Tuesday, October 16, 2012

John Mayer & Katy Perry Go Out Again

It looks like John Mayer and Katy Perry could not find anyone else to have sex with so they decided to give it another shot this weekend. The pair went out to dinner alone and then went to a club to meet some friends. I'm sure when this thing has finally run its course that John will spill all the details about Katy and we will know everything about her that Russell Brand will not say. Of course, Katy is the kind of person who will not be quiet if John does that so we could learn a great deal about him too.


  1. I don't know why I've been defending him. Highschool was so long ago but John is still like the douchebaggy preps we went to school with. Except he couldn't get a date to save his life back then. He only likes the really hot cheerleaders who laughed in his face. Yes he was the best musician by FAR. His band was Villanova Junction and I'd skip class to see him play bc I knew he was going to be famous. He was that good.

    1. @kats, you're from Fairfield, CT? I went to college right next door, at Sacred Heart.

    2. I live in Fairfield, and everyone who knew him says the same thing as kats

    3. Omg that's crazy I'm still here! As far as I know his parents still live off Fairfield Woods Road. I had a crush on Ben, his hot younger brother :)

  2. Only thing I can think is he must be pretty decent in the sack. Either that, or she's never been with very many guys who are.

  3. Robert---I assume by his history, his attitude, and his height & the size of his melon--that John Mayer is probably hung.
    For some women, that can make them look past a multitude of gross fetishes.

    Also, drugs & alcohol.

  4. Okay, so they're together again, at least they both know what they're getting.
    What I wonder is why she's wearing a lace burn out dress and a leather jacket and boots, is this the new edgy fashion?

  5. I don't know why but I actually like her dress. I just don't like the colour. A dark purple would be nice!

  6. LOL @ Erin - Perfection!

  7. why is this news? if they weren't famous, they would just be two people who casually see each other and have a sexual relationship. katy perry is single and free to date whomever she wants, why is it news that its john mayer? he's asshole, yes we all know. but so are a bunch of other guys. if this who she wants to give her vayjay too, then good for you girl. better you then me!

  8. I always fell for the bad boy. I guess celebs are no different. Hes got something they all want.

  9. I guess it's news because it means John Mayer is pooping on Katy Perry.

  10. All I can say is the sex must be really good.

  11. Yeah, I don't see the big deal. It is a mutual relationship. Mayer may be a self-indulgent jerk, but is Katy any different? Let them be.

  12. Look at the smile on her face

  13. I agree with the good sex thing. How in the world does he get all of these well known women? They know his track record but they still fawn and fall all over themselves to get with him. He must be very good at oral reports or is very dexterous with his peen.

  14. "Okay, so they're together again, at least they both know what they're getting."

    True. Maybe she's perfectly happy with a great-sex-no-real-attachment arrangement at this point in her life. *shrug*

  15. Jihane-Fatime - Why is this news?[/whole paragraph on pointless non news]

    Forget it, Jake. It's Celebrity Gossiptown.

  16. It's GOT to be the sex. Or the publicity. Except that this kind of publicity would turn off the 'right' kind of guy, wouldn't it?!?

  17. I think she's seeming him for the publicity. It's all about staying relevant.

  18. Let me just say...she is so pretty. A closeup of her face is beautiful. he looks like he just rolled outta bed and threw shoes on. love the dress, katy. she's too good for him, she just doesn't realize it.

  19. Katy obviously likes drama and she's a famewhore. Russel Brandt to John Mayor? She's one of those girls who make all her girlfriends (who are less pretty than her) go out and get drunk bc she just had a huge fight with her boyfriend and they all lend an ear so she can whine and say awww that's terrible you should break up with him you can do so much better you're so pretty and talented! And they devise her getaway plan and decide which friend will offer what to help her escape.... Then when they are waiting for Katy to call and say OK HE LEFT THE HOUSE IM READY! No call so they call after their minds jumped to conclusions and she's like huh? No what? Everything's fine I love him! Rinse and repeat...

  20. From what I've heard, he's the poopee and not the pooper. Surely Jen Aniston didn't do that, right? I'm not even that crazy about her but I don't want to think about her pinching a loaf on Mayer's chest. I can see Katy being totally fine with it for some reason. Nasty! I've just grossed myself out.
