Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Lets Talk Jennifer Aniston And The Ring

So, after not publicly appearing together for two months despite several golden opportunities, Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux showed up and flashed bling all in one photo op. despite getting engaged two months ago, this was the first time anyone has seen the ring or the couple together. Has Jennifer Aniston ever worn anything flashy in her life? Has she ever blinged out for awards shows? Go back and look when she was at the Academy Awards. No bling. No let me borrow millions of dollars worth of diamonds from someone and wear it. Engagement ring from Brad Pitt. Large, but vintage looking. Not gaudy. Fairly understated. So, with all these years of never seeing Jen in bling, you would think the man she is supposed to marry would know such a thing. So, it is kind of shocking to see what is possibly the world's most gaudy ring on the finger of Jennifer Aniston, held up just perfectly to make sure the world gets a look. Maybe Jen has been hiding her love of bling from us all these years. I just think it is funny they have not been seen together and then wham, there they are as a couple, and she is touching his face with her left hand and here is the biggest ring you have ever seen in your life to go with it.


  1. i have no trouble with the fact she wants to show her HUGE & FUGLY engagement ring to the world:finally she's engaged!!!!

  2. And don't forget the old lady hands.
    Although, I must say, I love her. I don't care if it's not popular. Love her, love her movies (most of them).
    She deserves to be happy.
    That's me for today, done being sweet.

  3. I'm no diamond expert but that rock does not look real. And even if it is real, it's fug.

    1. If it's fake, I'll love her even more. Real diamonds gross me out.

  4. i'm waiting for the tabs to size up (no pun, i swear) the carats and do a comparison chart w/ angelina's ring.

  5. I love her, and she deserves a huge rock.


  6. A ring that size just reminds everyone that she had to buy it herself. Not to mention the fact that it looks more like something Kimmy K would wear...

  7. I agree its strange, but I just don't understand what the goal of all this would be.

    And as far as the size of the ring, that's all on Justin. It seems more so for show on his part than to think what his woman would really want!!! I mean how is she suppose to turn it down, if she really is in love, and say god this ring is hideous I refuse to wear it?!?

  8. Looks younger than she is in the face...but those hands, every one of her 44 years ther (maybe more).

    Nothing "understated", "elegant" or even "pretty" about that rock. The nicest thing I can say about it is "it's big!".

    MichaelK on dlisted caaled it a ringpop...very appropro.

  9. I mean. I am not hating. At all. If a guy that good looking wanted to buy me a ring that big slip that sucker on and let the haters hate.

  10. I hope they are wildly happy and ride off into the sunset together. Enty, just be happy for them. They're celebrities - if they stage a photo op they're just like every other celebrity. WFC? As for the ring, like items as Saks and Niemans- just because it's expensive doesn't mean it's pretty. And that thing is WAY bigger than Angelina's.

  11. This 'blood/conflict diamond' aka please-don't cut-of-my-finger rock is significant larger than her pea-sized brain.

    I've noticed that women with lower intelligence always run around with massive rocks on their fingers.

    Too lazy to explain the term blood/conflict diamonds especially since Google does exist for those of you who are 'low information' readers.

    1. This is about the rudest comment I've ever read. Why would you follow a gossip blog if you held that much contempt for its subjects and fellow commentors? And for you to assume others aren't aware of blood diamonds is, well...I don't want to sound too much like you, so let's just say supremely ignorant.

    2. Sounds like someone is bitter!!!

  12. I don't see the big deal here. I have yet to see a celebrity engagement ring that I wouldn't be embarrassed to wear. This is just one more. None of them are understated or elegant.

  13. And isn't Brad P just starting press for Killing Them Softly? Hmmmmm...coincidence?

  14. If she had come out two months showing it off, everyone would have attacked her then so she's damned if she does and damned if she doesn't. I believe Justin has his own money and he may have bought it as an "F U" to Brad and everyone else which might make her love him all the more. Personally I really hate AJ's ring because the cut makes it look plastic. On this, I can't tell the cut because the lighting of the pic doesn't show it. I like a sparkly ring. I'm Team Jen so I'm glad if she's happy.

  15. This girl just cannot win. If she never showed it, she was hiding something, if she shows it, she's showing off. It's too big so obviously Justin does not know her that well so they won't last, will there ever be an end to this ridiculous crap?

  16. @Nap...methinks that may be the point.

