her father for help, and Michael being the gem that he is, tapes the call and then sells it to TMZ, which now has it up on their site. Honestly, I wish Harvey would stop paying the Lohans for all their crap.

    A picture of this family should be in the dictionary under DYSFUNCTIONAL.

  56. I was just thinking this morning how quiet Lindsay has been the past week and a half. Now this. Christ, can you imagine somebody like Amy Adams behaving like this every week? Here's what counselors in school should do. Put up side by side photos of Lindsay on any given occasion next to a photo of Natalie Portman winning her Oscar. It'll be the best "Don't do drugs" course you could ever give.

  57. Listening to that tape on TMZ all Michael is doing is baiting Lindsay for damaging information to make the sale of the tape sweeter to TMZ. He might of even given it to them to help destroy his ex-wife and in his own damaged brain thinking he is helping Lindsay.

    The saddest part of the tape is hearing that Lindsay gave Dina $40,000 "to save the family home" More like to continue the party in Dina's nose. This whole family is addicted to drama.


  58. Robot Chicken really does portray them realistically.

  59. I'm sorry, I know I'm probably the only person on the planet with some sympathy for Lindsay Lohan, but I can't help it. I feel for this girl. I know she's an adult and responsible for her own actions, but she had a sh** start in life with those two ass hats for parents. Her father was so violent towards her mother and probably abused Lindsay as well...this does not add up to a well functioning adult. And it seems all child stars at Nickelodeon and Disney were subject to molestation at some point! Damn. This family is just messed up.

  60. There are 2 boys no one ever hears about either. One is older than Lindsey and the other is younger than Ali. They have vanished, probably by their own choice.
    Turns out their home still has a $429,00 mortgage on it. Lindsey is responsible for paying the mortgage because Dina doesn't seem to need to work. It would cut into a partying time.
