Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Jennifer Aniston Cries When Talking About Justin Theroux

Jennifer Aniston was on Chelsea Handler. They talked about Jennifer's nipples first because, as usual, Jen chose to not wear a bra. They then talked about Justin Theroux and Jennifer appeared to start crying when she says that she is engaged to Justin. Chelsea then said he is the greatest guy ever and that they are the greatest couple ever and then they patted each other on the back for being so nice to each other and talked about how they will be bff forever and who needs Courteney when you have a Chelsea.


  1. She's a good actress, isn't she.

  2. She also never wore a bra on Friends- watched some episodes yesterday and Rachels apartment must be freezing!

    I also watched American Psycho and saw Justin, his hair is always the same. Not complaining, dude is hot! I've been babysitting and I've been able to watch a shit ton of TV. But I didn't let the baby watch that!

  3. Didn't Rachel Green cry a lot! And didn't she cry just like this when her and Ross finally professed their love for each other.

    I'm just sayin'... I think I've seen this before.

  4. Babies! Can you shield them from violence but keep the dude hotness! Is that possible?

  5. What is Chelsea wearing? She looks so old and matronly. Is she wearing an 18 hour bra? Her boobs look really weird.

    JA is older than Chelsea, but looks younger.

  6. Barf...so freakin fake. They make me sick.

  7. Look at me! Look at me!


  8. Look at me! Look at me!


  9. Leather is too heavy to go bra-less. Unless you're already flat & droopy, because that's what it does to any boob--flattens & makes it look droopy.
    This top is doing her lauded boobs a disservice. Braless is not an 'all the time' thing. Or shouldn't be.

    Chelsea oozes so bad when she's kissing ass with the popular kids.

  10. wow. I read Enty's posts regarding Aniston and it appears that sometime in May, Aniston lifted a bacon sandwich from the big guy and he's been filled with bacon rage since.

  11. LOL@ redronnie:)

    Handler needs to do some lowlights on that haircolor!! I think it would make her look 10 yrs younger if she did!

  12. Jennifer Aniston just can't win. When she's single she's all sad and old, and then when she's happy that she's getting married she's all sick and fake and pathetic. I'm not the biggest JA fan, but I just don't understand the hate with her. There are so many other annoying, vapid, useless people in Hollywood to hate more.

  13. I prefer her and Justin over Brand and Angie any day anytime....

  14. Chelsea Handler used to be so funny before she crawled up certain celebrities asses, and stayed there.I still like her books though. I wonder if Courtney's new face is scarier in person, so Jen's flocking to Chelsea

  15. Not hating on Jen, but not buying the crying. As someone pointed out, she is an actress! This just seemed so fake and put on. Also, it seemed like Jen might have hit the sippy-sippy backstage, which was somewhat amusing. Otherwise it was overdone.

    Megerz said...I agree.

  16. If I was a woman and had boobs like Jennifer Aniston I wouldn't wear a bra either. And I'd probably sunbathe topless in range of the paps once or twice a year too.

  17. I like JA. Shes fun and has good sense of humor. Team jennifer!!!!

  18. Well, since we're voting, I can't stand JA. She's at least as fake and tiresome as everybody else in Hollyweird. Don't know why it bugs me more when she does it, but it does.

  19. I was kinda "meh" about Justin until last weekend. I saw him in Charlie's Angels Full Throttle, and...wow. He was HOT in that movie, stupid fauxhawk and all.

    1. That movie is the reason I find him creepy...of course it could be the fauxhawk that really bothers me.

  20. Just a nipple comment....

    I've seen Friends a bazillion times and Jen must have industrial strength nips because a lot of times she IS wearing a bra and yet her high beams are on.

  21. I have been really anti Chelsea Handler but the opening bit with Sandra (sandie) Bullock made me laugh and laugh.

    I watched friends sometimes with my mom when I was in middle school. I have very fond memories of that.

    I don't get the JA hate. I think the tears were real, I guess I am easy fooled, and I even got a little teary eyed watching thinking of my amazing spouse.

    I am Jennifer Aniston ;)

  22. I have liked Jennifer since day one. Since she started hanging out with the snarling she-beast that is Chelsea Handler, though, she has lost a great deal of my respect. And yeah, I'm sure she really cares, but whatever. I just can't stand that woman.

  23. Jennifer Aniston's Nipples can slice a tin can in half and still finely slice a tomato afterwards.

  24. @Chumsley - OMG I love the kitty's chin in your picture! #CutenessOverload

  25. Chelsea has all the subtlety of a sledge hammer. "You guys make the greatest couple ever..." is SUCH an obvious dig at Brad and Angelina.

  26. Why does the crying make me think of a short man jumping on a couch??

  27. Her boobs do like horrible in that top. Wth really happened between her n Courtney, that friendship is practically non existent these days.

  28. I think JA and Courtney are the answer to a blind about the broken friendship. Also think JA probably wears fake nipples like they showed on SATC. They were all he rage!

  29. Barbra Junior and her nasty BFF need to really stop with this.

    It's embarrassing.
