Lena Dunham Wanted To Dress Up As Serial Killer & Rapist Victim
Lena Dunham of Girls fame on HBO apologized to all of Canada after what she said was a joke suggestion for Halloween costumes went horribly wrong. In a Tweet to Mindy Kaling and BJ Novak, Lena suggested they dress up as Canadian serial killers Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka who were convicted of a series of rapes and murders including Karla's own 15 year old sister. In Lena's Tweet she said if Mindy and BJ would dress up as the killers she would dress up as the 15 year old sister they killed. Lena apologized kind of. Said she did not mean that people should dress up as killers or rapists but was talking about improper Halloween costumes. Lena has got a lot of fame very quickly and a huge book deal, but it can all go away in a hurry if she is not careful.