Four For Friday
Friday time so announcement time. Just the usual. I will be posting all weekend and will be revealing some blind items tomorrow. Follow me on Twitter @entylawyer for things you don't see here.
#1 - This A list female singer seems strait laced and quiet, but she is considered to be a freak in the sheets and has totally freaked out her new boyfriend.
#2 - What fairly newly married A list television star with multiple kids and a crazy ex-wife is already cheating on his new wife. With an associate producer on his latest show. Oh, and the producer happens to be male.
#3 - What former B list movie actress who has had one fail after the other lately including a canceled television show still has almost A list name recognition. She spent an entire flight from NYC to LA headed to the bathroom every 15 minutes for 30 seconds a time. Probably explains how she is freakishly skinny.
#4 - This former A list tweener wants the world to think she is pregnant so she can be on the cover of a tabloid. It is her life's dream to be on the cover of a tabloid all to herself. She has not managed it so far except for one very painful incident she doesn't like to talk about.
#5 - What former B list television actress who now makes her living it appears from reality shows and get rich quick schemes got wasted out of her mind and led her boyfriend around by the balls and then tried to lead another man around by the balls. She then said this is just like when I hang out with ____________. Her A list actor bestie.