  17. Your assuming it's a real diamond. She strikes me as a cubic zirconia kind of gal.

  18. I think I'll pass on pointing out what an enormous C*NT Saffron seems to be (one with low level intelligence also, just knowing what blood diamonds are does not a genius make dear.)

  19. Oh dear, queue the Jennifer Aniston timing conspiracy theories and posters insulting other readers while bringing in politics to a benign celebrity story.

    This is a cant win situation. If he bought her a smaller ring, he would be called cheap. Because he bought her a big ring, she must have bought it (um, I'm sure jewelers were lining up for the publicity, and hello - he has a successful Hollywood career too!).

    I don't like the big ring look, but I dislike people who judge you for the size of the ring more. If he likes it, and she likes it, who cares what others think? It's not the size of the rock -- it's the size of the commitment that matters.

  20. @saffron:
    The only country currently in breach of The Kimberly Process is the Ivory Coast. So tell me... since you claim to not be one of the lazy ones... is her diamond from there and was it mined during the period that the country has been in disaccord with the KP process? How about some proof of that rather than lazy accusations disguised as "I've done research" assumptions, ie: pulling it out of your ***?

  21. Since I haven't seen a decent close-up of the ring it's hard to comment..I think it's a large stone surrounded by small diamonds but that's a guess....
    All the photo's I've seen are from a distance and then blown-up and blurry...
    So I reserve judgement until I can actually see it.

  22. I need to see an up-close pic of it.

  23. and P.S. he's worth 12 million and can afford to buy her a great ring.,

  24. Who cares, right, but in some pics it looks like she's wearing a teething necklace for babies. You can see a few glimpses of it in other photos. That would be hilarious if she had adopted a baby and kept it under wraps.

  25. you know the reason we haven't seen jen in 2 months is b/c she's been filming we're the millers in north carolina and new mexico. let it go enty let. it. gooooooo.

  26. The only person who has to like the ring is Jen. Im happy for her. Mb theorix went this way b/c she never has; so he wanted it to be diff and special

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. everyone's hands get old. just wait.

  29. O...M...G! The comments are truly hurting MY feelings and I rag on JA all the time. Just damn.

  30. I hate all solitaires, something about them always struck me as odd and aesthetically unappealing. But that's just me.

    But I'll join the uncool kids in saying I really like Jennifer, enjoy watching her on screen, and wish her the best. :-)

  31. and i think it's NOT a diamond (a quartz?)

  32. I think he is really cute, but not really believing this whole thing.

  33. @Unknown,

    thought I would catch a lazy, ignorant low information troll here. So what are you? An ignorant troll, a diamond lobbyist for De Beers or a diamond smuggler????

    The Kimberley Process Certification Scheme lost a large amount of its integrity following Global Witness’ announcement to walk out on KP in December 2011. The human rights watchdog group stated that in recent times, the governments of Zimbabwe, Côte d'Ivoire and Venezuela have all dishonored, breached and exploited the system without bearing any consequential penalties for their infringements.

    I recommend you study and read more.

    1. Why are you so angry? Seriously, you come across as so hostile.

    2. Maybe saffron can also tell us where Shelley is

  34. My husband has bought me some gaudy shit and I oooh and aaaah over it every time! Some men do not have good taste in jewelry! I like it but it is not really sparkly the way I would like!

    She looks pretty happy about it so good for her and him! I am also uncool because I like her and her movies! And I have never watched friends so I am not one of the loonies or whatever you call them.

  35. I'm no fan of Jen but it's her ring and their business - if they're happy, I'm happy.

    I have a 2.5 carat pear shaped diamond that I love. It was in an antique setting we bought at a vintage jewelry store and had reset. I don't care for rings with a lot of stones, but that's just my personal taste. I won't knock anyone who likes them.

    Go ahead and laugh at "old hands" all you want. Some day you too will be old. And it'll happen before you know it.

  36. @French girl:
    You think it's a quartz? Because you can tell from a blurry picture what a gemstone is? Or you've been reading Kaiser on CB and have no originality but would like to pretend you do?

    For the record, quartz is not generally used as a diamond simulant since CZ is cheaper and more convincing.

  37. I think it's a rough cut diamond - which is unique and in keeping with their image. No cookie-cutter Hollywood ring for this pair and I for one applaud that!

