Monday, October 01, 2012

George Michael Headed To Rehab - Cancels Shows

George Michael has announced that he is canceling all of his Australia shows for November and December so he can get treatment. He says it is for anxiety. Uh huh. He also says it is related to his almost near death experience in Vienna last year which was at the time also considered to be "anxiety." He sure does have a lot of anxiety for a guy who smoked so much pot in his lifetime. I think it is great that George is getting help and I think he is actually getting close to getting this thing manageable.


  1. What a shame! I thought he had finally gotten rid of his demons and found love.

  2. He must be a mess if he's cancelling shows here. He loves Sydney. always has a gay old time here....

    Get well George. Remember the t-shirt you used to wear?

    Choose Life.

  3. i feel bad for him

  4. Sending love and healing thoughts.

  5. Oh astro, I feel you may have a story there :-).

    I will always and forever love me some George Michael. I hope he finds the peace he's seeking.

  6. He truly seems like a tortured soul...

  7. After those photos came out of him seeming extremely gaunt on vacation I assumed he was very ill and suffering from contracting AIDS, not stereotyping here, he just seemed very, very ill. This could be another coverup for his illness.

  8. I found him soooo sexy at the Olympics. I want him to be ok!

  9. I remember reading that the pneumonia scared him so badly that he gave up smoking pot, entirely. If he was using pot to self medicate to control an anxiety disorder it would only make sense that he is having some serious issues.
    He most likely was so dependent on the pot to be his coping skill that without it the anxiety would become unmanageable.

    Or it could be something else entirely.

    But my girlhood crush needs to believe it is the anxiety.

  10. Pot can cause anxiety and paranoia.

  11. Love George and wish him health. I hope he gets the treatment he needs. Such a talented man.

  12. Just told a George Michael story last week....still love the song Father Figure, although now that I'm older, it probably doesn't mean what I originally thought it meant.

  13. Oh George get well! I don't want to see yet another one of my childhood idols die.

  14. Best wishes for health and happiness and peace of mind.

  15. I love him! Hope he is on the road to healing.

  16. He's so talented. I hope he gets well and starts singing his ass off.

  17. I agree with others--please get well George.

  18. I find Enty's constant insinuation that he has AIDs bothersome. Leave him be.

  19. I will think positive thoughts and be glad that he's choosing treatment and that is a good road to be on.

    Rooting for you!

  20. Astro? Hmmm? A little story to share?

    Georgie Pie is still my greatest living crush. You start to see life differently after a health scare. I hope he gets all the care he needs for mind, body, and soul!

    Love you George!

  21. yes, anxiety and whats the other one, low self esteem i think. usually something like "i self medicate, as MANY people do, to help with my pain".

    why can't anyone be honest and say, "i'm drug using whore and i'm tried of flushing my life down the toilet?"

  22. Oh dear. We're not getting a lot of love down under. I think Madonna just cancelled the Australian leg of her tour too :(
