Monday, October 22, 2012

Jennifer Espositio Is Really Mad At CBS

Jennifer Espositio wants to go back to work on Blue Bloods. If she can't have that then she wants to go to work on another show. Right now she is not able to do any of those. Jennifer says that she advised CBS that she has Celiac disease. She says that because of filming so much, that she aggravated her disease and needed to take a week or two off. her doctor then cleared her to return, but CBS would not let her work and put her on medical leave. Because she is signed to the show, she is also not able to work anywhere else. CBS says she is faking the disease to get a raise. Jennifer is ticked off. More so than when she was married to Bradley Cooper. Jennifer says she just needs a reduced work schedule and that is it. She has played Jackie Curatola for the past three seasons of the show.


  1. I love that show, and she is part of the reason. I hope they work it out.

    Regarding the fad of Celiac's disease...I'm a bit of a skeptic.

  2. Anonymous10:35 AM

    I understand celiac disease since I have it, but don't see how she would get that sick from work as long as she is eating a proper diet for her condition.

  3. When I read about this on tvline, it said that she collapsed on set, so it's likely she has some kind of legit medical condition.

  4. Hey everyone!
    My grandpa had a mini stroke last night and is in the ICU. If you could please send your thoughts, prayers and healing energy his way I would much appreciate it. His name is David
    Love you all and thank you!

    1. Get well soon, grandpa Dave! Sending healing thoughts his way.

    2. Best wishes for all of your family as he recovers!

    3. Ditto what Sugar said..?sending warm thoughts to you also Smashbash.

    4. David breathe deeply and be well!

    5. Hi smashbash, I am keeping David in my thoughts. I hope he has a full recovery and that your family stays well. Best wishes!

    6. Get well soon grandpa dave!! All good wishes!!!!!

    7. You girls and guys are the best. Thank you so much for your kind words! We will find out tonight if he can leave ICU.

    8. Be strong Grandpa David!!

    9. Happy Vibes to you and Grandpa Dave!!!

      Big Hug Smash! Hang in there :)

    10. Sending my thoughts and prayers to your family @Smash and grandpa David. Be strong! xoxo

    11. @smash I cared for a massive stroke victim a few years ago. If you need anything I'm here.

    12. My prayers are with you and your beloved Grandpa David. Thank you for reaching out to us and letting us send good thoughts your way.

    13. Anonymous4:19 PM

      Sending prayers.

  5. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family smashbash.

  6. Prays to u , grandpa and ur family Smashbash.

    lol enty at the shade of BC

  7. Aww, I'm sorry smashy. Best wishes to your g-pa!

    @dragon - I was amused by that, too. He REALLY has it out for him lately, and if everyone's sleuthing is legit, rightfully so.

  8. You and your family are in my thoughts, smash. Take care.

  9. If she knows she has Celiac she should be eating right for the condition, and would definitely not be sick enough to warrant those accommodations. I call bullshit on her and CBS knows it.

  10. Good vibes being sent to grandpa smash!

  11. Good thoughts and healing energy to your grandpa, smashbash.

    As someone who has disabilities but also knows that folks often use them to scam, I can't quite make heads or tails of this.

  12. All the best to grandpa - hugs!

  13. I'm confused about how she'd parlay being sick into making more money?

    1. Yeah, I don't get that, either. I'm sick, so give me a raise?

  14. Agree with Amber---how does being sick = getting a raise?

    And Syd, how is an autoimmune condition a fad? People with Celiac disease have damaged intestines from gluten (which all humans are allergic to in varying amounts). If you knew the gastrointestinal distress that comes with the territory, you wouldn't judge others so harshly. Educate yourself.

    1. I think they are more commenting on the trend of being gluten sensitive which IS increasing...although that could be from education, finally finding a name that matches ones ailments, or hypochondria.

  15. I say this is a non story but Enty posted because we nailed that BC/JE blind last week.

  16. I think the idea is:
    JE: I'm sick and can only be on every third episode.
    And CBS is supposed to say:
    No! We need you! We'll pay you more and hire a gluten free chef if you stay!
    :) Just speculating though.

    And I don't think Syd is trying to say that the disease itself is a fad, just that it's a fad to say you have it or a gluten allergy as an excuse for an eating disorder/weight loss (ahem, Miley). But Syd can correct me if I'm wrong.

