Thursday, October 18, 2012

It Has Been 78 Days Since Tom Cruise Has Seen Suri Cruise

You would think that with all of the beating and abuse allegations that Tom Cruise has had thrown at him this week which make him look like the worst human being on earth and not a person you would ever want to give any power to, this would be the time to pull out a Suri photo op. Something loving which he could use to parlay into covers for tabloids and make everyone believe he is the good guy people want him to be and not the control freak jerk that he is in reality. It has now been 78 days since Tom saw Suri. That is a long time for a guy with a private jet and a daughter who has "no fixed school schedule," to allow for trips with parents who travel frequently. There was that time last month the pair was supposed to meet but it got canceled at the last minute. Tom has plenty of time to go out every night and has had days off from filming and could take a few extra days if he wanted. Apparently he doesn't want to though. Or at least not to see Suri. Whenever someone tries to tell you that Scientology doesn't screw with families, you can mention this.


  1. Thanks for bringing back dorky old man sneakers Tom!

    Makes me laugh every time.

  2. What allegations of abuse? Haven't heard that.

  3. "beating and abuse allegations that Tom Cruise has had thrown at him this week" - did I miss something?

  4. I'm actually very surprised. I didn't think Tom would let himself be separated from Suri, Co$ or not. Huh.

  5. Yeah you guys missed out this week - head over to Celebitchy and check out their headlines from last two days.

  6. "No set school schedule"? She's going to school. She has a set schedule. Do you think that kids can just go to school when they feel like it?

  7. Good grief leave him alone. No one knows what role Katie or CO$ has played in allowing him to see his daughter.

    1. True...there are two sides to every story. That said, being someone from a broken home, if he really cared he would do whatever it took to see his daughter.

  8. Huh, he can't see her - she is an SP!!!!

  9. She's better off without the distraction of Tom Cruise

  10. whocaresnow12 - she goes to a special rich kids school with franchises(?) all over the world that doesn't have a set schedule. It's specially designed for uber rich parents who are frequently traveling so they can take their kids with them and they can go to the other schools, and not be disrupted.

    So in theory, if Katie or Tom wanted to have her with them while they were filming a movie somewhere for several months, or even a couple days, it would totally doable.

    No excuse Tom.

  11. @whocaresnow, her school basically allows parents to take them out when necessary for travel--she still has to show up normally and within set school hours when they aren't traveling.

  12. Fuck Scientology and every other mind fuck control cult.

  13. Li'l Tommy can't see her for two reasons:

    1. Since Katie is making sure she will never be a $cientologist, Li'l Tommy has no use for her.
    2. Since Katie is now a SP [suppressive person] to $cientology, the rules are he can't see her, even though the rules have previously always been bent for the celebs that $cientology has trapped into belonging.
    Maybe Miscavige is fed up with Li'l Tommy?

  14. He could fly in on a weekend and see her. I'm sure both parents have enough handlers so that theyb don't have to see each other.

  15. It's interesting to watch this play out. I really thought Tom might break away from the cult to see Suri.
    Unfortunately, Tom is addicted to the feeling of power he has through Scientology. I hope it's all worth it to him.

  16. Anonymous8:38 AM

    My husband often went six months without seeing his santanic spawn. Im just prayong she marries someone in new zeland who forces.her to move there.and cannot afford for them to fly to the usa more than once every five years.for.a max of three days. I can always hope.and pray.

    1. Wow that's pretty harsh. Do you have kids? Would you like them to be referred to as satanic spawn?

    2. Seriously, Kimberly? What the fuck is wrong with you?

    3. The way my kids (according to them) act when they are with my ex (their dad) has his current wife thinking they are horrible. As hard as it is to imagine, the history between your husband and his child might not be exactly what you have been told. My kids are all honor roll, with perfect marks for behavior. But the history they have with their father is very unhealthy and their actions when they are with him reflect that. Hopefully your husband will continue to be the good person you now know him to be, FOR YOU. Kids only know what we tell them or what they expetience. It's not their fault. And I realize it's not yours either. Lots of history before you arrived on scene.

  17. Who would ever say Scientology doesn't screw with families? I don't think i will need this bit of info to ever argue that point. The only people that would say that are scientologists and I never plan on having a conversation with any of those freaks, but thanks for the tip, Enty. LOL

  18. The info Enty is referring to regarding abuse allegations is coming from "The Scientology Reformation: What Every Scientologist Should Know": by Mark 'marty' Rathbun (Author). If you have Kindle Prime you can "borrow" it on your Kindle device. It was out on 10/11/2012.

  19. Im truly surprised at this. Of course he cld see her whenever he wants. Mb he skypes with her every day which i do with my far away living granddaughter. We talk, tell stories, she shows me her artwork, her room, we read, look at homework, she shows me karate and katest dance moves- the point iz it can be very satisfying like a visit- if thats what he is doing. If not, im truly at a loss to explain his absence. If it is cos crap, he really is an idiot. But he had no problem seperating older kids from nicole, so m. He now has no prob seperating himself from Suri. Anyway, back here on earth now, i think suri is coming along.

  20. Suri's Ariel costume gets a huge F-. She didn't commit and wear a red wig.

  21. auntliddy - thats fine for people who cannot travel frequently, but that is not Tom's case, and for someone who cares so much about the press, his not taking the time to see her in person is quite shocking.
    For the rest of you, the abuse allegations were not about Suri but his staff.
    This guy is a loser - i don't care how much money he makes.

