Friday, October 12, 2012

Justin Bieber's Laptop And The Noon Deadline - Publicity Stunt?

Today at noon, the alleged thief of Justin Bieber's laptop from a concert in Washington is going to release the contents online. Apparently the thief tried to blackmail Justin but it didn't work. They basically had a Twitter fight and Justin said release it if you got it and my fans won't care and won't leave me. The thief then released some videos to YouTube, but they were fairly harmless. So, then I started wondering if this is some kind of publicity stunt. You would think Justin would be way more upset than he is and would not be talking to the person on Twitter.

So, now the theory is that Justin and Nicki Minaj are pulling off some trick. Like going to Mariah Carey's house and singing All I Want For Christmas


  1. He is a tool - Like I want to see any of his bit parts - PLEASE!! He is a little boy and the only people going to be interested in his junk is his little tweeners!!!
    Call me when he is in his 30's then maybe I will want to take a look!!!!

  2. hoax, hoax, hoax, all crap, Justin's people how about you try to come up with some new ways to keep your popstar relevant, he wasn't going to stay 15 forever.

    The older he gets the less the tween set is going to be into him. Miley thought her fans would stay with her also, um yeah ok.

  3. Not interested in seeing his needle dick.

  4. Funny how the alleged thief involved xfactor

  5. Sigh. Still waiting for something to tarnish his image.

  6. Boring.

    Did y'all see that drunk trick Kathy Lee drop a poor sweet puppy yesterday on tv? Poor puppy.

  7. Gah, who wrote that dialogue--George Lucas? Or has Bieber taken to writing his own fan fic?

  8. isn't it time for him to be on the mall tour circuit?

  9. 'Wow, Biebs is a victim of a mean underhanded person. I've been in a not-really similar situation. I am going to continue to buy his new material, even after he gets his first pube.'

    Am I reacting on-script?

    "My fans wont (sic) leave me." Fire up those fans!

  10. I hope he fades into obscurity and soon.

  11. Wouldn't looking at his junk be considered child porn? No thank you!

  12. His people are so desperate now because his popularity is waning. The last big news about him was when he vomitted on stage. All attention are now with the latest tween craze One Direction. Buh-bye kiddo.

  13. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Blatant publicity stunt.

  14. My friend just took her 4 and 6 year old boys to his concert in L.A. Can you imagine thinking you're hot shit but that being your fan base? (Unless you're the Fresh Beat Band. I mean, c'mon)

    1. Love the Fresh Beat Band, just took my five year old to see them

  15. He wants his fans to rally behind him. He's probably unaware half of his fanbase are already gone. I have a neice who's WAS a Beiber fanatic and so are her friends. Her bedroom is like a Beiber museum. That was last last year. When I visited her this summer, all JB posters and stuff are gone and were replaced by the faces of the One Direction kids and mini union jack flags all over her room. Her friends also did the same.

  16. Uh, I love As Long As You Love Me. It's a great song.

  17. Yea, why did the 'thief' involve the X Factor?! Is Beebs on that show or something?! Publicity stunt, all the way. Wasn't beebs a little more upset at the paternity issue? He's such a dork. Lowering myself to that punks age and calling him a dork.

  18. If the video is Justin naked or with a girl, it's a publicity stunt (especially if he looks buff or hung). If it is him having sex with a guy, we will know this is real.

  19. Any legitimate attempt to blackmail Biebs would have had his people swarming and charges filed. Blackmailing a celeb in this fashion is illegal. Secondly, lets not forget the laptop was stolen (another crime) and the person can be traced through YouTube/twitter and...*crickets chirp*

  20. Such a blatant PR grab - apparently what was "released" was a music video.

    1. LOL no way @cathy!!! That's too funny!!! It's creative, kinda cool, new idea right? I'll form my opinion after coffee.

  21. When you are reduced as an artist to use PR stunts on twitter to get people to pay attention to you and your crappy music. You are at 14:59 on the fame clock.

  22. Lmao. The way to get to Justin with naked pics is to not announce it to the world that you have them.

    Just release them. And with some good photoshop, add another guy with him.

  23. Yeah, I guess it starts off as what looks like random video footage and then it turns into a music video (with nicki minaj), complete with copyright info at the end. lame.

  24. Thanks for the scoop Cathy :)

    I actually think that was a brilliant PR move, but I also liked the Jen Aniston Vitamin Water "secret footage" sooooo there ya go

  25. TMZ called this yesterday--they took down the original report of the computer theft because they thought it was some kind of stunt.

  26. @sunny, I thought Aniston's Vitamin Water thing was deliberate, wasn't it? Unless you're talking about something else, wasn't that a commercial she made? Wait, that's strong Water or something like that. Did something happen with Vitamin Water?

  27. Duh, Smart Water, not Strong Water. Maybe I need some of that!

  28. Im upset that I can't find the video. Can someone post the link please?

  29. @Silly girl
    We both need it - I'm calling it Vitamin Water! I'm sure the bigwigs at Smart Water that read this site are P.O'd that I goofed that :)

    The "leaked footage" of Jen A was definitely a commercial, but I think of it as the same sort of marketing as this JB business. Create a "mini-scandal" to get tongues wagging and then have it really be a commercial or in this case Bieber's video

  30. You're right, @sunny, they did get a lot of traffic because they made it seem like it was leaked video. That was one of the funnier things I've seen lately, especially when she took off her Rachel hair!!! I just about peed my pants laughing so hard! My husband didn't get what was so funny, he said her natural hair was totally plausible. Men....sheesh.....

  31. @Silly
    Oh yeah, she NAILED that creepy Good Night, Rachel!

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Wanna see the vids? I snarkily wrote them up here.

    This is the YouTube account they were posted under, but nothing further's been released at this point:

  34. But, from the updates on the dude's Twitter stream, I think Enty's got it bang on. Fake robbery, fake buzz, shitty video dropped.

    So basically, Bieber's a bigger asshole than I ever thought possible. Preying on his fans' sympathy over a fake theft? Go fuck yourself, Biebs.

  35. That's crazy. I know someone involved in this story.

  36. fuck Bieber. don't put Seattle on your next tour dude, they want you dead.

  37. These hackers are the lowest of the low. They think their lack of friends is reason enough to torment people and they almost always get away with it. We need to set up a special prison system for these nerds. One wherein they get the same treatment as child molesters.

  38. Jax,

    Seattle is a hole. Most people there wish they were dead.

    1. Uh, watch your words. There are a whole bunch of Seattlelites on this site.

      Crazy. My first post had to be a threat.

    2. Elaine - you are completely correct. Please continue to stay away. Thank you! :]

  39. I wouldn't be so sure that this is a publicity stunt.

    Bieber's PR people have always had the strategy of attack, Attack, ATTACK!

    He did the same thing with the girl who claimed he got her pregnant. He was like "Here's my DNA, what's up?"

    Let's face it - If the laptop has pictures of him doing beer pong at 17, who gives a fuck? If it has pictures of him fucking Selena Gomez, again, who gives a fuck?

    We all critize people who get blackmailed by fearing publicity over stupid stuff, so I kinda admire the little dude's chutzpah.