  17. Please. My brother is celiac; he had to be hospitalized before he was finally diagnosed because his system had become so distressed. And he manages to handle what I guess is a high-pressure life (NYC lawyer) without a fancy nutritionist, dietician, personal chef, meal delivery, etc. BS on her.

  18. How dare anyone ask for a little flexibility in their work schedule, huh.
    Celiac disease is a spectrum, imo. Sister doing much better, so I'm trying it out somewhat. Stomach flatter - could also be due to less processed food.

  19. Thinking of Grandpa Dave...

    This should be fairly easy to figure out imo; ask to look at her medical records for this condition and if need be, ask her to be checked out by another physician. Unless she's bullshitting, she should be okay with that and unless CBS is just trying to dick her around, they should do due diligence.

    Before you get all offended, reread what she said. It IS trendy for Miley and everyone else to say they have Celiac's and allergies for no other reason than the "poor you" factor. When everyone jumps on a diagnosis band wagon (without the tests needed for a true diagnosis) it really diminishes the perceived seriousness of the disease and takes away from the legitimate pain that people who actually have these diseases suffer from.

  20. I have food allergies and I'm getting tired of people who don't have them acting like it's shit I made up. Yeah, I decided not to eat delicious cheese and butter because that makes my life better through negative attention in lieu of eating wonderful food and not requiring special meals during family and holiday dinners. Passing on my favorite sides and desserts.
    Celiac disease is not an intolerance, it's an actual disease. I don't have it but I've had plenty of shade thrown at me for my dairy allergy, like I decided I had it. It sucks, and it is not fun to plan meals with other people who eat normally.
    Going out for meals can be tough, most servers can't answer questions about the allergen content of the food correctly.

  21. I don't know much about this disease but it seems like she had a doctor's excuse, CBS shouldn't have a problem with this. I would be pissed too if I had a legitimate reason not to work and was willing to return to work but the boss called bullshit on it. Hope she gets this resolved.

  22. Well the gluten free diet is the newest fad, I can't tell you how many of my friends are now on it! There IS something to be said tho about the state of wheat and such these days, it's far from the original wheat which was healthy. However, Celiac is NOT a fad but a real disease. Not very common from what I understand.

    If she hadn't yet been dxed she could have gotten quite sick. If she had been already, then this is an excuse because with the right diet you are quite fine. So we need to know when her dx was in order to know whether she's full of shit or not. :)

  23. There is a growing number of people with celiac or wheat sensitivity. In the US (at least) the wheat has been cross-pollinated ten ways from Sunday to make it high yield, there is a protein called gliaden that humans react to, the increase in autoimmune diseases are starting to connect back to the wheat consumption. This *new* wheat was mainstreamed into the food supply in the late 70's/early 80's and now wheat is in foods it really doesn't need to be.

    It is being called a *fad* most likely by the people who would take a big financial hit if the wheat consumption tanked. I never, ever thought I was allergic or sensitive to wheat, I decided to do a particular diet for my PCOS symptoms (another autoimmune disease). Within 6 weeks my roseacea stopped flaring up, I had a huge amount of energy, all body aches were GONE, all my allergies cleared up.

    Long ass ramble aside, celiac is specifically wheat/gluten related. If this chick is having issues she needs to mind her diet or look at her other habits. Maybe she relies on the gluten free products out there, they are just as bad with all their high glycemic counts. Maybe she has egg or dairy issues.

  24. "People with Celiac disease have damaged intestines from gluten (which all humans are allergic to in varying amounts)."

    -- Yes, this (bolding mine). I have a roommate who is gluten-reactive, though hasn't had an official diagnosis because they are so difficult to obtain. Every exposure is worse than the last. Have done a lot of reading up on what grains do to the body (wheat in particular, and especially the 'super wheat' introduced in 1985). It causes a systemic inflammatory reaction. We have pretty much rid the house of all foods containing gluten, including even the dry cat food. (Cats don't need to be eating grain anyway; they're obligate carnivores. But I digress.)

    I'm not really sure how working on a TV show set aggravated Celiac, unless her food was cross-contaminated--I mean, my roommate has had a bad reaction from walking into a donut shop, so who knows. This could be exactly what happened to her.

  25. Much love to Grandpa Dave... xxxxx
    Celiac management depends on honesty/knowledge in ingredients too. Methinks craft services may have either not been aware of ingredients, or just didn't care, and long hours with the food abailable would do it.

