Sunday, October 21, 2012

James Blunt Is Retiring

James Blunt announced he is retiring and says that it is time for him to stop working so hard and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Well, he is British so he said labour, but you get the picture. I was not aware that James Blunt had been working. All I ever see of him are photos of himself off the coast of France where he tries to convince more and more desperate women to come aboard his dinghy to ride his anchor while he tells them all about his one hit wonder song. Yes, I know he was in the military and even served in Kosovo, but he is not retiring off the money he earned from that and you don't normally date supermodels if you are an officer in the military. I know he has been on tour this year, but I thought it primarily involved 100 seat theatres in the backs of nursing homes. James says that he needs some time for himself. You know, because the demands on a guy who has not had a hit in almost a decade must be overwhelming.


  1. yes, it seems his 15 minutes expired a few years ago.

  2. One down, hundreds more to go. Maybe then quality music will make a comeback.

  3. I cannot for the life of me figure out how this song was ever a hit.

  4. There are certain things you can count on at this blog, and ENT hating James Blunt is one of these. I am fine with this.

  5. Sounds like he landed a sugar mama whale and can coast now.

  6. 'When she thought up that I should be with you' is one of the most poorly constructed song lyrics ever. Won't miss him at all.

  7. How do you retire on one song? Is this chick rich?

  8. ooh Enty you're super snarky and I love it!

  9. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Just because he wasn't successful in America, doesn't mean he wasn't/isn't successful. His 3 albums have sold close to 20 million and he debut was the #1 album in the UK for the 00's decade.

    And really, how much money does someone have to make before they can retire on it? If you spend it on drugs and cars and houses and like it's water then you better keep working but if you just want a nice comfortable life, doing work for veterans (like he does) then I think that's a lesson more people should learn.

  10. Did he have some plastic surgery? He sure looks different.

  11. Up until probably two years ago I was convinced that the person who sang "Your Beautiful" was a woman and I was listening to a tale of sad, lost lesbian love.

  12. Raise your hand if the song is in your head.

    1. *raises hand*


    2. *reluctantly raises hand*

    3. Hand raised.. anytime I see his picture the song plays n my head...

  13. @ingrid
    Why does Enty dislike James Blunt? I vaguely remember a blind about a one-hit wonder being a tool (with Blunt being the popular guess) but I don't recall anything else about it

    1. @sunny I think it's bc he was overheard saying he only wrote the song to get laid.

    2. Not to be a shit, but isn't that exactly why most teenage dudes start their own bands? Why hate on this Jack McBrayer - looking mofo for his honesty?

      (seriously they could be twins, right?)

  14. I'm sure James Blunt is a lovely person, but man I hated that song.

    1. @NernersHuman: I think exactly the opposite (but it really doesn't t matter a single bit)

  15. Anonymous11:27 AM

    He looks like Le Chiffre from Casino Royale!

  16. Click the JAMES BLUNT label Sunny, not very favorable at all.

  17. Wow. Look at his lady's body language. Someone rescue her.

  18. Whiny voices drive me nuts. Like the popular voice these days on commercials ("you are exactly one of a kind" blah blah playskool something or other. She did a pet food commercial too)
    So really, if he's retiring at least that's one out of the pool.

  19. BI tour bus one hit wonder revealed. And I thought it was Howie Day..

  20. Played a gig near me once. Refused to go on stage unless he'd had a couple of joints before. This in a country that has the death penalty for smuggling.

    Utter, utter wanker. He's done well and will live off that one song, cos despite being quite smart, there's nothing else he could do.

  21. Hahaha SingBlue, reminds me of the Rembrandts. They were playing a chili cookoff in my town right when the show Friends took off. Before the cookoff they were interviewed and asked how they felt about the show making them famous. The lead singer said that the SONG made the show famous and then they refused to play because they didn't appreciate being disrespected.
    (They weren't missed and the chili was delicious)

  22. For the record, I am a former military officer and I often date supermodels.

    Granted, Bar Rafaeli doesn't know we're dating yet... but she will... she will.

  23. @ingrid, kats and others

  24. Oh, this is Enty just being Enty. When some washed out star says he/she is retiring, Enty will always throw a tantrum about that. It's nothing new.

  25. And now after trying to remember You re Beautiful, I ve "baby, that a just the way it is baby" from The Rembrandts in my head. Cheese in my head :-/

  26. Ugh...this guy again? IDGAF...

  27. Anonymous1:40 PM

    You're la laaaaaaa.... la laaaa. ir-rel-e-vaaaant...iiittt's true!!!!!

    1. Snarkarella: hahahahahaha! Now I will forever sing those words in my head when that dreadful song comes on. Excellent!

  28. I care not a jot.
    He's a big stupid talentless twatt!

  29. I thought he had retired...

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  31. I would kill to figure out what you just typed.

  32. I still like his songs 1973, Same Mistake, and Carry You Home, from his subsequent album. He's not the first musician to be self-absorbed. Won't be the last. Too bad.

    And Katie, the tour bus Blind IS Howie Day. James Blunt has other blinds, including (allegedly) initially telling famous women he wanted to "meet" that he wrote the song Beautiful with them in mind....

  33. James Blunt is wildly popular in the UK. Just because it's not on the top charts here doesn't mean it's not successful. Also, he has a charity he runs with his family that brings in a lot on donations and support. Think outside the friggin box.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. oooh so many fanboys with their knickers in a knot!

    hate to break your guitar strumming hearts but this blog is about SNARKING on celebs.

    Maybe Popsugar is more your speed?

  36. "Fanboys"? Can you not read? There's a difference between being a drunken starlet/idiot talentless actor and someone writing a popular songwriter/singer that you in one sentence hate and in the next bemoan their lack of subsequent success. Seems silly to me.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Not sure how he qualifies as a "One Hit Wonder" there was more than one song off his CD playing on the radio here when he hit it big.

  39. I'm completely obsessed with one hit wonders, I follow a bunch of them on twitter & always wonder how they pay their bills. A lot of them just sit at home all day & occassionally release free songs online that they can't sell because they sampled a beat. That money they made, especially the ones who didnt write their own songs, it ain't gonna last forever
