Tuesday, October 02, 2012

Fiona Apple Is On The Edge

Last week, Fiona Apple gave an impromptu speech about how she was treated illegally while she was in jail. This past weekend, Fiona decided that she hated all tabloids, specifically TMZ and Perez Hilton because they could not stop commenting about how old she looked and that she looked 90 and how Perez had hired experts to determine that she is really sick. Fiona swears she is not on drugs. Umm, are hash and pot drugs? Last I checked they were. In her latest speech she does say she had some bourbon before coming out to perform. That is not exactly a wine spritzer. If you are drinking straight bourbon you are up in my league of drinking. Combine that with some drugs and you are probably not doing well. I think it is admirable she has not had a facelift, but I also think people who have not ever seen her probably think she is ill. The thing is, she did look exactly the same nine years ago which is why everyone thought she was on heroin before.


  1. Funny, didn't pay much attention to her then and still don't now.

  2. Quit associating cannabis as the bad shit, Enty! I get it, the post was about Fiona (a personal hero of mine, for her musical genius and because she's also a sexual abuse survivor), but all I took away is that you're an elitist who has a hard time differentiating between dangerous and non dangerous substances. You go ON and ON about your excessive drinking, but always seem to insist that cannabis is a "drug" and that it is bad for you and an indication of addiction. I don't mean to get too preachy, friendo, but you've got a seriously skewed opinion of the matter, and it's clearly influenced by this silly, propaganda-perpetuated idea that cannabis is dangerous. Wake up. Get your head out of your ass. Cannabis, alcohol, and tobacco should all be legal, yet one of them is associated with hard drugs and is even classified by the government as a schedule 1 drug, which puts it in the ranks of heroin. By their logic, meth and cocaine are considered more useful and less of a threat. Enty, you're disappointing me with this bullshit.

  3. Can't believe a PLANT is illegal. Free Fiona!!

  4. Em!!!!!!!!
    Thank you!

  5. Anonymous6:14 AM

    @Em Cue Em,

  6. She always looks really malnourished to me.

  7. I'm not a pot smoker, but I agree with all of you. To me, the chemicals added to cigarettes make them a hell of a lot more dangerous than weed.

  8. I believe that pot should be legal for adult use, but I also caution people that regulating their mood with marijuana is generally a mistake. it can make people a little brittle and lacking in coping skills, and prone to public meltdowns.

  9. I'm not a smoker and I don't judge those that do, but I do know people that are addicted to cannabis...big time.

  10. I'm not sure she is hurting anyone. She hates Perez Hilton so that indicates a healthy mental state. Love her music. Hope she is well but think she should switch to coffee and bacon for awhile.

  11. Jesus Christ, nicotine and caffeine are "drugs" too. Let's get off the "all drugs are bad, man" attitude and let grown adults use what they want responsibly.

  12. I love Fiona. Just sayin.

  13. @Audrey - I'm pretty sure that Saved by the Bell taught ALL of us the dangers of caffeine :)

    I'm so excited... I'm so... scared.

    1. A Very Special episode at that!

  14. @shauniebear - You don't know anyone addicted to weed. You obviously know people who are psychologically dependent, but that is weakness, NOT addiction. There are no physical symptoms associated with disuse of marijuana. Your friends or whatever could stop smoking at any time. They just don't want to. Watch someone try to get off coke. That's addiction, and it's horrid.

    1. And try watching an alcoholic dry out too. People can die from alcohol withdrawal. It is worse than even heoin withdrawal and I have firsthand knowledge of that, not pretty. But I have been of the smack for 8 years now.

    2. Sorry I was typing way too fast! I meant to say *heroin* withdrawal and that I have been *OFF* the junk for 8 yrs.

  15. @ Cathy - Actually, I never watched the show. I think I was in college and was too busy imbibing in other drugs. ;) That said, caffeine and me are NOT friends, it turns me into a rage monster.

  16. Um, whatever your personal feeling about pot, it IS a drug. Maybe a relatively benign drug (although recent studies indicate that in teen users, it can permanently lower IQ.), but a drug nonetheless. Enty is pointing out that she claimed she doesn't use drugs. Again, pot IS a drug, ergo, she IS a drug user.

    And before the tokers amongst us jump all over my shit, I am of the opinion that pot should be legal for adults.

  17. Oh, boo hoo. Fiona. I love your music, but whining about being arrested for doing something illegal is obnoxious.

  18. And don't fool yourself, a psychological dependence or "behavioral addiction" can be every bit as severe and difficult to recover from as a physiological addiction...sometimes much more so.

  19. Love her music, but she seemed a little off in the last interview I saw of her. Maybe she doesn't handle them well but seemed like she was on something. Can't say I blame her for trashing TMZ and Perez if they said she looks old.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Nothing to do with this video, but some time ago my wife and I were watching "House Hunters" on HGTV and they had an episode set in Britain or Australia or someplace - I forget the details now. They had a couple on looking for a place and the woman's name was Fiona. However the real estate agent had a strong British accent and kept calling her "Fioner" and my wife and I just about died laughing. Every now and then one of us will remember that and we'll start laughing all over again.

    1. There's an island off the coast of Tasmania named Maria Island. Before going we were told it wasn't pronounced Maria like Santa Maria, it was pronounced Mariah. However, they didn't even pronounce it like that, they pronounced it like Mariaher, so we had a lot of fun with that too. We kept singing Fantasy Remix and replaced it with "me and mariaher..."

