Monday, October 15, 2012

Fashion Star Shut Down By Picketers

You would think that after the ratings disaster that Fashion Star was last year that it would not be renewed this year. The problem is that despite it being a ratings disaster, it is a cash cow for NBC. It is one big commercial and the companies involved more than pay for the budget and are thrilled to have people coming into their stores after each episode. The network is making so much money off the show that IATSE, which covers a lot of the workers on the show wants the show to go union and not just hire its employees and not provide them with health insurance and pension contributions. So, about 70 members of the the union picketed outside the studio and shut down filming. The studio audience were sent home and Jessica Simpson could stop shooting daggers at Nicole Richie for a while after Nicole's new Macy's gig which really, really, really ticks Jessica off. She hates Nicole cutting into her territory.


  1. omfg.... right to work, please.

  2. Pardon me for the saucy language, but Enty can Suck My Dick for trying to stir up politics every. damned. day. these days...

    I love him, but I think it upsets the happy balance we long-time commenters have here. It makes people fight and call names. Our long-time 'friends' here leave over this stuff. It's tense in general, and it attracts trolls.

    I'm not commenting further on this thread. Sometimes you have to avoid certain threads, for your health.
    I like loving everyone here, I guess is my point. See y'all elsewhere!

  3. Btw, I do remember that I've talked politics on CDAN , but I stopped after just a few times for a reason.
    The fighting.

  4. I think this show is awesome! Can't wait for the 2nd season to air in Australia!

  5. I get drawn into politics every time. I tried posting a response to this but wasn't logged in, and in the ten seconds it took for me to log in, I realized I was turning into a tiresome political grandstander. On the other hand, who wasn't raised to respect picket lines? As Ronald Reagan and Lech Walesa pointed out, only a fascist state would try to ban laborers from organizing. (I know, grandstanding. Can't help it.)

  6. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Why will NBC try to keep this show going, but won't air my beloved Community?!? I'm boycotting NBC until I get my Community back!

    1. it comes back friday doesn't it? but yes damn them for moving it to the chopping block it belongs on thursday just not at 8 when the big bang theory is on

  7. On a more serious note, why, oh why, is Jessica Simpson on a show about fashion?! I do have to say, though, she does look good in this pic (like the strategically placed laptop hiding her belly), but if she were to open her mouth.....
    I would love to go back and ask Nick Lachay (sp?) what their relationship was all about before. Did she used to have smarts? Oh, dear, what am I saying....the coffee hasn't kicked in yet, I'm afraid.

  8. Libby- I totally agree. He's trying to be a pot stirrer. And as right as either side feels they are, you CANNOT win an argument on the Internet. You just end up irritating people who are here to have fun.

    As to the actual article, I wouldn't trust Jessica OR Nicole to tell me what to wear.

  9. I came back to apologize for sounding like a Debbie Downer**, guys. It's just that I clicked on comments, and it had already begun, and I was disappointed in this day's blog again.

    Thanks for putting up with me, guys.

    **I prefer calling myself a "Lydia Crossway" rather than a Debbie D.---I'll give a cookie to anyone who knows who that is! No fair googling!

  10. Jessica has far, FAR more reason to be on this show than Nicole Richie. I watched this show last year and it was PAINFUL to see the zero point zero chemistry betwen the judges. I'm still going to watch it this season though because I like the designer part of it.

  11. @Christina I think delaying Whitney & Community is a good thing. Being on Friday nights would of killed the shows. I think they are going to cancel Animal Practice and Guys with Kids in a few weeks and put Whitney and Community on Wed nights where they belong.

    As for the Unions, good for them they shut own SyFy over Hot Set and Face Off to make them go union. What's fair is fair.

  12. What's fair is fair (that is a term I wish would go away)
    Along with "but it's not fair"
    Life isn't fair.
    Unions can organize and protest if they want.
    But the moment that *fair* gets brought up. I am done.
    If you don't think it's fair go get another job. I was a cook for 7 years sometimes without Insurance, maybe one day off a week, cleaning toilets even though I was a CHEF. That's not fair. But I never complained and I actually didn't mind. As long as I get paid for the services I provide (value for value) I will be happy. If I don't like the conditions of a job I wouldn't complain and get my coworkers to protest. I would change the conditions with hard work.

    The unions have gone overboard, the referees for the football games is a perfect example. Why do they deserve more money? Because its not *fair* football players and coachs make so much more money?