  26. Prayers for grandpa Dave.

    Agree celiac disease can be serious - but I've always heard as long as you eat correctly you shouldn't have problems.

  27. I'm not offended.

    Syd said: "Regarding the fad of Celiac's disease...I'm a bit of a skeptic."

    I'm taking her words at face value, that's all. Celiac disease is simply not a fad.

  28. Stefa-fa, I stopped eating gluten because of horrible stomachaches, before I realized that it was so heavily linked with my PCOS, imagine my surprise when yes, all of my aches & seasonal allergies even went away.

    And Snapdragon-that is correct (about cats too! Cats need only protein to survive, and hardly even any water).

  29. Eat a lot of a particular food, and you risk developing an allergy to it, unfortunately. The commercialization of all the food we eat has certainly contributed to this because we are not getting the variety we need, and the same ingredients keep making an appearance in a wide variety of foods. There are over 60 varieties of wheat, yet we eat primarily one - Durham.

    I have a sensitivity to gluten. My face breaks out in a rash (severity depends on how much gluten I consumed). And the tissue on my face swells slightly - again, in direct relation to the amount of gluten I consumed. It is noticeable in my nose. My nose literally gets a little bigger and it takes a couple of days for the swelling to subside.

    If a bakery adds gluten to their bread to make it chewier, then I get the rash within 10 minutes. I can tolerate a little bit of gluten here and there without incident.

    As for Jennifer - perhaps she is recovering from a bad bout. However, after she fully recovers, there is no reason why she cannot resume a full work schedule as long as she eats properly. I wouldn't wish Celiac on anyone. I know people who have it and it can be extremely painful.

  30. Said a prayer for Granpa Dave.
    And I think the only reason Enty posted this story was to confirm that Jennifer Esposito and BC were the couple in the blind. He beat her up and she left. Good for her. I like her even more now, although I haven't seen her in anything in years.

  31. Thank you all so so so much for your kind words! It has helped sooth my nerves greatly.

  32. As someone who has a immuno disease that just a half hour ago flared up while I was in Target- good times- i wldnt presume to judge anyone else. Mb the stress of her paricular scheldule, or being unable to eat at proper intervals is causing flare up. If she is faking thats really crummy because hvng something like this stinks! And if sh's really ill and they are just being mean, shame on them.

  33. Prayers and thoughts for granpa Dave!
    I hope they release her from her contract so she can get some work and peace of mind elsewhere..

  34. Gluten free diets are the fad, not having Celiac disease. I have Crohn's and have toyed with gluten free to see if that helps (it does NOT, btw). Someone gave a good example of her wanting more money (we'll pay you more AND have a special chef!). Bottom line, we'll see what happens here. She could be a diva (not appreciated by those with REAL issues), or it could be real. If that's the case, autoimmune diseases are covered under the ADA or whatever it is, so her employer will HAVE to make accommodations (unless actors don't follow the rules). Interesting scenario, however.

    1. I got sent to Sick Kids hospital for the Celiac test at 33, on the off chance it was making my Crohn's worse, know what you mean!

  35. I see two possibilities: She has celiac and it is made worse on set and/or Donnie Wahlberg makes being on set disgusting and that's why she's sick. He's rather a douche.

  36. My prayers for your grandpa, smashbox. I pray he makes a full recovery.

  37. Agreed on the "no gluten" fad but even though some people do not have celiac's disease theydo feel better when they take extra precautions with their diets.

    Smashie..Hope grampa Dave gets well!

    And something about this story not being the whole story. Certainly they can accommodate a work schedule that would fit for her. I understand she's pretty integral to the show.

  38. I wonder how many member of the crew have this disease? I bet none. Acting is not only not hard it's down right boring considering how much sitting around watching the ever-hardworking crew get things ready. This is ridiculous.

  39. Sympathies - Crohn's is awful!

    And here's to Grandpa!

  40. I don't know about Celiac's, but my Crohn's is triggered by stress as much as it is by food. Also, during bad bouts I get dehydrated & can get quite tired. Maybe she is experiencing something similar. I just don't know how asking for one week off would mean she wants more money. I like her so hopefully whatever is going on gets resolved.