  38. @Saffron, yes - very presumptuous for you to assume that most people wouldn't know what a blood/conflict diamond is, particularly since there was a blockbuster Hollywood film movie about that very subject. Don't be an ass.

  39. If that's a diamond it's, at best, an I1 or I2 ... also known as "frozen spit". It's very very cloudy. Should she claim the diamond is dirty, the only way a diamond could get *that* dirty is if she just put on lotion & didn't rub it in or she thrust her hands in a vat of yogurt.

    And @Saffron ... I have what may be considered by some as a "huge rock" wedding/engagement ring. I also collect diamonds & diamond jewelry. I guess I'm of lower intelligence. *shrugs* IDGAF ... I look fucking fabulous.

  40. Aw, my comment got eaten. The internet gods are angry.

    I just said something tinthe effect of chain smoking not being kind to hands.

    And how the only thing that gets people more riled up than a political post is a good Angelina/Jennifer.

    Finally, I said that even though I'm an Angelina fan, and am annoyed by Jen's "acting", she seems nice enough and harmless enough (if a tad insecure) and therefore I hope she's finally found lasting love since we all deserve that.

    There. Doesn't everyone feel better now that you know what my comment said?

  41. Oh, and I still think the ring is ugly. But I don't have to wear it so...whateves.

  42. Please let's not attack each other personally here. Ktxgbye.

  43. @Saffron:
    I'd recommend that you read what the Kimberly Process is actually about.

    Then, before you start throwing around "it's a diamond, so it must be a blood diamond" digital diarrhea, you need to be able to a) know where the ring was made, b) know where the stone was cut and c) see the KP cert concerning it's import into whatever country it was cut in.

    Global Witness retraction or not. Zimbabwe skirting of terms or not.

    You have zero info on where this stone is from, whether it's recently mined or a reset stone from an antique (my guess). It could be from Russia, Australia or Canada, are they traffickixng in blood diamonds? For that matter, have you even had the stone in hand in order to confirm it's even a diamond? No, you haven't.

    Ignorant PC keyword throwing troll.

  44. I'd be super thrilled if Aniston/Theroux announced that it wasn't a diamond (unrealistic, but it would be cool). I simply don't understand the draw of spending money on diamonds (or overpriced sports cars, etc) -- it just proves vanity more than anything.

  45. OR...maybe it really IS a ring pop.

    (I have to say that would make me kind of love her.)

  46. I love JA and don't want to hate on her at all-- she deserves her happiness. That said, it is hard to tell from all of the pics I've seen but it looks to me like the stone is a raw diamond. Raw diamonds tend to be much bigger (they haven't been polished down), they are said to be from safer sources than blood diamonds (I don't know if there is any truth to that) and they aren't as clear as a normal diamond. They are somewhat trendy right now with big jewelry designers. I love them because they have a very "salt of the earth", one-of-a-kind, organic look to them, which I think fits Jen's persona.

  47. I hate my hands! Because of this I always get stabby when people point them out on others and call them old, that shit happens.

    The ring looks big but it is hard to really see what it looks like.

  48. I don't see how any of us can comment on the ring when we can't have a clear good look at it.

    It could be any number of stones with smaller diamonds around it, or a large rough cut with other diamonds around it. Either would be unique and nice.

    Nobody cared how big Liz Taylor's diamonds were.

    If she's happy with him and the ring, good for them. I'd like to see a nice looking relatively normal couple be happy for once.

    Don't start, I know she's not Liz, I'm talking about jewels.

    I was either a crow or a stripper in another life, I like shiny, sparkly things, no apology. I make jewelry so I can have exactly what I want. Mr. Del does supply the diamonds I have though.

  49. That doesn't look like a diamond or an engagement ring.

    Aniston has been known to wear one big ring. She wore one that I think was her own for much of Friends.

    The ring Pitt gave her was one he designed and sold. It actually wasn't so great.

  50. @Meagan: It's not a rough diamond, the stone has been faceted.

    For info only, rough or cut makes little difference as to whether it might be a blood diamond or not. It has to do with how it's mined not what happens to it afterwards.

    Blood diamonds, as per the KP definition, are those that are mined to fund civil war, ergo not by or under a recognized government authority. There aren't a whole lot of diamond producing countries involved in civil war at the moment.

  51. Good for her! Hopefully this is a man and not a pig in disguise like pitt. Let the bitch be happy.

  52. That ring is ugly. Why do people always think big and gaudey are better? My friend's engagement ring is enormous. I think it's one of the ugliest rings I've ever seen in my life.

