Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Kate Gosselin Fired From Couponing Job

Usually when a celebrity is fired it just means their contract was not renewed. In the case of Kate Gosselin and her CouponCabin blogging job she was straight up fired and the the CEO of the company makes it sound like he is thrilled that Kate is gone. "Some nine-plus years ago, I started CouponCabin with the thought of creating a single website that had all the best coupons . . . no gimmicks, no fluff, just a site that was easy to use and that had great deals. A series of recent events have made it clear to me that Kate Gosselin and her contributions do not align with the authenticity which we set out to build almost a decade ago, and that Ms. Gosselin is simply not a good fit with the wonderful team and culture at CouponCabin."

I'm guessing it is probably because Kate does not use coupons. She used to way way way back in the day, and maybe now sometimes someone on her staff who does the grocery shopping might use a coupon, but it is not going to be Kate. She then probably told people that instead of keeping it to herself and probably said they are a waste of time and effort.


  1. Hmmm, it seems like it must have been something else - like maybe she finally yelled at the wrong person?


    The irony is now she'll have to go on coupons to feed her litter.

  3. Vicki! Haven't seen you in a while!

  4. I'm with Cathy.
    Even Kate is not stupid enough to dis coupons while working for a coupon company.


  5. Its so pathetic that she doesnt even realize shes a joke.

  6. I didn't even know she still had a job.

  7. "align with the authenticity" that has to be my favorite new phrase. What an elegant way to say "she be a lyin' ho-bag."

  8. Hi *karen*,

    Yeah, I'll pop in every once in a while. I just couldn't resist with this bitch. :)

  9. LOLOLOLOL. It's so sad that she'll still never learn that being a total diva wench PITA is why she's unemployable. It's not her - it's everyone else.

  10. I'm with Rose - didn't know she had a job! And Amber, you are very on target there. We all know people who have a problem with everyone they meet and never ever see that they're the common denominator in the equation!

    Hi Vicki C - good to see ya!

  11. I still can't believe she told Andy Cohen that she is a rare and special snowflake who, "de-ages" unike the rest of us mortals when he asked her if she had any plastic surgery done.

    Kate says she is one of the rare few who de-age

    1. De-ages?!!! if she doesn't get the entire fuck outta here with that shit! She looks 12 years older than she is. being a complete asshole will age your face. de-ages....bitch please. I can't obviously cant stand her. Lol

  12. "Staff"? this bitch can still afford a staff? how is she still making money? I thought she was without any income....she's the worst...

  13. Bwaahahahahahaha at the headline.

    And Kate, your hair still looks like shit.

  14. The clipper got cut. Expiration date: 10/16/2012

  15. Vicki! I've missed my swearing buddy!

    And this trick is just absolutely fucking ridic. She needs to quit the quest for fame gig and try out the whole being a good mom gig.

  16. This is great news! I love when these former reality stars get a dose of reality when they see how unwanted they are after their show ends & they're not talented enough to stay employed elsewhere in the entertainment industry. Next, she'll be one of the pathetic "stars" on Dial A Star, that thing where people pay money to talk on the phone to a long forgotten former reality star. Some of those "stars" probably get zero phone calls. Who's gonna pay money to talk to some girl who was on two episodes of Rock Of Love in 2006?

  17. Notice he slipped in the implication that Ms. Gosselin is NOT 'wonderful'. PRICELESS.

    This guy sounds like a solid citizen who cares about his business' reputation over hype. Good for him. Firing her makes me want to visit his site.

  18. Sorry I can't make it clickable, but here's the address if you want to give the man a virtual 'high five' for this, via site traffic:

  19. Thanks, Libby. I moseyed on over there and the link to the letter's right there on the home page. Gotta like this guy's candor!

  20. Great way to get the name of your company out there, no?

  21. Extensions!!! How will she continue to afford them?

  22. Sorry to be a misogynist, but what a great grudgefuck. Properly protected of course.

  23. My guess was that Kate wasn't doing the blogging but made an assistant do her work and someone overheard Kate bad mouthing it. Just a wild guess. Or she complained there were no Botox coupons lolllll

  24. Frankly, hiring this one made me NEVER visit that site, on principle.
    I went today, and they have a lot of coupons. It might be worth a damn--FYI to anyone who cares.

  25. Visiting tanning beds daily will definitely de-age you. *snort*

  26. Sorry...I think Kate losing her "job" is not a great thing because if she isn't making money at something--and we KNOW she sure as hell isn't going to get any kind of job that involves working....Kate is then going back to trying to pimp out her kids to make money...and they don't deserve that.

    I'm all for her and Octomom making any kind of bucks they can to keep their kids off tv and let them grow up with some kind of privacy.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Getting dissed by someone called the CouponCabin.... That's gotta sting.

  29. I took one look at that photo of her, and barfed.

    No, seriously, I truly barfed after looking at it!

    (Granted, I've been pretty sick the last few days, but that never happens to me. I blame Kate Gosselin.)

  30. No shit, Coupon Cabin!!

    I remember when she got hired to do this job in the first place and wondered WTF Coupon Cabin was thinking.

    I don't need couponing advise from someone that would pay $2k for haircuts. Watch the ladies on those TLC coupon shows. Those bitches are SERIOUS.