  41. Holding a good thought for Granpa.

    It says she collapsed on set! I mean she could be faking, but I don't really see the upside for her. Don't watch Blue Bloods but she was fantastic on Rescue Me!

  42. Erin and silly g, i am sorry about your hvng crohns. I hv something called mesenteric panniculitis, which apparently is rare. Its inflammation around lower intestine, which leads to gut clenching cramps, hot sweats, fevers, intolorance to alot if foods- veggies fruit, any roughage, dairy. Im going thru this because if crohns has any similiar symptoms, i am desperate for coping skills , as well as dietary advice. So hard tk find any info! Thank you!!!!!!

  43. sending good joo-joo to Grandpa Dave!

  44. my friend has celiac disease and before she was diagnosed she had lost alot of weight and was in such distress that she had to be hospitalized.

    its not a fad. we eat alot of wheat in the us, and the wheat that is grown in the us is also very high in gluten. I believe it lasts longer that way, it was definitely developed to be high in gluten.

    now, if my friend even gets a little bit of gluten in some food at a restaurant, she gets sick. so, she has to be hyper hyper conscientious about it or there are dire consequences.

    so, for everyone who is calling bs on jennifer, I say, don't be so quick to make judgments.

  45. @smashbash, prayers for you and family and your Grandfather David.

  46. Good thoughts for Grandpa David, OK?

  47. Hello Smash - I know what you're going through. My father had a mild stroke years ago - he came out of it and lived another 3 years until he suffered through two seizures last month. I'm holding out hope for your Grandfather David.

    1. Hi Jason, if I'm reading this right, you just suffered a tremendous loss. I lost my Dad recently and the hole inside me (and my family) hurts. My thoughts are with you. Hang in there.

  48. American wheat is completely GMO which nobody should eat!
    I'm using diet and food allergy tests to control my lupus. It's completely working.
    I know a girl who was extremely sick and couldn't do anything and was tiny for her age at about 11 or 12. Turns out its celiac and type one diabetes so she needed the implant thing for insulin. I think her eating gluten which her body can't process blocked the nutrients she did need not to absorb so she was basically malnourished.
    I find it awful of people to judge others medical conditions, even us who enjoy snarling on celebs. It's different than the Britney reveal (that I won't bring up again!) bc we don't know how sick Jennifer is. She always seemed so cool and I can't see a normal person asking for more days off AND a raise. I hope she gets what she needs. The American government doesn't make it easy for us to eat healthy foods.

  49. My family is full of celiacs and they all work full-time without a problem. This story sounds like just another celeb acting spoiled and trying to get their own way.

    Fainting on the set does not sound like celiac disease. Celiac disease causes vomiting and diarrhea. If Jennifer has been fainting then she needs to go back to the doctor and get another diagnosis.

    As for celiac disease being a fad, I believe that refers to people who lie and say, "Oh, I can't eat that because I have celiac disease" when they don't want to be pressured to eat carbs. I actually read about a Hollywood dietician who would advise his famous clients to lie about having food allergies when they went out to dinner. He said it's a good way to make sure you don't get served anything that will cause weight gain. Idiot!

  50. Raise = Making the same salary with reduced workload. That's how it's a raise.

  51. Tsk, what a wasted opportunity for a Donnie Wahlberg photo

    @smash best wishes and prayers

  52. Positive thoughts and healing vibes to your grandpa, Smash, kit and let us know when he is home safe as kittens.

  53. Thoughts with Grandops Dave & smashbash.
    I don't judge her. She could have had a flare up, it happens. My friend went 20 years with type 1 diabetes, not really looking after herself, then bang, collapse, eye bleed etc.

  54. Prayers for Grandpa David, I hope he is doing much better.

  55. Smashie. Please keep us posted! He seems fiesty.

    Love and light to you and Grandpa David!

  56. He is a feisty New Yorker dia!
    I will find out first thing tomorrow and let you all know. Thank you again for your kind messages. :)

    1. Love & hugs to Grandpa Dave & all my lovely CDaNers who've got a struggle with illnesses.
      Blessed Be.

  57. @Smash, sending good vibes your way!

  58. I gots the Celiac and I can tell f-ing sucks. It was quite a long odyssey to finally get a diagnosis. I thought I hard narcolepsy. NO JOKE. Ain't no allergy. Celiac straight up crushes your small intestine. Getting betta cost me alot a chedda too.

    Give her some leeway until the truth comes out.

