Monday, October 15, 2012

Kristen Stewart Thinks Twitter Will Kill Her

I understand there are lots of stalkers out there, and I am sure that Kristen Stewart has her fair share of them. That being said, she seems very fearful that she is going to die at the hands of a stalker and she says that it makes her want to stay inside all the time. In an interview for an e-book, Kristen says, "Nowadays it's harder because everyone is on Facebook and everyone knows where you are all the time, and everyone's twittering. Like I'm going to die because somebody is going to say where I am and somebody is going to kill me. Someone's going to twitter my location and then it's going to be like, boom." That would assume the stalker is ready to go out and kill Kristen and is close to her location. It sounds to me like her fear is paralyzing her except of course that she did go out for some reason with that director despite her fear and of course got busted making out with him. But, the good news in all that was no one tweeted where she was and no stalkers showed up.


  1. Oh Kristen, I like you, but have to say that most people don't care enough about you to go through the bother.

  2. John Lennon you ain't, honey. Sack up.

  3. Rebecca Schaeffer wasn't a John Lennon either. Look what happened to her. Kristen has a valid point. There's a lot of unbalanced people out there.

  4. You know the entire romance is a PR arrangement and the proof is how they are making up just in time to go out and promote the soon to open Twilight movie. The GOOD news is that this is the last Twilight movie and in a few months all of the entire, annoying Twilight crowd will fade away into oblivion including Miss Kristen Stewart.

  5. While I agree that she's had a target on her back since she broke all the fangirls' hearts, planning your life around something that may happen is kinda stupid. Get a bodyguard and live your life.

  6. A stalker does not need FB or Twitter to know where you are. They already do. Hence, the stalker title.

    Rebecca Schaeffer was murdered long before the cyber age.

    And, the majority of us are not twi-hards and as someone else posted, would not go through the trouble to post they just saw you. We don't care.

  7. KS needs to quit looking at her vagina in a mirror.

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  9. She's young and naive. Honestly, I don't blame her. Yes, she's no John Lennon, but her fanatic fans think otherwise.

  10. Nobody cares where you are Ms. Stewart.

  11. I think ALL celebrities should be off Twitter. It kills their career and sparkle.

  12. @ Patty. I doubt stalkers know their victims' every single move. There are going to be gaps. We don't care about Kristin, but others do. Do some searchs on Twitter and you will see lots and lots of tweets giving locations of celebrities. "XXX is right in front of me at Starbucks at 8th & 23rd. Ordered a latte."

  13. I'm not a fan, but I still feel sorry for her. I think she has a valid fear and maybe she needs to consider another profession.

    I would hate to live my life with cameras everywhere and strangers trying to get close to me. I wouldn't make a very good Kardashian.

  14. @ Patty (again)
    I agree that stalkers are motivated to suss out details of their victims' lives. However, Twitter can be another tool in their arsenal. Problem is that it is real-time.

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  16. @Henriette, I dunno--several celebrities I follow on Twitter I have grown to like more seeing a glimpse of the real them (Sam Neill and Hugh Bonneville pop into mind).

    I honestly don't blame her for being a bit freaked out. There are some scary fans out there who can't separate the fiction from the fact, the actor from the role. I'm no fan of hers, but I don't wish her harm.

  17. I think we should help her out by sending false Twitter sightings. I, for instance, think I just saw her washing Rob's tighty whities at a laundrymat on 9th avenue and 40th street.

    No need to thank me, Kstew.

  18. This could just be an explanation of why, after making a very brief (less than two weeks) and wholly unexpected (due to her formerly intense desire for privacy) splash on both Twitter and Facebook, she seems to have disappeared off the radar again. Not that she's the only one. Robert Pattinson did exactly the same thing, during exactly the same time-frame. Both seemed to come out of nowhere with secured, ostensibly private accounts, each of which displayed ridiculously low numbers of "likes" or "followers" considering the magnitude of the celebrity of each. The tweeted/updated for less than two weeks--more like ten days or so, much of it back and forth with each other. She loved him. He was at her place cooking her a meal. He'd put a fake spider in her clothes, which had freaked her out. That kind of thing. Then he went to New York, she didn't. Since then, there's been one very,very general tweet from him, and none whatsoever from her.

    The whole episode makes me begin to take seriously the theory that whatever they were to each other was probably at least in part due to a perception on their part, of that of the "Twilight" producers, that a torrid romance between them would lead to increased interest and therefore increased ticket sales. Then came the episode with Ms. Stewart and Mr. Sanders, at which point the whole scam blew up in the faces of all concerned. At which point either the two of them decided to stage a fake reconciliation to try to put the toothpaste back into the tube, or the "Twilight" producers, possibly with the aid of signed contractual agreements, pressured them to do so. So they did in as convincing (if perfunctory) a manner as possible. Then they parted and went back underground, and probably won't be seen together again, let alone revisit the social media networks, until the time rolls around for the premiere of BDP2. I could well be wrong on all counts, but that's my current take.

  19. I think we should help her out by sending false Twitter sightings. I, for instance, think I just saw her washing Rob's tighty whities at a laundrymat on 9th avenue and 40th street.

    No need to thank me, Kstew.

  20. I think alot of you are forgetting how intense some of the Twilight fans.

    Alot of crazy fans out there masturbate to that movie.

    Sometimes to the sparkly vampire. Other times, to the sparkly werewolf.

    You can't deny the fervent intensity of teenage werewolf love.

