Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Joe Simpson Comes Out As Gay - Has 20 Year Old Boy Toy

According to the new issue of The Enquirer, Joe Simpson has confessed to his family that he is gay. The former southern Baptist preacher who used to regularly preach that homosexuality is a sin and the lover of his daughter's breasts, has come out to his family and even has a 20 year old boy toy. I guess we know why he loved Tony Romo so much. Probably Pete Wentz too. I wonder why he hated Nick Lachey. This would probably explain why he is getting divorced, but does not do much to explain why he is so fascinated by his daughter's breasts. If he did really come out to his family, I think that is great and maybe he will come out to the world and that would be even more amazing.


  1. I believe it. Didn't the Enquirer also break the John Edwards story? I know a lot of gay men who love bewbs.

  2. So he hasn't actually came out? It's just the Enquirer saying he did, and to his family. So someone in the family talked...probably Eric for a pay day.

  3. Enty, well they are amazing breasts! Even gay men were babies once. Everyone knows the magic of breasts and Jessica's are frankly spectacular!!!

    And THIS makes so much sense. All the weird creepy behavior was bc he was hiding in the closet. We all knew something was off. Kudos for him for coming out and owning who he is!!!

    So was this a blind???? The one we all thought was Katy Perry and Russell Brand?

  4. Ooops, just reread that he's not fully out. Well Joe stop wasting all that energy on hiding and just freaking live your life. No one will care. And you can finally go shoe shopping with the girls and Jessica's "girls" ;)

    I think this is a good thing.

  5. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Good for him. I wonder what mom is up to? Just in general.

  6. Enty obviously doesn't know many openly gay men...most that I know admire a nice set of tatas.

  7. My BFF is gay and obsessed with my boobs so this is believable!!!

    1. lol mine too! he's always complementing my chest & he looooooves going to victoria's secret with me lol

  8. Part of me finds this hilarious, but another part finds it a little sad that he has repressed his true self for so long.

    Assuming its true of course.

  9. Wow. I wonder if this is true. Kinda floored, actually. Hopefully, he finds happiness if it's true.

  10. If this is true, it just proves my theory about people who are pushy about their religion.

    I think that religious beliefs are private, and people who are constantly crowing about their beliefs about what is right and what is wrong are overcompensating for who they really are.

    In the Atlanta area, we have had several high profile church scandals that prove this out, with molestation and sexual bribes using church money.

    But on a smutty note, didn't a boy band guy live in the Simpson house back when Ashlee was famous? And was "managed" by Joe? Was it Ashley Parker Angel? Hmmm.

    And is this implying Tony Romo likes men? I think so...

    1. Feed Watcher, wasn't it Ryan Cabrera?

  11. You know this actually makes a lot of sense

  12. I just had to second the gay men loving boobs thing. I've had many inappropriate grabs from my gay friends who just cannot seem to help themselves.

  13. Dios mio, dia! lol

    And -- I never expected to wake up to a rollicking discussion of gay men and boobs. This is great.

  14. I don't think it implies Tony Romo likes men, only that Papa Joe liked Tony.

  15. I totally agree on the gay men loving boobies, but even if this is true and he is gay, they are still his daughters boobies. And that still creeps me out!

    Gay friends all over my boobs-OK
    Gay dad all over my boobs-So NOT OK!

  16. Is this a bombshell? Really? The man has sported an earring and spikes hair with all the swish on the planet for years. He's always been more interested in his daughters' lovers than them as people. The boob thing was such an misdirected and skewed emphasis on female sexuality in denial of who he is, he didn't realize how wholly inappropriate.

  17. Well, if Tony Romo were gay, that would explain why he never hit on me! That, and we've never actually met. Or seen each other.

  18. It was about darn time. He has always put out the creepy vibe and the way he talked about his daughter's bodies and their sexuality was weird.

    Glad he is divorcing. Hopefully he'll get on with his life and repair the relationships his hiding caused.

  19. @Feed Watcher- I call them Holy Rolling Hypocrites.

    I hung out a few times with a guy who said he was gay. My cousin whom he worked with was even told by him he was gay. We used to go out to clubs and I wore a kinda revealing top. He kept doing "boobie checks" where he would full on grab and claim to be.... readjusting them for me? Well we all found out after he quit his job he wasn't gay it was a ploy for him to hang out with girls.

  20. @feed are def right abt someone living with them and it's bugging me now who it was.

  21. lol @ that pic Enty, and this isn't surprising at all...aren't all preachers and Reverends gay?

  22. He may be like the boobies but it is not ok to check out or comment on his daughters tatas!!! It is absolutely creepy!!!

  23. Haa! I love that word, @rejectedcarebear: bewbs.

    My Ex HAD to be at least half-gay and he LOVED my bewbs.

  24. Just wanted to millionth the bewbs thing. My gay friend motorboated me out of the blue one time.

  25. My dislike and the disgust i feel for him has ZERO to do with him being gay. He is a creepy interfering jerk. Lachey prob knew his deal- the hypocrity- and that rubbed slimey jie the wrong way. Nick is well out of if.