    I've been following Jennifer on Twitter and the Celiac Army is full force all over CBS at this point.

  59. Longtime lurker, moved to poster by request for prayers...Smashbash I can attest to the healing power of prayer, good energy, FAITH! Grandfather Dave is in my prayers. Please update!

  60. People lie (and are encouraged to do so-Giuliana Rancic?) about allergies and ailments in order to get restaurants to modify menus. Unfortunately this has the unfortunate effect of undermining the suffering of those truly afflicted, as well as casting doubt upon the severity of such diseases.

  61. I hope your grandpa is getting better Smashbash !

  62. Add me to the list of Crohn's sufferers ( as I sit in the ER because I'm in a lot of pain and hoping I'm
    Not having a flare up). I was tested for celiac and it was negative. I found that gluten free diet did not help me either. Agreed with the poster that said that Crohn's is flared up by stress as well. It's almost a guarantee that I am in the hospital around the beginning of Septemver
    Every year with school starting. I am t hankful mine is Confined to my ascending colon. I know others aren't as lucky

    1. Interesting, amy, i too seem to hv flair up every sept. is it the pollen? Idk, wish i did!

  63. @Amy in MI, we sure do have a lot in commmon, I have Crohn's, too. I've had two absessess (sp?) in the past two years, seems like it's time for another one soon. I have modified my meds (meaning, I'm taking them exactly as directed by my doctor) and I seem to be feeling OK, but boy, when I have 'episodes', it sure does suck!! I refuse to call them flare ups as I have yet to fully accept that I have Crohn's. I know it, intellectually, but not emotionally. Ironically, I've had it for probably the better part of 12 years, but diagnosed about 4 years ago. So, I've suffered in silence for a long time, and it seems to run in my family (you'd think my family would have talked about this before, but nope, only when I tell them about my surgery do they say, oh, I have that too!).
    Anyway, being sick isn't fun. I feel bad if she (Jennifer Esposito) is really sick.
    @smash, prayers and thoughts for
    Grandpa David!

  64. @auntliddy - Regarding advice, for myself, it was trial & error. I mean, the stress I can't control (unless I move to a state that allows medicinal marijuana), but for the food, I just had to figure out what bothered me. Example, one glass of white wine is okay, two glasses of white wine is disaster. My doctor recommended I not eat corn, popcorn, & nuts because during flare ups your intestines can narrow & that type of food can get caught & cause huge problems. When I'm going through a flare, when I eat, I have rice or pasta because it slows down digestion & helps regulate things. Even if only temporarily, sometimes the break is needed.

    I saw your comment about Target. For me, if I go to the grocery store before work, I'm always running to the bathroom. I always say how rich I'd be if I had a nickel for every time I almost shit my pants in Giant Eagle.

    I have a friend with Crohn's who had about one foot of intestine removed three years ago, & she has never felt better. She said recovery was hell, but it was worth it seeing how it turned out. My doctor said I'll end up on that path in the coming years, but I'm trying to hold out.

  65. @Erin and @auntliddy, I'm in the same boat. I only know one person who has had colon removal surgery and it was about 20 years ago when she was a teenager. She's fine now, like she was never sick. I'm really concerned about the recovery part, the whole 'wearing a bag' thing. I found a company that makes 'covers' for the bags, they are red, heart shaped and satiny...cute, but still, they cover a 'bag'. I hate leaving the house for fear of an incident, but I do have good days. As I mentioned earlier, I've been taking my meds EXACTLY as the doctor said, and it seems to be helping. Hoping for a cure someday....

  66. I wish it were a fad. If a disease that can be clinically diagnosed through a blood test and endoscopy is a fun fad...then diabetes is a fun fad too. I think going "gluten free" might be a fad, but the actual celiac disease isn't a fad. Having said that, however, I don't know how a work situation would exacerbate the disease unless she didn't have access to gluten-free foods. I would think she could request them. As a star of the show I imagine they would be happy to accommodate her special diet. The thing that exacerbates celiac is eating gluten. not working too many hours.
    My daughter has a firm diagnosis, through blood tests and an endoscopy, that she has celiac...believe me, she would love not to have it. It's a real pain in the ass. She got very sick right before she was diagnosed, so it's possible Jennifer E. could have just been diagnosed and needed time off for that, but work hours in and of themselves won't make celiac flare up.
