Monday, October 08, 2012

Joe Giudice Says He Never Cheated On Teresa

Watching the RHNJ reunion shows requires several viewings of each episode just to try and catch everything that is said out loud and under the breaths of people. In the latest installment, Joe Giudice insists he never has cheated on Teresa. Well, actually what he said was that if he was talking to a girlfriend he probably would have ripped off his mic and thrown it in the bushes. Or just waited until the cameras stopped rolling. The guy is an idiot, but not a complete one. By now he has the cheating thing mastered and he is not going to get caught on a live mic cheating. Now, when the cameras stop rolling? Now that is something else entirely.


  1. This coming from the man who was busted with a fake I.d.

  2. God the two of them Were made for each other. Narcissistic, pathological idiots, each dumber than the other. And they're terrible parents, the don't discipline their kids. Gross. They deserve each other and whatever comes their way for selling out their families to the tabloids.

  3. Ot and a little shocking: Danny Devito and Rhea Perlman are separating. Wow - you just don't expect it with some couples....confirmed on tmz

  4. No - not Devito and Perlman! They were such a nice couple!

    Although weren't they a blind a while back about a couple whose husband's drinking problems were making the marriage impossible?

  5. His track record for being honest and upstanding isn't very good. But I suppose it's easier for her to believe him than to disrupt her life.

  6. First he said he was talking to "Albie" back home. Then, When asked if he regrets the mean words he called his wife to "Albue" on the phone, Joe says yeah I shouldn't have said that to "her".
    Caroline saying that the fans won't be at their funerals was the most honest thing I've ever heard on reality tv. I don't see how she could fake a statement like that. Producers definitely stage encounters and feed them fuel to provoke fights but the hatred between this women is completely real.

  7. Wait, he's lucky to have gotten even one woman to sleep with him, albeit one who's pretty unattractive herself.

    ...but he found others who want to play with his naughty bits as well? Astonishing.

  8. Danny and Rhea separating? That must be an answer to a bi or two.

    As for this guy - Let the ho parade begin!

  9. Teresa is delusional with the On Display song being about her. Melissa doesn't have a bad singing voice. Jackie was on fire about Joe cheating but Jackie kinda admitted Chris had cheated on her. Teresa tried to get Rosie upset with Kathy last night and they weren't having any of that she really hates these people.

  10. If my wife had a growing forehead line I would be obligated to cheat as well...IJS

  11. I've been checking out fame whorgas site lately, it's def biased in favor of Teresa, but they provide a crapload of info and some of it def makes sense as to why this past season was so horrible. I thought from the beginning Melissa was just as bad as Teresa if not worse, but was smart enough to hide her true colors while filming.

    Also this whole "setup" thing is ridiculous, nothing even happened! All these ladies need to chill out. Can't wait for Andy to add new faces next season and trim the fat.

  12. I'm amazed he can find women willing to touch him. He is gross. And so immature.I watched one scene at a winery where he thought it was funny to try to climb a sculpture that he thought was some kind of phallic symbol. What an idiot.

  13. I suppose it's not cheating on his wife if she knows, and she has to know. Even if those desperate chicks don't go the full naughty with him it 's still cheating to go out and try to get some, IMHO.

  14. And I totally believe you Joe. *wink wink*

  15. These two have had a freakin year to come up with a believeable story about that phone call, their finances, his driver's license issues...and he looked like a damn deer in the headlights last night.

    I still like Joe, tho--I think he is shady as all get-out but for some reason I still kind of get a kick out of him. If he cheated and what he called Tre is between the two of them--not my business but I do like that Andy asked.

  16. Cheater, liar, fraud, whatever...on camera he speaks to his wife, children, friends, and family like crap.

    IMO, he was clearly uncomfortable with Andy asking who he was talking to on the phone. The little tidbit about Tre and Joe living separate lives and sleeping in separate beds is probably the most honest thing from the whole season.

    Wendy Williams was in the clubhouse guest last night and she said that Teresa needs to quit the show and focus on real life.

    I don't think Melissa is blameless because she's got guilty eyes about a few things too.

  17. I think he was so drunk that he forgot he was wearing a mic, that's why he walked away. NO WAY was he talking to an employee or a "spanish pizza man" - they sold the pizzeria before this episode was shot. He is a terrible liar just like his forehead-less wife. I really used to like Teresa but now she is so batshit that I can't help but enjoy watching her life go up in flames.

  18. milania.....milania....
    all i remember is that pinche song!

  19. Did anyone else catch when Jaq said that Teresa and Joe hit each other? I couldn't believe that got swept under the rug so quickly, it was obvious that Andy did not want to chitchat about that comment. Which leads me to believe that there was total truth to what Jaq said, there was an immediate hush as Teresa fake punched Joe in the arm and then it was time to move on.

    I was really disturbed by that accusation, imagine the secrets that Jaq and Caroline must know about the Gudice family.
    Like how Juicy Joe and Mr. Gorga like to bump gorilla butts on the reg...

  20. She looks like she's wearing those novelty glasses, the ones that have a picture of regular open eyes on them...

  21. Last night was a great night for RHONJ history. Rosie is so cute and funny. Joe Guidice is ... I like him. I really like him. Theresa is loathsome recently, but I want to like her. Melissa is a beautiful caramel-coated Roman goddess of sensuality and perfection, which is probably hard to take. I can't wait for next week's fireworks!

  22. Juicy Joe is either lying or totally gay. At the beginning of that conversation in the vineyard that he said was with his friend, he asks the person on the other end of the phone "what are you wearing?" and then moans and says "oh, don't tell me that" before saying "here comes my bitch wife" and then calling Theresa the c-word. He said those things to a man??

  23. All those damn housewives are an embarrassment to humanity.

  24. anon, the "spanish pizza guy" is a staple character in 90s gay porn -- you might be onto something!