  26. Every man loves boobs. Gay or straight.

    It's going to be interesting to watch this unfold. I hope he comes out soon and is able to live loud and proud. Well, maybe not the loud part. He's effing annoying.

  27. Gay or not, he is still a father to those boobs.
    Wrong either way.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. I'm 100% sure my ex is gay, but he liked asses on women.

  30. I joke that I'm an above-the-waist hetero. Haha.

    Feed Watcher: that was my first thought. The loudest mouthed anti-gay holy rollers scream 'self-hating gay' to me. It's sad.

  31. Wasn't the young guy who lived with them for a while Lane Garrison? He came from a troubled family (I think), and because the families knew each other, Joe Simpson took him under his wing for a while. But I don't think Lane is anywhere near being gay.

  32. Now that you mention it, he does have a major case of gay face.

  33. Wasn't there a blind about a reality family where the father was gay and the family knew and everyone guessed Jonas family. Would this be the answer to that blind?

  34. WHAT!?????????????? no. not okay. he tricked his wife and screwed her out of a real marriage and just la-la-la's off to gay land? fuck him!

  35. I think Enty was TOTALLY suggesting Romo at the very least goes both ways, and Pete Wentz is known for that as well. Which would make Nick Lachey straight as an arrow.

  36. Papa Joe is gay?
    In the words of a smart ass bird-Oh there's a big surprise! I think I'm going to fall down & die of NOT surprise!

  37. I'm sick to death of closeted fundie ministers preaching against the "sin" of homosexuality. The only thing that's worse is closeted right-wing politicians voting against equality for gays in all aspects of life. Pathetic.

  38. WHAT!?????????????? no. not okay. he tricked his wife and screwed her out of a real marriage and just la-la-la's off to gay land? fuck him!

    @Me, you make it sound like he did it on purpose to hurt her. More likely he was trying to conform to what society expected him to do, particularly if he was a Southern Baptist preacher. It took a lot of courage to accept himself the way he is, against everything he used to preach. Hope his wife can come to forgive him, if she hasn't already.

    1. I agree with both arguments here but I believe Me's indignation overshadows the intended sentiment. Me was the first commenter to show any empathy towards Tina Simpson. The woman comes across as relatively down-to-earth by Hollywood standards. I feel for her situation, but then again, maybe she's happy!

    2. I agree with both arguments here but I believe Me's indignation overshadows the intended sentiment. Me was the first commenter to show any empathy towards Tina Simpson. The woman comes across as relatively down-to-earth by Hollywood standards. I feel for her situation, but then again, maybe she's happy!

  39. Gay dudes love boobs. This is pretty well documented.

  40. That explains the boob comments he made to Jessicu, LOL. Not a creepy incestuous dad. Just one of the many gay men fascinated with women's breasts. Good for him for coming out.

  41. I see someone else already said it, (and spelled it) better.

  42. If he does have a 20 year old boy toy I'm a bit squicked out. You know that kid is just there for the money.

  43. Love the Enquirer. They're such a reputable source. I would think, if pimpa Joe were to come out, that he would come out to a magazine like knee pads or something more reputable who would pay him a lot of money for his story.

    The Enquirer hears whispers and runs with stories as if they're facts. They don't even try to find out if it's true or not, they take a chance. It's hit or miss for the big bucks.

    My friend works for the Enquirer. She does the cover work and manipulates the covers to make stars look better or worse in pics. She's shown me the before and after of the photos she's worked on.

  44. Gays and boobs are an old story.

    And people don't think the wife didn't know. They both did their duty and had children together. That left them both free to creep with whomever they wanted.
    The wife almost always knows in these cases.

  45. Jesus, it seems like gay men like boobs more than me! I'm a leg man myself.

  46. @Crila: let's hope NE bosses don't read CDAN...kinda jeopardizing your friend's job by saying she's told you company secrets.

  47. snap, i think sometimes they do know they are gay and go for the straight life anyway to protect themselves. They dont care who they hurt. Im saying SOMETIMES, certainly not always. cant he be an asshole selfish person who happens to be gay? even his smirky look says "ha ha, Im gettting away with something". hes a slime, and as i said above, it has nothing to do with him being gay.

  48. He would be suing if it wasn't true.

  49. At my recent class reunion, the only single guy who grabbed my ass (after many drinks, mind you) was my gay high school BF. There was no context for it either. I was standing next to him talking to someone else, and he reached down and rubbed my butt. I took it as a compliment, however he might have just been dusting off some cake I sat in or something...

  50. The fact that People mentions it in their divorce article makes me wonder...

  51. Wow. I wonder if his wife found out recently and then they announced their divorce as that was a/the deal breaker for her. Maybe he liked Pete since Pete goes both ways.

  52. @crila - The enquirer has it's flaws, but they're very sensitive to lawsuits.

    If they have published this, you can be sure they are sure they are bulletproof on it.
