Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Joe Giudice Cheated On Teresa Two Weeks Ago

No one believed Joe Giudice or Teresa when they said in part two of the RHNJ reunion show that Joe had never cheated. It is obvious he has and did and according to Radar has continued to cheat as recently as two weeks ago in Atlantic City while Teresa was in North Carolina. Radar has what are quite possibly the worst cell phone photos ever taken of Joe and a woman as they are in a casino together. Later they rode off in a cab together. He would say she is probably just a friend, but I bet he does what he did to the secretary and to the babysitter and everyone else he has cheated on Teresa with over the years. I wonder what anyone finds attractive about Joe. I think Teresa stays with him because she does not want anyone to think her life is less than perfect because the rest of her life could come crumbling down. Either that or they are so into things together that if they split the whole house of cards could come tumbling down. I sure would also like to know how Joe is able to afford high priced jewelry and trips to Atlantic City and hookers with what appears to be no job and no income.


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