Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Jerry Sandusky Gets Sentenced

Last night, convicted child molester, Jerry Sandusky, said in a tape from his jail cell that he is innocent and that this is one big conspiracy from a bunch of people who want fame and money and that he knows he is innocent in his heart and that he has only ever had sex with his wife. The guy is evil. I'm glad the victims and their families get to confront the evil monster in court and I hope he gets it through his head that he is guilty and he has ruined the lives of so many people. You can't blame your showering with boys or molesting them on someone else. Too many people, too many victims. Get over yourself.
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  1. Do they EVER admit their guilt?

  2. Not defending him in the slightest here - but is it possible he honestly believes he did nothing wrong? Can he just be really really really fucked in the head?

  3. Living so close to PSU, this is all I've read or heard about this week (more like this year really). I'm ready for him to go into the general population and let other criminals have their way with him. He is an evil creature. I pray for closure for the victims and I'm glad he cannot hurt anyone else.

    1. Same here. Bellefonte resident here.

    2. Same here. Bellefonte resident here.

  4. He knows what he did and he knows that it's wrong, and his entire conscious mind and presentation is focused on pretending otherwise. The molesters tend to be 100% obsessed with presenting a facade to the world, and it doesn't break. He is loathsome. Abuse of power like this is the worst.

  5. This is just beyond words. It makes me feel so sick that he's just denying everything! And @Henriette yes they do. You should watch Deliver Us From Evil. Really good doco about catholic priest Oliver O'Grady who admitted to molesting and raping children.

  6. I believe that the only person he has had vaginal sex with is his wife. Maybe in his sick mind, he's justified that the horrible things he did to those boys doesn't count as "sex."

  7. @misspeg86
    That's the exception, not the rule. Most of these public cases always say they are innocent.

  8. Rot in hell Jerry.

  9. 30 to 60 years in jail for Jerry

  10. Sick delusional man! In his mind he probably thought he was helping these kids!! There's a special place for him in hell!!!

  11. I pray that he never finds his way out of prison. He's a truly sick individual, and there's not even the most minute possibility he'll be rehabbed.

  12. typical pedophile. he sees nothing wrong with what he did. but more importantly, he's appealing the conviction so he can't admit guilt. he just wants to get away with what he did, period.

  13. I hope he gets what he deserves in jail. He will be on the receiving end and will know what it feels like. Pedophiles are on the bottom of the barrel of the social ladder in prison and he will get what's coming to him!

  14. I was expecting more of a Bernie Madoff type sentence.

  15. even his adopted son says he was abused by this bastard. 30-60 years at least he'll never leave prison

  16. @goheels83 That's what I was thinking. He probably doesn't see what he did as sex and he thinks he was "just showing those kids love". I've known people who just can't understand that they're actions are wrong and/or harmful just because they're not done with that specific intention (even tho its clear to everyone else and is, in fact, illegal).

    This man should die in jail. Whether he understands that his actions were extremely harmful or not, he destroyed the lives of several boys.

  17. What a slap in the face to the victims to have the man who destroyed your life, completely deny doing so. I pray for them. This must be so incredibly difficult for them. They are brave men.

  18. This is part of pediphile dickness. They honestly dont believe they have done anything wrong. Their brains are twisted up, and he is right where he belongs and will be there fir life. The damage he did is like a vitus, and he is thelike the carrier, wondering why everyone is so upset.

    1. Meant sickness, lol. At least i didnt put 'lick' this time, lol

  19. General population. send him there, please.

  20. and he also titled his auto bi, Touched.

    //he should have got the Gaddaffi treatment. prison is too good for this bum.

  21. @goheels83, it is pos. it's called being a sociopath.

  22. Yeah, he did nothing wrong and all those emotional confrontations in court were from liars. He's sick and twisted. Apparently he never even looked at the guys when they were confronting him. What an evil person.

  23. @ goheels83---

    YES! He is definitely really, really, really fucked in the head!

    No doubt whatsoever.

  24. Definitely missing two or three connections in his brain that help distinguish right and wrong, and reality in general. Welcome to the general population Jerry, they will be giving you special hugs in the shower and massages before bed too.

    I give him 5 years max before he gets home release on a medical waiver, if that option exists in PA.

  25. "...that this is one big conspiracy from a bunch of people who want fame and money and that he knows he is innocent..."

    Hey, it worked for Michael Jackson. Look how many people bought the exact same line from him.

  26. I think they should cut off his penis.

  27. His claim of only having "sex" with his wife is most likely a devious attempt at tempering semantics. Sick fuck.

  28. What I find even worse is he's going to in isolation for his own safety. This animal does not deserve protection. Release him to the wolves in prison and let them do what he did to innocent boys for years. What a sicko along with his wife. How could she sleep at night all these years knowing what he was doing.

  29. They put them in isolation, but every meal he eats from now on will be tainted by the kitchen staff.

    Prison guards will allow 'visitors' in after lights out, he will get lots of special attention. Its not only the cons who hate pedophiles in jail.

  30. May he never have a moments peace. Every night, when his head hits the pillow, may he be reminded that the hell he has created here on Earth, is a greater hell that he is going to suffer in.

  31. I got burned last time I commented on this topic, which made me shun this site for several months. There are some real sweethearts too, and as celebrity gossip is my vice, I really do enjoy reading this site.

    Although one can disagree how it is ethical/moral, technically if JoePa never witnessed firsthand any molestation, he would legally be unable to report it. Mandated reporters cannot go off of third hand claims. If Joe was told by another professional, it was THEIR duty to report. CYS and/or ChildLine here in PA would not have acknowledged it as being valid if it was witnessed by the person not making the report. The shame that Sandusky (who I detest for more than this reason) brought to Penn State history is sliming Joe Paterno's legacy. By FAR the most horendous, despicable, and awful thint that occured is that he molested children (I want this clear b/c I don't want anyone to assess I'm a callous ass). PA is also a huge football state and it's in our blood much like hockey is associated with Canada.

    The point being is that he ruined many, many people's lives. His victims'. The other staff. His own family. Graduates of Penn State. Donations made to Penn State. JoePa died a horribly broken man and he will be remembered for this awful stuff than football strategy and hard work. It was also common gossip where he resided that there were "stories" but nothing could be proven.

    This is awful to say, but I hope that this has opened CYS' eyes and will assist with getting intervention more at some point. I work in mental health and social service positions are underfunded and overworked, oftentimes leading to all but the most serious offenses (such as actual physical abuse that is causes significant injury or trauma, as defined by mandated reporting) receiving actual concern. It is quite frustrating. I have confidence that "vigilante justice" within the justice system will take care of ol' Jerry. And I hope that his head hits concrete instead of a pillow.

  32. if I learned one thing from Oz, it's that prisoners don't like pedophiles. Expect him to go the way of Jeffrey Dahmer in the next 2 years. good riddance.

  33. I have a co-worker who today said all of Sandusky's accusers were lying in a money-grab attempt and conspiracy. Sigh. So few victims ever come forward, and when they do, someone accuses them of lying for fame/money and to bring down a good man. I almost couldn't speak it made me so angry.