  21. The Rebecca Schaeffer comment made me re-think my own comment. That was such a sad, tragic, senseless event. I also remember Letterman's stalker (who is dead now) and a whole bunch of other stalkers who don't do much else except focus on their celebrity victims 24x7.

  22. This could pertain to ANY celebrity at any given time. She isn't special and needs to realize there are plenty of people more popular and famous than her at any given moment. Yet you don't read about them complaining about potential threats that have no true substance to them. Some people are crazy and can obsess over a random person they meet in the supermarket. No stardom or fandom needed.

    Basically, I think she should STFU and hire security if she is so worried about it instead of talking to magazines and such about how hard her life is.

    *end rant*

  23. Most celebs are terrified of stalkers. Most people here are sensible and reasonably thinking. These people are not. Their thought processes don't work like ours. She may not be John Lennon but shes a hugely popular character from a hugely popular franchise. To say that no one wants to tweet her whereabouts and no one is interested is misguided.

  24. Teen Twihards are NUTS, BATSHIT CRAZY. When R-Pat came to Texas Tech (Wreck 'em!) the bar he visited on a Tuesday was literally a riot scene with a hoard of screaming girls bum rushing the outside of the bar.

    I would not put it past one of the really deranged ones to pull some fangirl ninja assassin attack on Kristen for even daring to make Edward sad.

    But I still think she is an entitled giant boogey that clogs up your nose and only gets more gunked up and slimy the more you try and blow it. It finally ends up as a gross wet snot drip that slowly slides down and out your nose forcing you to constantly do the annoying sniffle.
    And that is Kristen Stewart in a nutshell.

  25. she's right. she has no privacy anymore. she can't just go out and but a box of tampons or grab a quick beer w/o the sighting being reported. and if she got threats that is serious. so she cheated. not worth it.

  26. @Snapdragon
    That's rare though. Look at Ice-T getting into hissy fits with people. Demi Moore showing off her bikini. Leann Rimes ditto. Scott Baio coming off as a dolt. Twitter is not a celebs friend.

  27. Enty, I at times despair of you. Can you not separate out what interviewees actually say from the descriptive crap added by journalists.

    The news headlines said she's afraid, she didn't. She just used an example to point out the downside of soicial networking for those in the public eye.

    And it's not like it's an unreasonable supposition that there could be a dangerous crazy stalker after her. You're not, I presume, claiming that there's no strain of craziness among Twihards.

  28. @JSierra I truly think the Twihard Soccer Moms are even more bat shit crazy. Those weren't teens posting on Ted's column about obsessed Twi stuff, it was their crazy ass moms!

  29. Wow. Talk about arrogant. She really is in love with herself, she doesn't need a man. Little does she realize, no one cares about her. I guess her "people" or handlers have built her up so much in her tiny social circle, that she really thinks she's all that. Wait til the vampire movies are will she be and her people won't be sucking up to her anymore.

  30. I'd be worried if i was Janelle from Teen Mom because I think she's the Honey Boo Boo version of KStew. They look just alike to me.

  31. I hate to say it but I actually agree with her. How do we know she didn't already have a scary stalker situation? I bet she did and I bet it wasn't publicized. There are severely ill and/or evil people out there. I don't blame her one bit.

    I flip when I find someone posts something on facebook about my whereabouts and I'm NOT famous.

    There's nothing wrong with being cautious. I understand that she kind of signed up for this, but I can certainly see where she is coming from. I had a creepy stalker situation before and it does make you paranoid.

    I think of this as setting a good example to her younger fans. NEVER post information about your location etc online if you don't want the world to see. Security/privacy settings mean nothing to someone determined enough to get that info.

  32. Then now would be a great time to "retire". I know how hard it must be for such a tortured artist. There are mentally unstable people that could kill any of us. Take a walk at my apartment complex after midnight. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen.

  33. For sure all celebrities have to worry about deranged stalkers more than the average Joe. And with her level of exposure from Twilight, much more than even the average celeb.
    To deny those facts with an ignorant remark is just obnoxious. (Speaking as someone who has never even seen a kStew movie) Can't imagine having to constantly worry about some of the extreme crazies out there....

  34. I agree...It's not her it's the crazed fans. Living under the microscope would be a total PITA regardless of the money involved. (Although just for one year wouldn't it be nice?)

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  36. I don't wish physical harm on this girl but she needs a dose of reality. Life is actually hard for some people.

  37. I do not understand this girl. If she loathes everything about being a famous actress, why keep "acting"? Go do something mundane, out of the limelight.

  38. Anonymous7:29 PM

    When will people understand: Twitter totally blows.

  39. Anonymous8:14 PM

    Khloie - Stewie ain't hard to figure out. She loves acting but hates fame because that makes her more real and a cut above other celebrities. Basically she's full of shit but doesn't know it, which makes her even more full of it.

  40. You guys should've seen tumblr after her affair came out. If I were her, I'd definitely be afraid to have the public know where I was. There are a lot of really crazy people out there who are fixated on her and R.Patz.

  41. I kinda like her. Why the F does she have to smile if she doesnt feel like it. Who knows what crazy messages she has been receiving so maybe she has a valid fear. Signed, not a twihard.

  42. This is kind of scary: I took a photo at home with my iPad and emailed it to a friend and he called me and said, "You need to turn off the Location Services on your iPad. Your photo was tagged with your EXACT location. If you take a photo and post it online, someone could locate exactly where you are." (Not that anyone would probably want to, but still, pretty creepy.)

    I don't have a smart phone but he said that the same goes for photos taking with an iPhone.