    1. Agree. Only other thing i can think of is he's staying away so as not to have paps all up in her grill. If nit, he's really a cipher.

  22. Barbra Walters said she doesn't believe any of this hype about Scientology - well maybe she will now.

  23. Tom can fly in on the weekend and see Suri. I am sure Tom and Katie have enough handlers to make the transition so they wouldn't have to see each other. Geez Tom, grow a pair!

    When my parents divorced, I didn't see my dad 8 months an he lived in the same town, his excuse was that he didn't want to deal with my mother.

  24. This photo really shows what a teeny tiny little man he is. Suri is almost his height! I'm still outraged that he's playing Jack Reacher. That's some serious delusional shit.

  25. Sadly this is pretty common. Not all but most men insist they will ve just as involved and be there for their kids. Skype and phone calls are not the same as time with your child. He has the resources to come and see her in person. A nanny could bring her down so there is no tension in front of child. Most non custodial parents don't have the resources he does. But their involvement in their childs life shows what is important to them.

  26. Just to be contrary...maybe Katie won't let him see Suri? That's been known to happen with divorced people when abuse (emotional or physical or others) is present.

    If Tom controlled her as much as everyone thinks he did, maybe now she's trying to control everything--including access to Suri. She has sole custody, after all.

    Just a thought.

  27. I don't see a downside to this.

  28. I'm just a stepmommy and I can't even imagine going that long without seeing the boys. I miss them just in the few days between visits!

    So my question to Tom is - What's up with that?

  29. lol @connie151.

    while tc might not be the best, most present, etc father... he's probably a lot better than some of the other scum that i see running around my town.

    i agree that maybe co$ has something to do with it.

  30. Doesn't anyone think that this is the beginning of the Scientology ban on Tom not being around non Scientology family members? Katie won the kid unlike Nicole and now they won't see Tom again. Doesn't that make sense to anyone?

  31. IN his defense, isn't he filming a movie in Iceland? Not exactly a place where the kid can just have her mother drop her off.

    That said, does this surprise anyone? Has anyone ever had a nice thing to say about Tom Cruise that wasn't being paid to say nice things? I know someone that worked for him way back when he bought the other kids. Basically every story you ever heard about him is basically true. He is not a nice person, or very bright.

  32. ^Scientology aside, I have always heard from people that work with him that he is super kind, super polite, and super friendly.

    In this whole mess, I think it has to do with Scientology and the fact that Katie has major dirt on him about Suri. It's interesting. I hope Suri is not messed up by all this.

  33. In the age of Skype, I am sure these 2 see each other daily. Tom throws himself into character and Suri is learning a new world right now. Perhaps he is being a resonsible parent and letting his daughter adjust into her new school and friends before he comes around publicly. Who is to say they haven't snuck in some time to see each other privately? There are ways.

  34. Tom Cruise is a fake human

  35. @Discoflux, I have to say, I love you for being that kind of a step-mommy! Growing up with a step-father that is less than pleasant, it makes me so happy to see step-parents who consider themselves "parents".

    1. I agree! I can only hope my ex meets a woman who will feel that way about my son! It's very nice to hear unlike psycho stepmom up thread

    2. I agree! I can only hope my ex meets a woman who will feel that way about my son! It's very nice to hear unlike psycho stepmom up thread

  36. Awww.. Thank you, CanadianMiss. You made me get misty eyed. My perspective on it is that I'm here to give them all the love and support and guidance that I can but the major parenting decisions are up to Mr. Disco and their mother. I am here to support the parenting track they decide to go down. Unless, of course, I feel it's detrimental.

    There are times when I feel kind of minimized because I can't go do things like go to the scout meetings or school events that their mother attends (she's a teacher at their elementary school so... all of them) quite yet but sometimes it just takes a while for mommy and stepmommy to be cool and I have to cry through it and keep moving forward. Being a stepparent is very heard when you really, really love the kids and I'm really, really sorry you had a such a craptastic stepfather who didn't put up the effort to try.

  37. *very hard - It certainly isn't very heard. lol

  38. I called this a long time ago. I knew he would ditch Suri was the whole contract was up.

  39. @disco
    Are you still reading this thread?

  40. Disco, you're a good one really! I see what my brother in law goes thru with his new wife and his son. Granted she's in her early 20s and never had anything to with kids but she gets upset about how often he stays with them which is every other weekend. I'm happily married and I pray to stay this way because it makes me scared about my kids having a stepmother. I know plenty of nice ones too but many not so nice :/

  41. @Sean: The flight time from Reykjavik to New York is 5.5 hours.
    Tommy has a private jet & could easily sleep on a real bed on the plane each way.
    I seriously doubt if he's filming on the weekends there.
    He has time & as the star of the film & the most bankable actor around, the producers will bend over backwards to give him a weekend with his daughter, with the added bonus that every article about Tom & Suri will include the movie's title, which is PR you can't buy!

  42. How do we know they aren't actually visiting? I bet they are, they're just not showing off for the paps.

  43. I just came back to check it, Sunny.

  44. @disco
    I will delete comment after you reply (if you reply)
    Ice cream at 11:30 at night? Anything you want to share? :)

  45. Hahahahaha! If you're asking if I'm growing a baby disco, that would be a no. But thanks for asking. ;-)

  46. Damn! That is the first time my baby detective skills have failed me. And I was thinking it before the ice cream remark. When you said that, I got a little too excited :)

  47. Sorry to disappoint, love. Should my womb ever become ocupado, I promise I'll share the news.

  48. And thanks to everyone for the kind words. I appreciate them more than you know.
