Wednesday, October 31, 2012

George Wendt Hospitalized With Chest Pains

George Wendt had to drop out of the Chicago production of The Odd Couple after being admitted to the hospital for chest pains. George, who most of you remember from playing Norm on Cheers, and me for starring as Fat Sam in Fletch which I saw 463 times has been busy lately. He has a new beer drinking guide out and has been everywhere promoting it. He really should be careful. he is way older than he was when he starred on Cheers, but appears to be the same weight and the body just can't handle it. He is 64 years old now and was set to star alongside Tim Kazurinsky in the production. That is an old 80's SNL name. He was one of the very few guys that could make Eddie Murphy lose it during the show.


  1. Loved Tim Kazurinski! I'm glad he's still out there.

  2. NORM!!! (had to do it) Poor George - hope he is feeling better - I actually thought he had lost weight. His face looks it but may be just age?

  3. I loved Tim Kazurinski too! I too am glad he's still kicking!

    Get better, Sir Wendt.

  4. I loved Tim Kazurinski too! I wondered what happened to him.

  5. Had no idea Tim was still around. He was an odd duck, and cracked me up.

    Norm looks so different! Haven't seen him in years. Get better soon.

  6. Ryan? Are you there? It's time.

  7. Sending good wishes to George for good health. He made me smile many times on Cheers.

  8. get well soonest!!

  9. RYAN!!! Where are you?? Finally George Wendt gets a story and Ryan's not here!

    Oh, and Fletch is friggin' awesome. I use the name John Cocktoasten all the time.

  10. Anonymous9:20 AM


    Feel better George......

  11. Tim Kazurinsky is in an early episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, "The Nanny from Hell," as a restaurant investor whose son has a giant penis.

  12. Ha ha chopchop I thought about Ryan too! Where is he...

    George does look slightly different in the face, it wouldn't surprise me if maybe he's had his eyes done or something.

  13. Tim is an acquaintance of mine--we live in the same town and have several mutual friends. I used to love running into him in the grocery store but I haven't seen him for ages. FYI, he really is a sweetheart and all-round good guy. Hope George is ok!

  14. I loved George Wendt on Cheers.

    Hope he comes through this ok!

  15. I thought of Ryan when I saw he was starring on Broadway. :)

    Sad he's having health problems. It looks like he's lost weight to me.
