Four For Friday - The Most Stubborn Wife In The World
It's Friday Friday. Not just regular Friday, but Friday Friday. Now I want Pizza Pizza. Three day weekend for those of you with government jobs or in the education industry or who work in a bank. Columbus Day is not the premiere holiday of the year. Hopefully you get it off. I will be here of course. For my Canadian friends it is your Thanksgiving Day weekend so I hope you and yours have a wonderful time and get stuffed on turkey and other goodies while spending some great time with your friends and family and watching replays of hockey from last year. Stay very safe and if you get bored at all, I will be here. Tomorrow will be some reveals as I do every Saturday and we are more than halfway to January 1st and what promises to be the most reveals ever. I am hoping for 100 which would be an all-time record. Anyway, feel free to follow me on Twitter. I am @entylawyer
Full disclosure on this one. This former almost A list movie and television actress who is now a B who generally makes really bad movies that are almost unwatchable is a friend of sorts so this might be slightly biased in her direction. And when I say friend, I mean someone who I have got drunk with so once you get drunk with me you are a friend for life. Needless to say I have lots of friends. She can hold her liquor too. She is still tiny, but wow can she drink. She does not always look tiny in photos. She can look kind of average or even curvy, but she is still small. Used to be a chain smoker too. One night when we got drunk it had to be outside because she kept getting up every two minutes to smoke anyway so might as well just go outside. She was a big enough star at the time that the establishment set up a table and five chairs outside and made it part of the restaurant so everyone could drink out there. Anyway, I digress. She is married now. Kids, the whole nine yards. To put things bluntly, he cheats. A lot. Almost everyday. Different people all the time. He is probably a B list celebrity himself, but no one knows who he is. They know his name but not usually his face. His fans know him though and throw themselves at him on a regular basis. His wife knows they do it, but she is committed to being a wife and figures he is getting it out of his system. She thinks marriage is forever despite what the husband does. This does not mean she has sex with her husband, because she doesn't. She is scared of what she might catch. She does not even sleep in the same room with him. But no divorce. Not going to happen. He could leave her, but she is not going to make the first move. Unless he gets caught. He has got caught twice. Both times he was snapped while doing what he does and was busted. The people with the celebrity managed to get the photos both times. Now he does his cheating away from any possible cameras. Our actress ignores her husband and says he is good inside and that he will change, but all he does is make our actress look stupid and foolish. Everyone knows he is cheating and everyone wishes the actress would just wise up and leave him.