    The day when *its not fair* because a national or global phenomenon is going to be a very scary sad day.

  13. Becomes not because*

  14. Anonymous7:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Jessica's fashions are much less expensive than Nicoles...they di not compete in that area.

  16. I like Nicole better than Jessica. Not sure why.

    @smashbash Good for you. Personally, I would get a job that compensates me fairly.

  17. @Libby-Do you mean Lydia Crosswaithe? If so, some cookies sound great right about now. *Sigh* Now I have cookies on the brain.

  18. Kgirl--It shows up as "Crossway" on the google. But it could be their misspellings, though! I will now google your version.

  19. kgirl--YOU ARE CORRECT, MISS!
    I (and many others on them internets) have been misunderstanding and misspelling her name for YEARS, clearly.
    kgirl, you get ALL my cookies, in perpetuity, for being much smarter than me.

    She and I have a lot in common though. ha

  20. Unions have and do go overboard but if we had none, companies would totally run roughshod over employees; and would pay them a pittance with no insurance or bennies and fire them when they damned well please.

    Hello turn of the century from 1800s to 1900s.

    Right to Work sucks. I live in one of those states.

  21. I don't understand unions but I love the show and hope it gets back on the air. I hate Nicole Ritchie she really comes off as a snobby bitch on the show. I love Jessica and am wearing her underpants right now which are my most comfortable and don't leave VPL under my yoga pants. She was the only "mentor" who had a bond with the contestants last season. John Varvatos is just "there" but they need a man and one with decent street cred.

  22. Just popping in to say how dissapointed I was in this show not encouraging any designs for us plus size girls. They had one lady who it looked like was headed in that direction, but I sought out her clothes online and realized they weren't really plus sized, they just offered an XL!

    sorry, had to do it.

  23. I agree with the above that it does seem there's been some serious pot-stirring here lately. Since the thread last week about what would you say that isn't politically correct, I'm making much more of an effort to steer clear of the traps Enty has been posting.

    Now I'll contradict myself and throw my 2cents in here - unions were important and necessary years and years ago and did some good work in getting laws passed to protect workers. Now, they seem to be more interested in how much money they can get from owners whether or not they deserve the raises. There are good labor laws now that protect workers and I think unions are much less necessary than in the past, and also protect people who NEED to be fired rather than helping their best and brightest (I'm looking at you, teacher's unions).

    As for this show, they've never made one dime off me and they never will. Sounds like it's boring beyond belief.

  24. We have labor laws now. Just sayin'.

  25. Holy cow, SusanB completely read my mind. Do you work in HR Susan? Just curious if you've been a part of Union contract negotiations like I have.

  26. This show shouldn't even be on television anyway. Jessica should be hand stitching me some of her MOTHER EFFING MALIBU SKINNY JEANS.

    That's all she should ever be doing. And I will not let it die! lol I have a hard time finding jeans that fit and both of my pairs are about dead at this point. *sigh*

    Anyway... back to the gossip...

  27. @chasingheaven - nope - just using common sense and reading more than Enty's column! I'm a big history buff, especially 1890-1950.

  28. @discoflux
    Now I want a pair of those jeans!! I just looked at them (discontinued, right??) and they look like the Skinny Hudsons but for a fraction of the price.
    I made the mistake of buying skinny jeans on line from Banana Republic, but they don't have any stretch to them. El Sucko

  29. Unions should never require membership. That's where they get too much power and start acting in the interests of themselves and not in the interests of their members. It is a free society -- we should have the freedom to band together, but also the freedom to choose not to join.

  30. Sunny - Yes, they're discontinued and it makes me sad every time I wash my jeans because I know they're one wash closer to death. They have the perfect amount of stretch and the color of the wash is perfect and the rise was just right. *sigh*

    AND I even got mine at Ross for $15. Score! I'd pay full price for them in a heartbeat, though.

  31. @disco
    You probably already know this, but the Nordstrom seamstress told me to wash my jeans inside out, on cold and to always hang dry so they don't lose their stretch. Viva la Malibu Skinny Jeans

  32. I wonder if Nicole is shooting visual daggers at Jessica for cutting into Nicole's gig at motherhood.

  33. i live in a right to work state and it is awesome. we are getting more work and business all the time.

    meanwhile, california is bankrupt....

    echo @seachica and @susanb
