Monday, October 01, 2012

Kate Gosselin Book Taken Off Shelves

You just knew that a book that was as explosive as the book about Kate Gosselin was not going to stay up for very long. The book about Kate called "How She Fooled The World," has been removed from Amazon after letters from two different law firms. One was from the firm that represents Discovery. They were upset because the author had managed to get his hands on all the contracts between Kate and Discovery. The other letter was from Kate's firm who were upset about all the beating allegations in the book and how Kate was a horrible parent. Of course, the author of the book is a good friend of Jon Gosselin's, so a lot of the information came from Jon, but the story about the beatings with the wooden spoon actually came from the author digging through the trash of the family and finding a computer hard drive. It is also where all the contracts came from.


  1. I'm not gonna lie, I would read it.

  2. So the computer hard drive proves she hit her kids? After hitting them, she sat down at the computer and wrote, "Dear E-diary, today I hit the kids. I'm now going to write out, in full detail, what I did to the kids..."

    Sounds believable. Also the author is Jon's friend? That's all the credibility I need.

  3. She did, actually, @anita...she detailed it all in her 'journals' on her computer. I read an article that practically quoted the journals, but I take the whole thing with a grain of salt. I love the fact that a friend of Jon's wrote the book. In a weird way, I would have hoped they split the profits. I sort of feel bad for the way he ended up looking in the end. I'm not excusing ANY of his behavior, but it seemed like in the end, he really wanted what was best for the kids and she seemed to continue to look at them as the money tree. Disgusting. That being said, I'd have read the book. ;)

    1. Silly Girl, I completely agree with you. Jon totally got smeared in the end and watching the show he never came off as a bad guy, just a guy who got treated like crap by his wife.

  4. I might be interested in what the book says. It seemed clear the writer favored Jon. Kate may not be the best mother but I don't see the big deal. With that many kids you can either have discipline or octomom style chaos. Jon has proven himself a selfish turd. Hell, Kate even made a total jackass out of herself on Dancing with the Stars. Eight mouths to feed. We trash kate for doing reality and octo for not doing a show. I prefer this hot mess!

  5. Pictures of the spoon in the van:

    I don't think there is really a question that she did it, is there?

  6. Not gonna lie - I SO want to read this....I'm not proud.

  7. I'd probably read this too *blushes in shame*

  8. So does this mean that people actually had a chance to buy it for a short time and can reveal what they've read from it?

    1. Anonymous3:42 AM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. i know thats what i do after a long day of looking after 8 kids, sit down on the computer and detail how i have beaten them....

    1. @canadachick I know, right? What kind of fucking weirdo keeps a journal??? Obviously this is all fabricated.

  10. I would probably read it in a dark corner of my basement where nobody could see me

  11. I cant believe how big her children have grown. Hope they are happy. Idk about any books about her being factual, its so easy to make look bad cos she such a bitch.

  12. Jeff Foxworthy has the best line...

    You know you're a redneck when you have a fly swatter in the front seat of the car to reach the kids in the back seat.

  13. She hit Emeril Lagasse with a spatula (twice!) when he was a guest on her show. Why? Because she was angry with him for agreeing with Jon about how to cook something.

    If she was willing to hit a stranger in her home knowing the cameras were on and a film crew was standing in front of her, what does she do to her kids when the cameras are off?

  14. I looked on Amazon and don't see it. If it was removed from Amazon, and someone bought it on Kindle, Amazon can remove it from Kindle legally as long as they credit your account. So your only hope would be if someone bought a hard copy of it.

  15. She keeps her whacking spoon in the car? Damn! My mom just threatened to reach around like Plastic Man to swat me.

  16. My mom did reach around! Sometimes with one hand then another, its like "damn, who's driving then?"

  17. Good gawd. What kind of dumbass puts a computer hard drive in the trash without wiping it clean, smashing it with a sledge hammer, and burning it first??

    Serves her right, imo. Dumbass is as dumbass does.

  18. I thought legally once it is in the trash it is free game.

  19. This guy wasn't friends with Jon first. He was a freelance writer doing a piece for US magazine on the Gosslens when he befriended Jon. He says the reason he and Jon bonded initially was because he felt sorry for Jon. He also stated he knew his book would be short lived and he would eventually face law suits. I actually believe the guy.

  20. If anyone bought it as a Kindle download, then saved a copy onto another another device (computer, flash drive, etc.) then they still have it...and we can probably expect to see it hit the torrents soon.

    I guess Kate learned the lesson about trashing hard drives: you don't just erase them, you have to physically destroy them. Render them unable to run by smashing the disks. It's the only way to be sure. A forensic data recovery specialist once told me a story about recovering data from a pc destroyed in an office fire. Most of the hard drive was ruined by fire and water damage, but the disks inside were intact, and he got enough data off them to convict the suspect of embezzlement and arson (he set the fire hoping to destroy the evidence).

  21. Who the hell throws a hard drive in the garbage? You get what you deserve when you're stupid.

  22. If this guy is (possibly) legit, why did the book get pulled? I think I missed that part of the story.

  23. they're just afraid of getting sued, but legally once you put shit out in the trash, it's free game. She was writing her idiotic books so she putting her thoughts down in a journal on her computer. Which was stupid enough to throw away! LOLOLOLOL!!!! And c'mon she was papped spanking that one kid, and has a spoon in the van. give me a break. Like anyone doubted she's not the most patient person in the world.

  24. One twin is so much taller than the other? I thought they were meant to be identical twins?

  25. Totally agree, @AndyCane, he seemed like a genuinely (albeit naively) nice guy. She, on the other hand, seemed a little over the top, and then proceeded to become WAY over the top. I still feel bad for those kids.