  53. @Saffron - good god, could you be more condescending, LOL? I think most people here know what a blood diamond is.

    You guys know she had to get that big rock. It would suck having Jolie's name linked to yours forever, so you might as well try to play along and try to one-up her. I'd take Justin over Brad any day.

  54. Wow. JA just can't win. I think the ring is beautiful and hope they will be happy together for a very long time. Having said that, what kind of world do we live in when Avril has the best ring of all?!?!?!??!!!

  55. Good for you ChopChop, flash that bling.

  56. @Saffron - we have diamond mines up here in Canada and the only conflicts you'll find is in the Timmy's line.

  57. @Enty - Aniston has worn a large diamond ring on her right hand for a number of years. That is one large rock, I'd wear it..no diamonds surrounding diamonds like the tacky ring Pitt designed for her

    So what did she do to get the CB snark from you? Eat your last piece of bacon?

  58. @redronnie, Seems our Enty hates little ole' Jen, he must have some pretty good dirt on her for all the contempt he has for her, OR, he thinks AJ is the shit and is team Jolie:)

  59. I'm happy for anyone who finds love in this life! Mazel tov, Jen!

    *Paging Patsy Stone* Could you please singe Saffron with your ciggie, sweetie darling?

  60. I've always liked Jen's style; casual, minimal and understated but always really well put together even when she's wearing just a t-shirt, jeans and sandals.

    She knows what suits her shape and her clothes are of great quality and well cut. She's very minimal, likes simple clean lines and has been very consistent with this style for all these years.

    So this ring is not a great choice in terms of representing what's become her signature style; it's loud, large and unfortunately cheap looking. On this basis I find it a very odd choice especially she must have approved it, I can't believe that she didn't have a say in what she'd be wearing when she would know how much attention she would get from it.

  61. I got it, Enty is Angelina Jolie!!!!!! It all makes sense now!

  62. My ring is the bomb...it's a 2 ct. emerald square cut, and it's surrounded by small diamonds set in 18 ct yellow gold, I don't wear it every day because my life is so casual but when I do strangers ask about it. I loved it when I got it and I still love it.
    An engagement ring is personal as long a Jen loves it nothing else matters.

    P.S. I really don't like Angie's ring. Also I doubt greatly Brad designed it, or that it took forever to find the diamonds....that was a DAMAGE CONTROL RING....

  63. I just have to laugh at people talking shit. I know I will take a big ass diamond in a heartbeat. its only "gaudy" to those who cant afford it. Keep hating, bitches!

  64. ihatechemistry - (BTW, I'm not the one with the "hate" sentiment right in my username!) No, we're not all just jealous because we can't afford it. Just because you have it doesn't mean you have to flaunt it.

  65. It's like the Great Wall! I can see it from space.

    Reminds me of the joke I use to tell my hubs before we dated: "I want a ring so big, I get crushed under its weight."

  66. I hope she has a happy, blissful marriage with all the diamonds she wants.

    Yes Im scared of old hands. Also you can tell a woman's age by her elbows. Its weird.

  67. @Seachica:
    Exactly! Well said!

  68. @Saffron: Yeah your comment was pretty condescending.
    @Misch: My mom has an emerald cut albeit much sammler than yours but I love that cut. I think it's such a nice way to show a stone.

    And I got the impression this was a pink diamond. I don't care,hate or covet what anyone else chooses for their jewlery. It's as personal as their perfume choice honestly.

    And I don't think Jen's hands look old at all..First thing I did when someone said that was look down and mine and go, ah hell naw! LOL!

  69. I have no quarrel w/Jen; I wish the two of them well and hope they have a wonderful marriage. I'm enough of an uptight Yankee puritan, though, to think that really big rocks are kind of tacky, and I know that I personally wouldn't want a great big diamond weighing down my hand and making me mugger bait. I'd much prefer an estate piece in a lovely platinum or white gold setting that doesn't stick up too far from my finger (don't those rings always catch on stuff?); also, I wouldn't turn my nose up at a ruby (my birthstone) in a similar setting, and that would more unusual as well.

