Monday, October 15, 2012

Jerry Lee Lewis Bandmate Dead In Shootiut

Being a part of Jerry Lee Lewis' band does not pay as much as you probably thought it would. Despite playing a lot of shows each year, keyboardist and singer B.B. Cunningham, who has been playing with Jerry's band since 1997 also works as a security guard. The 70 year old man went to investigate a shooting at the apartment building where he was working early Sunday morning when he was shot and killed. Also killed was a 16 year old boy.


  1. What is a Shootiut?

  2. Ooh Enty...I'm not really into the grammar/spelling police thing but are you going to fix that typo in the title?!

  3. FSP--Sounds like an Inuit word. Is Enty a secret First Nations Canadian?

    Seriously though, RIP.

  4. Hear tell, the Inuit people have 12 words for 'unnecessary gun violence'.

  5. Apparently I need more coffee, since I ALWAYS notice spelling/grammar errors and didn't even look twice at the title...

  6. Didnt notice it either.

  7. I know spelling and grammar isn't your strong point, but "Shootiut" in the headline? It's pretty early in the day to be this drunk.

  8. You would think for reported gunshots a police officer would be asked to investigate. Not a 70 year old security guard.

    Usually apartment complexes have off duty police who live on site for a discount for this reason. But I guess it's cheaper to hire inexperienced civilians.

    Sorry to rant but this kind of thing hits close to home for me. My husband was working overtime at a hospital as the 1 actual officer when an elderly gentleman working for a security company allowed an inmate to slip his cuffs and get his gun from him. He took the security guy hostage and threatened to kill him and the nurses. My husband thankfully was maki g floor rounds and saw everyone fleeing. He was able to talk the inmate into dropping the weapon and letting the guy go but it seriously shook my husband up cause he could have had to kill the guy or possibly be killed.

  9. Jerry Lee has a keyboardist? And who is this bass player?

  10. This happened at the apartment complex my dad lived in 15 years ago. I grew up two blocks from where this happened. Really sad, for many reasons.

  11. Most likely Jerry Lee Lewis doesn't tour often and his back up musicians have to get employment elsewhere when not touring. Considering this man's age, I doubt he has a ton of opportunities to tour with other acts.

  12. A sad story, he shouldn't have been the one to check this out. RIP.

    Yes, I'm pretty sure "shootiut" is in fact the Inuit word for a situation where there are many pistooliuts.

  13. I haven't read any comments yet, but I'm sad to check CDAN at the end of the day and see only 12 comments on this post. This guy is us, except better! He was actually living the dream we just want to, while working an FT. He is my hero!

  14. RIP, B.B. and the teenage boy.

  15. Wow. Did you just completely make up that summary events?
