Jack Osbourne Wants You To Think He Is Important
You know who got married last weekend? Anne Hathaway. Did her guests have to sign anything? Nope. Just the guestbook. Jared Followill got married last weekend. Guests have to sign any legal forms? Nope, just have a good time and hang out. This weekend though Jack Osbourne is getting married. Hmm, now what has he done? Oh yeah, was in a reality show with his parents a decade ago. What has he done since? Had sex with a bunch of women by saying who he is. Somehow though, this entitlement he feels has turned into him requiring all wedding guests to sign non disclosure agreements. You know, because he important and crap and is going to be selling his wedding photos and the story of his wedding because, his mom talked someone into it. I don't care he is getting married. Do you care? Are you going to be watching E! this weekend hoping for a live shot from the wedding and just hoping you will get a glimpse of it? Holy f**k. Just get married. Have a good time and let your guests have a good time. When did getting married turn into how to make a buck? When did getting married require your friends to never talk about the wedding? Get a life.