Monday, October 01, 2012

Justin Bieber Gets Sick On Stage

Apparently the milk that Justin Bieber said he drank did not agree with him when he was playing a show outside Phoenix over the weekend. During the show, Bieber got sick and had to leave the stage for a few minutes. He came back though and finished the show. Milk huh?


  1. I don't think that he actually drank milk; he quoted Will Ferrel in Anchorman.

  2. I don't think he was drunk. I know that a person usually only gets to the point where they puke, is when they're really drunk. If he were THAT drunk, he wouldn't have been able to even have performed on stage and would have been falling all over the place.

  3. I think he exorcised a demon onstage!!!

  4. Too bad the music industry hasn't exorcised Justin Beiber.

  5. Bieber... wtf ever.

  6. Problems related to milk usually emerge from the other end.

    Also, aren't you note supposed to drink milk before singing... "singing." Doesn't it coat your vocal cords and affect your singing?

  7. Unfortunately for Biebs, Ron Burgundy was the balls, and Justin Bieber is not.

    He's just having the usual reaction most people have when exposed to his music.

  8. After witnessing a friend of mine a week ago throw up within 30 minutes of eating after we had walked around. I say Bieber probably ate a big burrito and it delicious, but to filling.

  9. And it was delicious!!! But too filling.

  10. Um .......ewwwww!

  11. He is no diffrent from the Backstreet Boys or New Kids, once he gets a little long in the tooth his fans will leave in droves. He is just a flash in the pan.

  12. I don't think he could be drunk and perform bc he'd be caught so fast and get into trouble. I really think anyone who didn't eat perfectly before such a huge performance could puke! I don't know what amount of exercise u could compare a stage performance to but it's like puking during an intense workout. Hell I ate bad spinach yesterday and got sick without working out. Maybe he took an over the counter med or something. This isn't enough to accuse him of doing illegal drugs/drinking. Maybe his social life proves otherwise, I have no idea but this is no big deal.

  13. It's called karma. He's so busy manipulating his girlfriend, so the universe decided to have him hurl in return. Assclown.

  14. The milk that was in his white russian, maybe.

  15. I saw this earlier, laughed at how the music kept playing and Bieber kept "singing" while he simultaneously puked on the stage.

    1. Yeah me too! And then his voice had no ill effects from puking either. I laughed my ass off!

  16. Is he lip synching? Singing keeps happening when he's puking...

  17. At least he didn't quit the show.

  18. @Beth:

    Yes, milk is horribly choice before planning to sing. Coats the throat/vocal cords, etc.

  19. *a horrible
    Ugh, long day already.

  20. Is it horrible that I'm laughing at that toddler puke on stage? Lol!

  21. LOVED that the voice track kept singing while he was ralphing up whatever the fuck he drank. Or swallowed.

    And props to the dancers who didn't miss a beat. Guess they are used to seeing The Beebs make an ass out of himself.

  22. Cleanup on aisle five. . .

  23. looks like her performed not feeling well, and his body was like nope...probably dehydration

  24. I didn't watch the video because...ew, but I expected so many more, "I would throw up too if I had to go to a Justin Bieber concert!" remarks. ;)

  25. New drinkers will puke early and often. If it was something he ate, other people would have gotten sick.

    He an alky in he making and a futher member of Club 27.

  26. I find this cute because he looks like a baby.

  27. even only having a couple of beers then running and jumping about soon after can make you sick, so i wouldn't rule out drinking but it could just be that he's ill. too easy to jump on the bieber bashing bandwagon.
