Monday, October 15, 2012

Jeff Dunham Gets Married

Over the weekend, comedian and ventriloquist, Jeff Dunham married his long time girlfriend who is a fitness model. The 50 year old Dunham would have had no chance with the 32 year old model, but hey, he is a comedian and did have the highest rated debut on Comedy Central ever. Shortly after that debut he met Audrey Murdick and finalized the divorce of his wife of 14 years who he had three children with. The new couple plan to honeymoon in California.


  1. And THAT, ladies and gentlemen, is how fame works.

  2. I really really hope the entire wedding Larry was puppets.

    1. Gpddammit I meant party!

    2. Lol... Katsm0711...dontcha love that predictive text? ;) then when it COULD fix a perfectly obvious word like goddammit, it doesn't... :)

    3. @dont it never corrects my swear words :(

  3. Cue every one saying that it's another celebrity homewrecking because god forbid people who are celebrities meet other people that they fall in love with while they're still married. I'm sure if it came out that his ex-wife was emotionally and verbally abusive and that his comedy was his therapy to deal with the anguish she subjected him to for year, it would be a different tune. Don't know the details, not gonna judge. Best of luck to everyone involved, including the kids.

  4. Unless this becomes opposite day on CDAN.

  5. Congrats to him..its his life and he will live it as he pleases. However- I don't find him funny at all.

  6. Neither do I, RCB. I always groan and change the channel when his shows are on.

  7. I don't think highly of people that are married and end up involve with someone while married.

  8. RCB DFlux...same deal I think this dude's schtick is theeee worst.

  9. Why wouldn't he have a chance? He's a good looking guy with a sense of humor. I'm sure if not for his job he may not have had the opportunity to meet her but I don't think fame had much to do with this pairing.

  10. Comedy Central used to be an awesome channel and outlet for different comedians but then they decided to show this dude and Tosh for 18 hrs a day. Its soo annoying, he is very unfunny. I'm just mad they only show Chappelle Show reruns once a week :(

    1. I agree!!!!!
      They don't even show Always Sunny and South Park that much either. Comedy Central is now for kids.

  11. @Kewi... Your avi!! Just made my day! My two favourite animals all rolled up in one!

    1. Haha thank you, glad to help :)

  12. Not to be argumentative, but god actually does forbid meeting someone else and falling in love while you're married. Whether or not you are religious I think that most people hold the moral standpoint that married couples should be monogamous until death or a split which hopefully did not include a lover's involvement.
    That being said, I don't give two shits about this guy.

    1. Totally true. Marriage usually cuts way down on your dating, lol

  13. He threw his voice for her "I Do".

  14. This guy is painfully unfunny. He and Larry the Cable Guy need to go live on an island somewhere and STFU.

  15. Did they both wear white?

    She in her dress.

    He in his hood.

  16. LOL @ Sarah. Good point!

  17. Yep, Terry Fator with the puppet thing did this as well. Married for a long time, got to Vegas, got a sexy assistant, and is now married to her.

  18. He is so overrated and UNFUNNY. And his fucking puppets are lame.

  19. (Wow, apparently I have really strong feelings about him. LOL!!)

  20. I worked at a comedy club in the 90s. He's a complete fucking asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink..

  21. I once broke up with a guy who told me that before he met me he begged his grandparents to pay for him to go to puppeteering school. That and he grew a really gross beard.

  22. I may have to stick up for Terry Fator here. He struggled for a long time, his wife struggling with him, he got to Vegas got the big money. I didn't hear about any acrimonious split, maybe she was happy to have a share of the money and to go live a different kind of life.

    Terry is a wonderful addition to the community, he volunteers for and supports monetarily many, many causes.

    As for this guy, not so funny.

  23. THANK YOU ALL for making me feel completely sane in not getting this dude, and being FURIOUS that Comedy Central shows him ALL the time!

    Is it so popular because it's family-friendly, or the opposite? I've successfully avoided his entire performances thus far. I have to mute the commercials, that's how much he grates on me.
    I can't believe he's popular? wth?

  24. Thanks for that Del, I thought Terry seemed like a good guy.

  25. I can totally predict the pr-" we married young, i loved her deeply, but i was away alot and we just grew apart. My kids are great, i respect her as the mother of my children. My marriage was over way before i met number two. Its very hard for me and replacement wife to make it work, but were all interested in the welfare of the children." Damn, im good, lol.

  26. I wonder if they involve the puppets in the sex...

  27. Guess I'm the only one who has laughed hysterically at Walter, Achmed the Terrorist and a few others routines from a few years ago. His more recent stuff, not so much. And now that he's let his wife for a much younger woman, I may just have to join the rest of you with your opinion of him as a jerk. Sorry to hear that.

  28. *left* his wife obviously

  29. Very unfunny .. this one. Very sad about the amount of time Comedy Central devotes to him and Tosh .. I am sorry puppets are lame and I cannot seem to find the funny side of watching people break bones.

    As for affairs and second wives .. heavens forfend I defend this douche .. but life is not always black and white, kids. Wish to f*ck it was sometimes .. but the older you get .. the more you realize you do not have the slightest idea what goes on in other peoples lives .. much less marriages. So I will refrain from assuming I have the slightest idea what went on to get these two to here.

    [Now .. Micheale and Neal .. oh hell!! I will judge a mile there! I kid. I kid .. ]

  30. I'm pretty sure if you zoom all the way in you can the $$ signs sparkling in her eyes. She looks kind of old for 32, but maybe it's just my hate for him that makes her cackling smile look even more douchey.

  31. In my dreams there is an honest released statement.

    "My word means nothing. The minute I make money and some goldigging whore looks at me twice I'm gone. Giving me three kids and sticking by me when I first put a sock on my hand sure was nice. When I say forever, you believe that? Stuff happens. Forever is a super long time. Good luck with the kids. I'll write you a check.

  32. Good grief. He and his wife were long separated when he met his new wife. It was just that the divorce wasn't finalized until after they started dating. I was living with my now-husband for YEARS before my divorce from Hubby #1 was finalized. I really don't care what "god" had to say about that.

  33. I agree with Sarah too. I hope he pays a lot in alimony and child support.

  34. It is interesting that this automatically slams HIM. Did you know that his wife had an affair? It doesn't really matter because they are both probably happier and his girls seem well adjusted. It's just interesting how everyone assumes it is all his fault...

  35. I will add that I love his comedy--I think it is a riot. Comedy Central would show him as much if he didn't get the ratings, so lots of people agree with me.

  36. Just a quick note - a second wife IS NOT a "replacement wife." I say this as someone who will soon be someone's second wife and I can promise you he's not with me to try to replace her.

  37. Jeff's wife asked for a divorce a few years ago, and he wanted to make things work. His wife got the divorce she wanted, and along the way Jeff met his now wife.

    And I love his comedy act and his partners, Walter, Peanut, Bubba J, Achmed, etc.

  38. Hahahaha listening to all you broke a**es cry about him is hillarious!!! your all just pissed because your broke af and hes making 30 million a year, Justin Timberlake said it best "Cry me a river" lmfao. Jeff Dunham for president 2020!! Dudes amazingly unique , original and i love that his comedy isnt afraid of biase.