    2. @AndrewBW there is a name for that, though I can't remember what is is. Any word that ends with a vowel gets that treatment. I've been watching BBAU this season, and it drives me NUTS when they call Layla "Layler" and Ava "Aver." I couldn't handle living in a place where that is the norm.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Lola, I agree that marijuana is problematic -- but law enforcement interdiction has virtually no positive effect in this area. I also think that it is possible for some people to smoke marijuana occasionally without trouble, as long as it doesn't become a crutch or an emotional regulation thing or a way to "stop thoughts" or kill unpleasant feelings. Thus, I support full legalization for adults, in spite of my misgivings about what happens when someone is stoned every day.

    1. Totally on board with everything you've said.

      I was just pointing out that some people can become psychologically addicted to pot (and other non-physically addicting drugs) and breaking that psychological addiction can, at times be every bit as difficult as breaking a physical addiction (albeit in a different regard). I have seen people so psychologically addicted that they contemplate suicide when they are forced to go without.

  24. Hey Barton, I just looked at your profile and LOL when I read your hobby as trash talking!!! Tell it like it is - your my brother from another mother:)

  25. Love her music, it defined my teenage years, but man she is a kook!

  26. Alcohol is WAY worse than weed. How many filies has pot destroyed? How many accidental deaths? Just saying. Pot is the lesser of two evils, and why it is the one that is illegal will never make sense to me.

  27. Drinking straight bourbon doesn't mean you have a problem. It means you have good taste!!

  28. "I had a drug problem, so that means everyone else will!!!"

    No, no it doesn't. It means you had a problem BEFORE drugs and that's how it manifested. Please stop projecting your own experiences as the norm when it comes to weed. Some of the biggest potheads I know have quit cold turkey, no problem, for several reasons.

    1. Jax, I don't know if you're talking to me, but I for one never said that people becoming addicted is the norm for weed (nor have I ever had a drug problem). However, to deny the damage that any drug (including pot and alcohol) can do in certain situations, and for certain people, is to deny the truth.

      As with all drugs, some people can use every day for years and just decide to quit...and do it. Another person, with the same use patterns, whether for physical or psychological reasons (or a combination of the two), can't ever really escape their addictions, no matter how hard they try.

      No drug is completely benign. Nonetheless, adults should decide for themselves if they want to use (as long as they are not adversely affecting others).

  29. I just saw Fiona Apple in concert Sunday. She didn't make any big speeches about the man or the media. She is too skinny but I think it's tied to her sexual abuse. She has a poor body image all you hav to do is read/watch some interviews.

  30. Em, *applauds*

    When I saw her live a couple of weeks ago, it frightened me how skinny she is. I just want her to take care of herself.

    TMZ and Perez make fun of her, which is not the same as caring. I agree with her completely.

    I absolutely adore the woman.

  31. I love her iPhones, I hope she gets her sh&t together. How much did she inherit from Steve Jobs last year? She should take some of that Apple money & go veg out away from it all for a while.

  32. Do I really think that Enty gives a shit about pot? Hell no.

    Comments like the ones Enty made, or when he plays the Devil's Advocate, or whether Enty is or is not a lawyer based apparent lack of legal knowledge in a post —you all realize by now that Enty will blog sometimes ingenuous sounding, outrageous or even inflammatory posts in an effort to stir the pot and cause a posting frenzy which will – WAIT FOR IT – cause more hits which = more $$$ to his site. He's crazy like a fox.

    I'm going to save my post so I can just paste it anytime anyone @ CDaN gets their feathers ruffled. Don't. It's all about the money. And I kind of admire him for it.

  33. @ AndrewBW and @ NotNotIronman - I think you mean "Non-rhotic R".

    Google "Rhotic and non-rhotic accents" - it's really quite fascinating. I think wiki has a page on it, too.

    I'm a rhotic speaker, myself.

  34. I smoke weed every day, several times a day.

    At least once a year, we go overseas on a holiday, for a minimum two weeks at a time.

    During these holidays, I stop smoking when I leave Australia, and take it up again when I get home.

    I never suffer from withdrawal or cravings, whilst on these self enforced breaks..

  35. @Astro: I have an NA classmate whose drug of choice was pot. She has addictive behaviour. They tell us it doesn't matter what the drug is, it's what the behaviour is and some just also happen to pick addictive drugs.

  36. Sherry I always thought I had an addictive personality, but what you say makes perfect sense.

    I can drop things fairly easily, even cigarettes weren't too bad to quit, I didn't need patches or any medical assistance.

  37. Hasn't Fiona Apple always been a bit odd? She's no stranger to controversy, that's for sure.

  38. I've said this somewhere else on this site, but I believe no one REALLY cares about pot, but you have to draw the legal/illegal line somewhere, and as people are always going to push against the line you gotta put the line somewhere you don't reeeeally care about.

    I saw a show about some prison in the US where te super nasties went, and to combat people smuggling in pot they banned tobacco. No one gives a rats about tobacco, but as soon as they banned it the smuggling changed to tobacco rather than pot which solved the problem.

    You want your kid home by 12 or you'll stress? Make their curfew 10 cos at some stage they WILL break it... But even if they're 2 hours late they're still home at a time YOU are comfortable with.

    I mean, I know making pot illegal hasn't stopped certain groups/people doing harder drugs, but I'll bet it has helped in other groups. I for one don't do anything harder.