    I guess it comes down to this: yes, I like shiny things, but BIG shiny things just feel weird to me...and hey, if it were the right man, I might even prefer a Ring Pop. ;-)

  70. I worked with a woman once who once or twice a year bought herself the biggest floral bouquet she could find full of Birds of Paradise (I'm going back a few years now) and would have it delivered to the office about mid morning. She would parade around carrying it - she is tiny and the vase as you can imagine was huge and heavy - before making a fuss about having to clear space for it on her desk.

    That ring reminded me of this former co-worker.

  71. @ saffron "I've noticed that women with lower intelligence always run around with massive rocks on their fingers."

    Wow. Thanks. I guess that makes my mother a dumbass. She had a big honking diamond ring that I inherited. It's so large that I feel uncomfortable wearing it, but it looked wonderful on her elegant hands. I'm also afraid to wear it because of its value, but people usually assume it's not real.

  72. I love Jen, I'll admit it

    And the diamonds in my ring are Canadian....which makes sense, because so am I

  73. I saw a close up of the ring, not a great shot but it looked like there were small diamonds up and down the band. Personally I hate big jewelry, and think that ring is tacky. I'm also not a JA fan at all, don't care for her, I think she's vapid, but I also don't hate her. I hope she's happy, and if she likes the ring, then so be it.

    Also I've always hated my hands but now that I'm old, yeah I don't give a shit! woohoo! That's the blessing about getting older if you don't fight it, suddenly appearance isn't life.

  74. The ring and this discussion reminds me of Scarlett's response when Rhett asked her what kind of ring she would like him to bring her back from abroad. She responded one so large the other women can take comfort talking about how gaudy it is.

    Yeppers. This is a Scarlett ring if there ever was one.

  75. RE: Saffron
    I think this is the first time I've been wanting Jax to come in and rip somebody a new one

  76. If anyone thinks this Justin dude isn't intimidated by bring compared to Zbrad Pitt, they're fooling themselves. If this isn't an I-too-can-afford-stuff ring, then I don't know what is. People have all the attention in Jen & Angie. I say it's this dude who's got issues. Forget the ring. What's he really trying to say about size? Hehe. Sorry, I get sick of the I live Jen/I hate Jen talk!

    1. Oh dear. Autocorrect is such a pain!

  77. Awww, man, you guys are making me self conscious about what I used to refer to as my "early 40s hands"!

  78. Hands show age! Someone told me that old hands were due to yo yo dieting too. I guess Jen forgot to put sunblock on her hands when she cooked in the sun.

  79. Is it a diamond? Or DiamondAura? Better than diamonds, it survives fire! oooooh....

    (I thought someone else would say it, but no one had. I see those ads in magazines all the time!)

  80. I go with Lainey on this one, the reason is the unveiling of Chanel number 5 ads featuring Brad Pitt. They are playing the media as per usual. ZzzzZzzzzzz

  81. @Saffron @GemTwist
    thanks for bringing up the blood diamonds conflict, so many people die to cover the vanity and insecurities of the rich. Those things are not made of carbon, they're made of pure blood :P

  82. @Meagan, yeah, I think you are on the right track. Jennifer is known for her sense of humor (unlike The Jolie) & whatever that is, she is punking everybody. It has no faceting, shine, sparkle or brilliance. Note she didn't even bother to show it off with a nice manicure. It is a joke. Probably just quartz, not even a raw diamond. As always ; M

  83. @Lauren,Yes,I think you are on the right track. Jennifer is known for her sense of humor (unlike The Jolie) & whatever that is, she is punking everybody. It has no faceting, shine, sparkle or brilliance. Note she didn't even bother to show it off with a nice manicure. It is a joke. Probably just inexpensive quartz, not even a raw diamond. As always ; M

  84. @Beta @Saffron Jennifer is known for her sense of humor (unlike The Jolie) & whatever that is, she is punking everybody. It has no faceting, shine, sparkle or brilliance. Note she didn't even bother to show it off with a nice manicure. It is a joke. Probably just inexpensive quartz, not even a raw diamond. As always ; M

  85. @FrenchGirl-Think you are absolutely correct. Jennifer is known for her sense of humor (unlike The Jolie) & whatever that is, she is punking everybody. It has no faceting, shine, sparkle or brilliance. Note she didn't even bother to show it off with a nice manicure. It is a joke. Probably just inexpensive quartz, not even a raw diamond. As always ; M

  86. Not a fan of her ring but if she is happy, I'm happy. People love to hate her so there was no time to release this info and not get someone riled up.
