Monday, October 08, 2012

Lady GaGa Wants To Be Justin Bieber

Apparently Lady GaGa and Justin Bieber don't just compete for Twitter followers and Facebook likes, but also who can puke the most on stage. In this contest, I would say that Lady GaGa was the winner since Justin only puked once and Lady GaGa multiple times. They should play beer pong against each other. Settle   everything in one match. Jimmy Fallon hosts and sings their songs while the two are playing.


  1. Oh, sweetie...get off the stage right now, OK? You're way too sick to be out there if you're puking multiple times, and the little monsters will understand if you have to call it a night to go rest & get hydrated.

    Here's hoping she doesn't end up in the hospital on an IV for dehydration, which happens all too often when people are really sick. (Yes, she could have been "overindulging," but celebrities get the norovirus, too...)

  2. Coke on an empty stomach = Puke!

  3. Does coke really make u puke on an empty stomach?

  4. Yes skimpymist, it certainly can.

  5. Someone on dlisted said she did the same thing in Budapest a few months/weeks(?) ago so it was not the first time.

  6. Also - the dancer should totally get a bonus for his work.

  7. I don't even want to watch the video. Too nasty for me.

  8. I wish they would go full-on GG Allin and just start flinging shit at their fans.

  9. Maybe i'm naive but it looks like she had too much fluid in her stomach to be bouncing around that much. I've almost puked from drinking too much water from running, but i can always stop because i don't have thousands of people looking at me.

    Like i said... maybe i'm naive

  10. Can't she do Anything original ;)

  11. It kinda looked like an exorcism.

  12. Why do I feel like she is ALWAYS getting sick on stage? Like, every couple of months there's a video "Lady Gaga collapses on stage but continues to perform"
    Over it.

  13. As someone who really, really dislikes cleaning up someone elses puke, I hope she gave the cleaner-upperer a huge bonus.

  14. I don't think her stomach was empty, judging by the video.. Barfing 3 times and still stuff comes out.. Nah (sorry for the visual guys!)

  15. She has lupus right? Could this have caused these puking sessions? Either way it makes me wince. Public puking sucks. Public puking in front of thousands?!? Damn.

  16. she's really good at playing it off a little bit

  17. Wasn't she reported to possibly be pregnant? Could be some sort of morning sickness.
