Lindsay Lohan And Dina Lohan Get Into Fight With Each Other- Blood - Police Called
This is what happens when two washed out drug abusing alcoholics go to a bar together. I think it is especially sad that Dina Lohan and Lindsay Lohan party together. Hmm, why would Dina Lohan party with her known alcoholic and substance abusing daughter? To make sure she only has 10 drinks instead of 20? What kind of parent encourages their alcoholic kid to drink? That is what Dina is doing. You know what else it shows besides horrible parenting? That Dina is an idiot for ruining her possibility of future paychecks. Anyway, the two of them went out to a club last night and stayed out until 4am. On the way home to Dina's house the pair got into a fight and Lindsay ended up getting a cut on her leg and a broken bracelet. Not to worry about the bracelet because she probably stole it anyway and knows where she can get a better one or she can go spend an hour at the millionaire's house and take care of it that way. Anyway, the police were called and it was classified as a domestic violence call. Lindsay said she was being held against her will. No doubt Michael will come to the rescue. You know, because he has a lot of experience in doling out domestic violence.